By the by, Romeo Knight called and said he was better than you back then!1!!

He still is!
Quick update on bugs and shit...
* Broken backgrounds
This is actually my fault! You may have noticed the title screen says "THIS IS FREE". The idea being if some enterprising chap runs off a bunch of carts without permission they probably want to remove or alter that message. So, I implemented a few hidden rom checksum routines dotted around the place. If the checksum fails then it breaks the backgrounds on purpose. Was working fine here but I didn't anticipate that the flash carts might patch the vector base addresses once the ROM is loaded into RAM. Good news is looks like I've fixed this now and I still keep my anti-tamper protection.
* Crash starting game after watching the ending
New ending was writing to ROM, which is RAM on CD and Flash Cart, thus killing the game after. Fixed
* That bloody Shuriken SFX!
This one is probably not fixable. The original game triggers that sound effect on every hit, it's just that the resulting death sound effect on single player hits ends up muting it. On NeoGeo, I'm using all 6 ADPCM-A channels for SFX to allow for multiple sounds at the same time, which is needed because FM and Voice samples are now all played by the same mechanism. Been racking my brain for a hack but can't seem to come up with one.
* Other random crashes
Could well be down to my hiscore saving and other somewhat hacky methods for determining if its an MVS/AES/CD system. To prevent any further issues I've removed hiscore saving and forced changed softdips to just be settings you access from the menu.
New version is in testing with someone how owns ALL the carts! Once all confirmed good I'll get the "final" release out.