Biggest Neo Geo related regrets back in the day :(


Super Spy Agent
20 Year Member
Jan 20, 2002
May well have been done before but too bone idle to check

Mine which still haunts me was way back in 94 in a second hand gaming shop in Leeds in UK

Down in its basement it had a few Neo games in good condition for about £50 each inc a dog tag FF2 and a Euro Windjammers

Well i bought the FF2 which i still have to this day but left the Windjammers for another day well that day never came still gutted need to let it go lol

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Returned my second AES to the shop because it kept randomly resetting. Today I'm positive it had to be a 9v system paired with the incorect 5v adapter. (The first system they gave me had a bad cart slot. I'm almost positive when they gave me the new one they simply swapped the console and did not give me a different power supply.)

Sold a boxed US Gold system on ebay in '99. The box wasn't included in the auction, but the buyer asked if I had it, and I replied yes and sent it with the system at no added cost. Different times.

Not buying Big Tournament Golf NGCD back when prices were sane.
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Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
I got in late to the AES but Metal Slug 4 was just about to come out. When the reviews tanked I thought it wasn’t worth buying and would never be collectable as it wasn’t a real SNK game. Heh.

Oh I’ve also just today spotted a copy of Viewpoint on AES like I used to own is up for £1800 on ebay. I got £170 for mine in 2009. Lame.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Nah I got into it way too late although if I had kept what I bought in 2005 it would have turned a nice little profit.


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
Went to Telegames in around 1996 to buy a new AES game. I had the choice of a Japanese KoF95 or some new game that had just come out but knew nothing about. Obviously after trying the new game I chose 95.

That new game? One of a freshy opened Euro shipping box of something called Kizuna Encounter.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I called SNK USA to order a home cart and asked what they had in stock and whatshername said they had Last Blade which she said was "a game like Samurai Shodown and some new soccer game" but she couldn't remember the name of it. I bought Last Blade of course, the soccer game was Ultimate 11. This was 1998 or so and there was no way to tell that U11 would become so sought after and Last Blade was like $50 cheaper than U11, it also happens to be one of the best games ever made so yeah not really a regret.
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Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Selling all my original collection of AES games back in 2004... I should have just sold the stuff I didn't play. There's no way I'll ever own an original Metal Slug cart again... but I'm hopeful to get X and 3 again at some point - plus Garou, Waku Waku 7 and Ninja Masters.


NEST Puppet
Oct 28, 2018
Obvious one, but not buying Neo Turf Masters AES when it came out. It's my favourite NG game, but I'm never going to pay 15k+ for a copy. Admittedly I didn't even have an AES back then so this is more hindsight than a regret.


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I don't know if I "regret it.", but had to sell the vast majority of my entire first game collection in my mid-20's to make ends meet after college. There really wasn't an alternative save literally being homeless.

That included my AES set which had some zingers. Small collection compared to what I have now, but it was mostly US stock so I suspect my small set of 25 or so games would have been worth more than my 55 Japanese AES set in 2022 value.


Feb 22, 2016
I forget what year it was, but I had the choice of buying Fatal Fury Special or Pulstar for $40. I opted for Fatal Fury Special because it was the last game I needed for a complete Fatal Fury collection. Had no idea at the time Pulstar was worth way more. Once I found out of course it was gone. To make matters worse I saw someone selling that Pulstar for $500 two weeks later.

My other big regret is buying Japanese carts when I had the chance to buy US ones. It would be nice to read the names of the games while they're shelved.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Not to far back but selling off my entire AES collection in 2016. I thought I would be fine with decision and I was for about four years. Then started looking at AES stuff and was really gut punched hard. Without a doubt most regrettable decision I have ever done regarding selling stuff.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I remember selling my Neo to buy a Dreamcast from some store that imported them. I didn't have a huge collection or anything, I had 2 CD pads, a bean controller, King of the Monsters 1, World Heroes 2 and Blues Journey.

I mean, I loved the Dreamcast and still do. But Looking back, Id have slapped myself upside the head for thinking of selling it. I had a few other AES over the years til I made the move to MVS, so it wasn't a super terrible loss.


J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
Returned my second AES to the shop because it kept randomly resetting. Today I'm positive it had to be a 9v system paired with the incorect 5v adapter. (The first system they gave me had a bad cart slot. I'm almost positive when they gave me the new one they simply swapped the console and did not give me a different power supply.)

Sold a boxed US Gold system on ebay in '99. The box wasn't included in the auction, but the buyer asked if I had it, and I replied yes and sent it with the system at no added cost. Different times.

Not buying Big Tournament Golf NGCD back when prices were sane.
I was cleaning paperwork a few years back and in a stack of books I found my Neo Store Neo Turfmasters CD $24.99 purchase receipt.

Not that I buy AES anymore but I wish I had more money at the time (late 90s early 2000s) when prices and availability were better.

I also regret not buying Overtop CD from @16-bit at one of Vanilla Thunder’s get togethers, I think I got a couple of other games from him instead.

My overall video game regret is throwing away NES boxes as a kid, or trading in those games to begin with but that was the only way I could afford Genesis games at the time,
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
You know, instead of regretting not buying games that are now expensive or selling when they were cheap, you might as well sit there and go "man if I had only bought Apple/MS/Tesla/Bitcoin back when it was cheap..." for a better return and less plastic shit around the house.

You did the best you knew how to do with the information you had at the time. No regrets.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
You know, instead of regretting not buying games that are now expensive or selling when they were cheap, you might as well sit there and go "man if I had only bought Apple/MS/Tesla/Bitcoin back when it was cheap..." for a better return and less plastic shit around the house.

You did the best you knew how to do with the information you had at the time. No regrets.
Well, if you're only buying games as investments, then yes.