This video is doing about as well as I'd expected -- Dead last among the last 10 videos posted on Basement Brothers. I was keeping hope that the WWG guest appearance would prop it up, since he has a more popular channel, but apparently it was not to be. I'm really hoping that more people will watch AOF, and especially Samurai Shodown, because if people aren't interested in that, I don't know what we're doing here.
All the same, it's okay. People are watching and giving positive feedback, despite that I wasn't sure in the beginning what to do with this game. I'm proud of what I ended up making, and happy WWG could be a part of it.
I'm getting the occasional (unfortunately now usual) comments from people who are subscribed for my brother's videos who are disappointed or confused, and I could really do without that. One commenter even said they unsubbed because of the video. I think if I could go back, my brother and I might have started separate Youtube channels, since the original Basement Brothers concept, with the three of us regularly making videos with our distinct personalities never came to be.