Trying to Review Every Neo Geo Game on Youtube


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Smart. That's executive thinking. Moe should be taking notes. Could be his ticket out of middle management. Moenagement.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Kinda a dickish response to someone who appreciates your work enough to try and brainstorm ideas to issues you brought up. I won't make that mistake again. Sorry to bother.
Sorry man, I wasn't meaning to be dickish. I just don't have the extra time. I'm tired of going through these same issues with the algorithm and commenters every time I spend a bunch of time working on a video. I suppose the lazy comments from non-regulars are just human nature I guess.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Smart. That's executive thinking. Moe should be taking notes. Could be his ticket out of middle management. Moenagement.

Thanks for the great advice, prof. I appreciate you trying to help me out while taking a break from your busy schedule of sitting home all day spending your wife's money on Jaguar games. :vik:


Super Sidekicks 3
Jul 29, 2023
Sorry man, I wasn't meaning to be dickish. I just don't have the extra time. I'm tired of going through these same issues with the algorithm and commenters every time I spend a bunch of time working on a video. I suppose the lazy comments from non-regulars are just human nature I guess.
I get it. Trust me. I've done my fair share and sometimes people come way out of left field commenting with head-scratching stupidity. It's also demotivating to work on a video for 40 hours and make $1 because the algorithm decides to promote a 15 second kpop kittens licking the screen or Logan Paul being an idiot for the millionth time. On the other hand, the regulars who appreciate hard work can be amazing.


Zero's Secretary
10 Year Member
Dec 1, 2011
Thank you for the videos Neo Alec! Your vids are definitive as far as I’m concerned and I just fucking love ‘em. Don’t lose heart though - 3 Count Bout is no one’s favorite Neo game and was never going to garner much attention.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
This video is doing about as well as I'd expected -- Dead last among the last 10 videos posted on Basement Brothers. I was keeping hope that the WWG guest appearance would prop it up, since he has a more popular channel, but apparently it was not to be. I'm really hoping that more people will watch AOF, and especially Samurai Shodown, because if people aren't interested in that, I don't know what we're doing here.

All the same, it's okay. People are watching and giving positive feedback, despite that I wasn't sure in the beginning what to do with this game. I'm proud of what I ended up making, and happy WWG could be a part of it.

I'm getting the occasional (unfortunately now usual) comments from people who are subscribed for my brother's videos who are disappointed or confused, and I could really do without that. One commenter even said they unsubbed because of the video. I think if I could go back, my brother and I might have started separate Youtube channels, since the original Basement Brothers concept, with the three of us regularly making videos with our distinct personalities never came to be.
People on the internet are also performative and dumb. Pay them no heed. That one commenter can pound sand.

Give yourself some grace on the view count, 3 Count Bout wasn't/isn't a popular game, nor does it have any real mystique to uncover like some of the Japanese only titles. That doesn't take away from it being a great video that more hardcore Neo-Geo fans will still enjoy. It's also only been out a day and may get some momentum in time, almighty YT algorithm willing.

Also, the WWG guest appearance was nice and welcomed. More appearances from others like him can only help, especially if they cross promote on their channels.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I'm really hoping that more people will watch AOF, and especially Samurai Shodown, because if people aren't interested in that, I don't know what we're doing here.
Brother, there's a boy being born now who in 20 years will really like your videos.

I think everyone who has created something has had your same thought. Just trust me when I say what you're doing is a worthy endeavor. Your videos are, IMO, a definitive comprehension of the Neo games in English. They are, and will be, appreciated.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
I loved the Fire Suplex vid, and you did it right…which was unexpected in this case, as you admitted to not being a wrestling fan. I was ready to give a pass if the video missed anything because you aren’t a fan.

You did justice to the fans: people like me, STK, Arcademan, Fami, YungBurnout, Taiso…etc. that love teh rasslin, and geek out over the Easter eggs and homages in this game. The inset pics of Brody and Muta, the video cut to Vader-all good shit pal.

Loves the 100 Mega Shock history too.

I hate YouTube vids for the most part…this series slaps tho. You know your stuff, you care enough to be thorough, you have high production values. 🫡


Amano's Drinking Buddy
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
Alec, the video is excellent - as is all your work. And as others have pointed out, your series is a cornerstone of the Neo's story in 2024 -> beyond. As @Fygee said "people on the internet are performative and dumb" and I'll add to that, "especially YouTube commenters."

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Another great video Alec I thought it was really well done. So much effort goes into to these I can't even imagine the time you spend on each one. I always look forward to them.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
What are some details about Art of Fighting I need to be sure to include?

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
What are some details about Art of Fighting I need to be sure to include?
The second level is a son of a bitch. That fuckin fat dude can drop kick like mule!
Also throw too many hadoukens and Mckullay Caulken’s tits come out!


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Isn't this one of those handful of SNK games where you need to beat everyone without losing to see the "real" last boss? Or is that AoF2?