CRT Fetish Thread

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I don't mind the emulator razor-sharp pixels look of a good upscaler on a modern flatscreen at all. I just keep an old CRT around because I have the space, and like @Catoblepa said, they are the correct display technology for PS2 era and older. I also like not worrying about lag.


Hardened Shock Trooper
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
Speak of the devil... found a genuine Brionvega Doney 12" in a flea market this morning.


Of course, when you look at the back, you see it doesn't make sense for videogames (black and white, RF only? No thanks). TVs with these specs are mostly vintage ornaments at this point, nothing more.


P.S. The leg in the screen is not mine. I have better taste in shoes.


Hardened Shock Trooper
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
Here's one of my good flea market finds, a 14" Grundig Supercolor (model p37-443). I always had a Grundig TV in my home since I was little and the picture quality was always great. This model has a nice design too, reminds me of some Philips monitors of the Amiga era.


This little thing, like any other model of the long-running Supercolor series, pushes color vividness to the extreme. Some say it's almost too vivid (these photos don't nearly do it justice), but I like it. Very sharp focus, deep blacks and super bright image.




Hardened Shock Trooper
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
Are the Mivar brand TVs only 50 hz?? If they do 60, i will set an ebay alert for them!
Since you're interested in this brand, I took a few pics of my best Mivar - though it still needs work. ;) It's a 21" V1E, one of the models from the 80s/90s. Unfortunately it's not the stereo version. Gotta change a couple of capacitors to fix that red&blue line at the top of the screen, and work on trimmers for the geometry and vertical size.



Excellent contrast and super bright, I heard it's typical of this particular series. It's also a very unusual case of a 21" 110 degrees tube, so it's relatively shallow (weighs a ton, though).


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max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Since you're interested in this brand, I took a few pics of my best Mivar - though it still needs work. ;) It's a 21" V1E, one of the models from the 80s/90s. Unfortunately it's not the stereo version. Gotta change a couple of capacitors to fix that red&blue line at the top of the screen, and work on trimmers for the geometry and vertical size.



Excellent contrast and super bright, I heard it's typical of this particular series. It's also a very unusual case of a 21" 110 degrees tube, so it's relatively shallow (weighs a ton, though).


I was searching ebay for Mivar and all the ones i was seeing were 220 Volt 50 Hz only. Is the one you have capable of 60 Hz?


Hardened Shock Trooper
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
I was searching ebay for Mivar and all the ones i was seeing were 220 Volt 50 Hz only. Is the one you have capable of 60 Hz?
It's more complex than I initially tought. In theory, all RGBs (RGB+synch or composite) capable TVs should have both 50 and 60hz. But I've asked a friend who knows a lot about CRTs (he can repair them too) and Mivar in particular, and he told me that some models might struggle doing 60hz well enough: you could have some power issues, not filling the entire screen vertically. In fact, I won't be able to tell if my V1E does 60hz well until I change those capacitors, 'cause the symptoms are quite similar.

Unfortunately it's all on a model to model basis: my friend's got a lot Mivar TVs, and only two models (20M1 and 14M3) had issues with 60hz so far. Of course it's not that bad when you buy them cheap at a flea market, but importing one of these in the USA is a different matter.