Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
True story, my Atari Jaguar caught fire by itself in 2002. My only games console that literally killed itself while being played. It hated its own existence.
Friend gifted me his Jaguar with Tempest 2000 and was happy to get rid of it. Thought it's a good idea to play some psychedelic Tempest when I returned from a party. Was ultra drunk and just used the first psu I found. Fit's great, can still smell the grilled Jaguar. Didn't bother to repair it just bought a new one with some more games. No one wanted it back then and it was dirt cheap. Never sold it because of Tempest 2000.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I gave it a good chance but outside the ports it really, really sucked. At least the 3DO had Super Street Fighter 2 and Need for Speed.
The sad thing is I gave it a chance because I didn't know any better back in the industry's experimental days. I remember really buying into those bogus commercials about it being 64-bit. I couldn't have predicted a company would mishandle the software so badly. I should've looked to Atari's past consoles and I would've known better. There was simply no substitute for quality Japanese developers back then.

Software-wise, the 3DO beats Jaguar by a country mile.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Iron Soldier was kinda fun back when I first played it. But I doubt it would hold up now. I remember playing a lot of Cannon Fodder and Raiden. But both have better ports on different systems.
I got my Jaguar for free in 1998. Telegames had a special deal, order two games, and get a free jaguar. So I ordered two 9.99 pound games in the UK. (Dinodudes and Iron Soldier) . I think they were pretty pissed because they send the games without box. Pretty interestingly my Iron Soldier manual is in Japanese.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
True story, my Atari Jaguar caught fire by itself in 2002. My only games console that literally killed itself while being played. It hated its own existence.

I think I had: Cybermorph, Iron Soldier, Theme Park, Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Tempest 2000, Club Drive, Alien vs Predator and Brutal Football. I gave it a good chance but outside the ports it really, really sucked. At least the 3DO had Super Street Fighter 2 and Need for Speed.

Don't forget the 3DO had Samurai Spirits as well!

Still a shit console.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
I’ve still got my 3DO FZ-10, haven’t played it for decades. Maybe I’ll plug it in this weekend. If it has a shred of dignity left it might catch fire as well.

Telegames had a special deal, order two games, and get a free jaguar. So I ordered two 9.99 pound games in the UK. (Dinodudes and Iron Soldier) .

I’m sorry you got ripped off.

The Immortal John Wankcock loves the Jag. And cock.

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Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I’ve still got my 3DO, haven’t played it for decades. Maybe I’ll plug it in this weekend and hope it catches fire as well.

We can only hope.

BTW... John Wankcock loves anything that makes his collection of tat better than yours.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I’ve still got my 3DO FZ-10, haven’t played it for decades. Maybe I’ll plug it in this weekend. If it has a shred of dignity left it might catch fire as well.

I’m sorry you got ripped off.

The Immortal John Wankcock loves the Jag. And cock.

He isn't going to play any of that. He talks about it, but isn't going to do anything with it. Just like the trannies who complain about videogames and comics but would never read or play any of it.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
This game pack is coming out on steam in a few days! Get psyched! I long ago played what I thought were the good games on each of the consoles included in the pack but I might still buy it to check out the interactive timeline gimmick, interviews, and overall presentation if it's affordable enough.


Galford's Armourer
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
Don't forget the 3DO had Samurai Spirits as well!

Still a shit console.

I always imagined the 3DO port of SS being amazing compared to the MD/SFC/SCD ports. I finally picked up a 3DO about 6 years ago and was so underwhelmed by it, the framerate is pitiful.

I've never owned a Jag but as a sucker for rubbish fighters I've always wanted to try one. My biggest memory of the Jag was Gamefan's almost unending praise for it, along with Dave's review where he sucked Trevor McFur's dick for a solid two pages. Finding out decades later he was high on acid the entire time yet his review still went to print just sums up the whole Gamefan era.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
There was a big department store opposite the place I used to work in the early 90s, they had two large Jaguar kiosks with Cybermorph and Raiden running side by side. Specially the Raiden port caught my attention because I had imported Raiden Trad for Mega Drive just a few months before. The Jaguar port looked better and played very well so I thought about buying a Jag for a while. I was close to shelling out when Tempest 2k came along but then the Neo happened which effectively stopped investment in any other system for a couple of years.

So the Neo saved me from wasting money for one video game system in favour of wasting even more for another. Well done, Kawasaki-san.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
I had a buddy who had a 3DO, so I got to play it when I'd hang out with him. I still love the Wolfenstein port for it...SpaceHulk blew my mind and the AD&D FPS's are pretty damn fun. It's still better than a Jag.

I bought a Jaguar at release like a dumbass because AvP blew my tits off when I played it on a kiosk. Got a buddy to buy one and we played net Doom a ton. I was faithful to that turd of a console up through the PSone era...complete w/CDRom (jesus what a POS)...sold it all off years ago for a song, not even mad about it. Toxic relationship I had with that thing. That said, I'll probably grab this collection for shits and giggles.


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
There's been a billion 2600 compilations over the years, but almost no reissues of games from their other systems. So this is actually pretty exciting to me. I'm in.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Oh, and another someone who had a Jag w/Fight for yor Life or WTF it was called...they sped up the game in the trailer. That game ran at about 5fps, no joke

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
I always imagined the 3DO port of SS being amazing compared to the MD/SFC/SCD ports. I finally picked up a 3DO about 6 years ago and was so underwhelmed by it, the framerate is pitiful.

I've never owned a Jag but as a sucker for rubbish fighters I've always wanted to try one. My biggest memory of the Jag was Gamefan's almost unending praise for it, along with Dave's review where he sucked Trevor McFur's dick for a solid two pages. Finding out decades later he was high on acid the entire time yet his review still went to print just sums up the whole Gamefan era.
Bro... that forum log that HG101 published with the Gamefan writers basically admitting to be fuckup stoners not taking any of it seriously is golden. My favorite story has to be of the Ace Combat placeholder that got Gamefan to lose Japanese advertisers.

it's a HUEG read but it's worth it for anyone that hasn't come across it. As for Trevor McFur, that has to be the earliest videogame that looks like a playable representation of a deviantart account. Yikes.


Galford's Armourer
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
My favorite story has to be of the Ace Combat placeholder that got Gamefan to lose Japanese advertisers.

I remember reading Dave's attempt at an apology the following issue. I didn't know what he was talking about at first due to it being in the sports section, which I always skipped over. Props for the laughable "we've been sabotaged" angle.

Dave had another editorial hitting back at EGM's claims that they sold game copiers in the Diehard shops. I don't know if that's true or not, but it wouldn't be too outlandish to assume they may have sold a few being how entrenched they were into the import scene. However GamePro openly had half and quarter page ads in the back of their magazine for floppy copiers which I guess everyone was OK with.

For anyone that knows, is the version of Fight for Life on this the retail release or the actual finished version?


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I had a buddy who had a 3DO, so I got to play it when I'd hang out with him. I still love the Wolfenstein port for it...SpaceHulk blew my mind and the AD&D FPS's are pretty damn fun. It's still better than a Jag.

I bought a Jaguar at release like a dumbass because AvP blew my tits off when I played it on a kiosk. Got a buddy to buy one and we played net Doom a ton. I was faithful to that turd of a console up through the PSone era...complete w/CDRom (jesus what a POS)...sold it all off years ago for a song, not even mad about it. Toxic relationship I had with that thing. That said, I'll probably grab this collection for shits and giggles.

I enjoyed my 3do, but more in the way of "I bought the system on ebay for $50 as a curiosity" instead of anything I'd seriously try to collect for or put real money into. The Wolfenstein port is fantastic as you say, and I had a good time with Need for Speed, Street Fighter 2, and probably my favorite version of Wing Commander 3.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
I enjoyed my 3do, but more in the way of "I bought the system on ebay for $50 as a curiosity" instead of anything I'd seriously try to collect for or put real money into. The Wolfenstein port is fantastic as you say, and I had a good time with Need for Speed, Street Fighter 2, and probably my favorite version of Wing Commander 3.
It's another system that requires context. At it's release, it was very impressive. Granted not for long, but there was a sweet spot where it was the best you could buy. My buddy was older than me, lived with his parents and had plenty of disposable income so he bought all the new toys/gadgets.

Like plenty of older consoles, it seems like garbage now - but like I said, contextually it was awesome for awhile. That moment before the Playstation came out.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Yeah for 1993 the 3DO had impressive graphics, but it wasn’t that long before the PSX came out.

Jaguar and 32x felt a little behind the 3DO in terms of graphical output imo.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
It could have been worse guys. I bought an Amiga CD³² when I was 12. Imported Simon the Sorcerer and was pretty impressed by the talkie version. Microcosm had good graphics but it wasn't a good game. I liked it back then. Already owned most of the other games like Wing Commander on my Amiga 500. Traded it 2 years later and really regretted buying it.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I always imagined the 3DO port of SS being amazing compared to the MD/SFC/SCD ports. I finally picked up a 3DO about 6 years ago and was so underwhelmed by it, the framerate is pitiful.
SSIII was the first I really played in the series.

And after buying the first SS on MVS, hell I was underwhelmed too.

Guess I had to have been there.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
The 3DO port was great for it's time way better than the SNES & MD ports for example. Peeps considered it "almost" arcade perfect. Off course they were wrong but you need the original version to realize it. You can't return from the original to the 3DO port. It was still the best Neo port for a short time.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
The 3DO port was great for it's time way better than the SNES & MD ports for example. Peeps considered it "almost" arcade perfect. Off course they were wrong but you need the original version to realize it. You can't return from the original to the 3DO port. It was still the best Neo port for a short time.
I had a similar experience with the Sega CD port of Samsho. I had played it for a short while in the arcade and loved it a lot, then the SCD port came out and I played it to hell and back, fully confident that it was very close to the original. Then I bought a homecart system + the game and quickly found out that it probably was the best 16bit port of the game but still far away from the real thing.

I can go back to the SCD version for shits 'n giggles, actually it plays very well and is a great piece of software, all things considered. CD audio also is a bonus.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
The 3DO port was great for it's time way better than the SNES & MD ports for example. Peeps considered it "almost" arcade perfect. Off course they were wrong but you need the original version to realize it. You can't return from the original to the 3DO port. It was still the best Neo port for a short time.
It was as good as us non-Neo owning plebians had for a while. Until I got a real Neo in 2001 the 3do game and the PS1 port of Sam Shodown 3 were probably the best at home SS experience you could have.

Getting a Neo with Sam Shodown 1 and 2 was one of the most fun new toy experiences I ever had.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018
Bought mine in 2006, Samurai Shodown was also my first game. First one doesn't get enough love. Soundtrack alone is awesome.