Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001

50 years already, eh. Going to get me a copy for Xbox, there are a lot of games on there that I've seen before but never really played. Should be decent given that the conversion/porting was done by Digital Eclipse.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
All right cool, but which version of Atari's reanimated corpse is doing this?

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
I was going to make a what no FIGHT FOR LIFE? Joke, but god dam they’ve included it plus a pile of other shitty Jaguar games. Fair play Atari.

I might pick this up, it’s actually a pretty cool collection across all the systems from 2600 to the Jaguar.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
The cool thing about this game pack is that it's one of the first times that there is atari stuff from the 90s, such as Jag and lynx content. It's also cool there will be 5200 and 8-bit content, I don't think that stuff has been re-released before... whatever company that's trying to cash in on atari's legacy is always just releasing 2600 stuff over and over.

I think virtually the entire game pack is stuff that Atari SA holds the IP for. This makes sense from a cost perspective for them, they don't have to license stuff, but it means the library in the game pack is a little anemic. No activision or imagic games that are iconic for the 2600 like PItfall and Atlantis. No Epyx games on the lynx (Epyx originally made the Lynx hardware and sold it to Atari. Many notable lynx titles were made by Epyx, including the pack-in game for the lynx, California Games, and other games that showed the capabilities of the hardware such as Blue Lightning). No Doom/Alien Versus Predator for Jag - which were literally the most popular games for the system... etc. This anniversary pack is a cool idea and unexpected, but its hardly a representation of the good or popular games on the various systems.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
There’s better ways to play Doom these days to be fair. (And personally, I always thought AvP on Jag was boring).

Will there be Clubdrive? That’s another turd classic from my youth I’d like to replay for 10 minutes while stoned.


Robert Garcia's Butler
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
There’s better ways to play Doom these days to be fair. (And personally, I always thought AvP on Jag was boring).

Will there be Clubdrive? That’s another turd classic from my youth I’d like to replay for 10 minutes while stoned.
Yes club drive is included in this game pack.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
There’s better ways to play Doom these days to be fair. (And personally, I always thought AvP on Jag was boring).

Will there be Clubdrive? That’s another turd classic from my youth I’d like to replay for 10 minutes while stoned.
Club Drive is classic Jaguar, I wouldn't choose any other game to represent it.

It was, no pun intended, a car crash - and it sobered us up quickly. Our mood on the way out was despondent, low. We bumped into a distraught and furious Daryl Still, who was fuming from the audience's response. We tried to calm him down, and mentioned that their opinion was sure to change once Club Drive was finished.

"But it is finished," he squeaked, the desperation in his voice impossible to ignore. "That's the finished game!"



Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
Definitely scooping. Lots of good games.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
AvP on Jag was good in the same way that Goldeneye on N64 is an all-time great: there was fuck-all to play on those systems and a segment of the population didn't know PCs existed.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Doom and Wolfenstein on Jag are still fun to play, even if there are better versions out there. Goldeneye is still fun to play. AVP on Jag is a janky mess to play.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
It's amazing that Digital Eclipse have completed Airworld of the Swordquest series. Wonder where the sword and the other prices worth a whooping $150,000 are that were supposed to be given to the winner of a competition to beat each game and solve all the riddles. The dev'ers really put some thought into them and the competition was just mindblowing.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this episode of Angry Video Game Nerd about the 2600 Swordquest series:



Amano's Drinking Buddy
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I'm pretty stoked for this. My earliest gaming memories are from the 2600 and the 800XL computer, but after that my Atari knowledge is considerably lacking. I never had a Jaguar or Lynx, so I'm most interested in those collections as I've literally have never played either (which is kind of surprising now that I say that...).


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Where is the game list?
Tempest 2000 is basically the only game worth owning for the jag.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
True story, my Atari Jaguar caught fire by itself in 2002. My only games console that literally killed itself while being played. It hated its own existence.

I think I had: Cybermorph, Iron Soldier, Theme Park, Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Tempest 2000, Club Drive, Alien vs Predator and Brutal Football. I gave it a good chance but outside the ports it really, really sucked. At least the 3DO had Super Street Fighter 2 and Need for Speed.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Imagine a really really greedy company in the verge of bankruptcy trying to market a bugged, not ready for production console on a minuscule budget, said greed being offputting to most third party developers.

The problem with the Jagwire is Atari being Atari. With a bit more budget and care it could have been mildly successful as a stopgap before the playstation, it would at least have eaten the 3DO's lunch by offering comparable graphics/processing power for a fraction of the cost as a consolation prize.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Imagine a really really greedy company in the verge of bankruptcy trying to market a bugged, not ready for production console on a minuscule budget, said greed being offputting to most third party developers.

The problem with the Jagwire is Atari being Atari. With a bit more budget and care it could have been mildly successful as a stopgap before the playstation, it would at least have eaten the 3DO's lunch by offering comparable graphics/processing power for a fraction of the cost as a consolation prize.

I forgot to say, that article you linked on Club Drive covering Atari Europe was hilarious