Trump Has COVID-19.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
These experimental treatments aren’t given proactively.

Imagine eating lozenges all winter, to never feel a sore throat.

Nobody does that; we get sore throat, then pop the lozenge.

The anti-body cocktail can actually make things *worse* if given at the wrong time.

If the reporting is true, on what he was given so far...those medicines are given when folks are *really* sick.

Time will tell.

*I’m not a physician; however, my wife are many of my close friends. I wish I didn’t know as much about covid treatment arcs as I do.

The Conways' daughter is saying he's lying about feeling better / having recovered. I tend to trust any teenager more than the orange California Raisin.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
I see tons of people saying Trump was lying about being infected, he infected his social circle and tons of whitehouse staff, are they all faking as well?

It's a bit premature for him to be going around doing a victory lap. He just made it through phase one (infection), a majority of people are not even aware that anything happened to them during it and he had to get a medivac to the ICU.

It sounds like he got some of the best medical care and they threw everything at it including the kitchen sink so maybe he beat it in phase one. It's doubtful though because he fits in at least two categories that the virus loves to attack, the elderly and overweight.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
I see tons of people saying Trump was lying about being infected, he infected his social circle and tons of whitehouse staff, are they all faking as well?

It's a bit premature for him to be going around doing a victory lap. He just made it through phase one (infection), a majority of people are not even aware that anything happened to them during it and he had to get a medivac to the ICU.

It sounds like he got some of the best medical care and they threw everything at it including the kitchen sink so maybe he beat it in phase one. It's doubtful though because he fits in at least two categories that the virus loves to attack, the elderly and overweight.

Did you see the whitehouse footage? He's quite clearly fucked, he can barely breath.



I'm gunna nut!
20 Year Member
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Yeah you can see his sharp inhalation like he's breathing through a straw, reminds me of having an asthma attack last time I had the flu.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
"I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life," Trump tweeted. "We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!"

Yeah OK you got a level of care and treatment nobody else on the planet could. Very irresponsible of you.

Well at least it looks like he was able to get in a spray tan.

I imagine next time he'll refuse to go to the hospital again until he's unresponsive and they need to put him on a gurney.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
I'm pretty dang curious how comfortable WH staffers are working with him. He's not going to quarantine and he isn't wearing his face mask.


20 Year Member
I'm pretty dang curious how comfortable WH staffers are working with him. He's not going to quarantine and he isn't wearing his face mask.

At some point isn’t having to work with a person who is infected outside of the context of patient/caregiver some kind of workplace safety violation?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
At some point isn’t having to work with a person who is infected outside of the context of patient/caregiver some kind of workplace safety violation?

I imagined that every cunt who applied to work at the White House assumed the risks that this was a toxic caretaker environment.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
At some point isn’t having to work with a person who is infected outside of the context of patient/caregiver some kind of workplace safety violation?

IIRC, one imperative that the Republican pushed for the first stimulus measure to pass was that individuals cannot sue their employer for contracting COVID-19, even if that contraction was due to the company's negligence in enforcing work-from-home, social distancing, hygiene, or disinfecting protocols. I don't think that made it into the final letter of the law. But it's definitely something they want.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
The Conways' daughter is saying he's lying about feeling better / having recovered. I tend to trust any teenager more than the orange California Raisin.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?