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    • Xavier
      I recently watched Godzilla Minus One because it's all you weaboo's talked about for months and didn't really care for it. At least it...
    • Xavier
      Xavier replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Most off all this appears to be within the margin of error and not really much different than Biden's numbers but the news media (and...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to Takumaji's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with keke keke.
      Well, I have read a biography about Thatcher, I was first and foremost interested in her role shortly before, during and after the...
    • Xavier
      Xavier replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      I though the Jews were in charge of Hollywood?
    • Xavier
      Xavier replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Looks to be a true ambulance chaser
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to LoneSage's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      Making movies about the country's government collapsing or a civil war happening is an American thing. God bless America and freedom to...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      He's Trump on steroids. Every time someone wants to accuse Trump of attempting to dismantle democracy, I have to laugh and point to...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Love Love.
      Every -ism has a life cycle. Some life cycles are shorter than others, some longer. Capitalism has had a nice, long life and been a...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to Fygee's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with keke keke.
      People who didn't want to vote for an old man with a failing mind. Plus her being a woman and a minority is more appealing to segments...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to Lagduf's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with fedora fedora.
      Also what type of person is energized by the thought of voting for Harris but wasn’t for Biden?
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with keke keke.
      I can't even imagine the pressure for Harris, suddenly having to learn all this stuff in a couple months after mindlessly coasting for...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      There is no such thing as actual communism once you involve more than 20 or so people. If you and 19 other people survive a plane...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to roker's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with keke keke.
      Story time: I once dated this crazy chick from this trashy little lake town in Michigan. She once did backup vocals on a ICP track or...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to basic's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with sweaty sweaty.
      my opinion, internally, has always been that blacks are more aligned with trump than many white, even black, people realize. the moment...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to kernow's post in the thread I just goobed to the max! with kernow kernow.
      I turn it on to update it
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