I'm happy.
Then you probably haven't thought through what this could mean and what this could galvanize his supporters into becoming.
Although I'm not going to lie. My unfiltered first reaction when my wife told me about this was a belly laugh.
If it means a Supreme Court delay, I'll take it.
What were you thinking adverse-wise?
Could fake the positive and recover saying he used HCQ.
Simpsons predicting the future once again.
Could fake the positive and recover saying he used HCQ.
Lol being happy about another person having kung flu.
If he had taken it seriously, he probably wouldn't have gotten infected.
I don't know why you'd assume he didn't take it seriously, just because he told millions of Americans he doesn't give two shits about not to take it seriously. When did everyone here get so stupid naive?
Ten bucks says he'll live and call it no big deal.
"Long, long ago, there were a man who try to make his country great. Because of his reckless life, it's no accident that he was involved in the sickness.
If he gets better with no problem, what do you think happens to the number of assholes who don't wear masks? Goes up.
If he dies and becomes a martyr for his lunatic fanbase who will assume he was assassinated by the CIA, even worse stuff will happen.
The problem is you are looking at this like a normal, rational human being. Trump got sick, Trump died, oh well, life in the big city. That's not how his people will see it.