With all the mods I've done, I've never actually build a CMVS from scratch, only tinkered with already built ones. I started a 2 slot project about 10 years ago but abandoned it when I moved and gave the parts to a friend. Well, I decided to give it another shot. I'm not 100% finished, but it's almost done.
This is what I started with. Not in terrible shape, but it was pretty nasty and took a lot to clean up.
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And here it is now
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I sanded and painted the cover, changed the battery, added a Unibios, gave it a recap, and a 5V mod. Video encoders are kinda pointless these days so it just has a Neo compatible DIN jack in the back and a power jack on the other side. I was going to build an audio circuit to give it clean line level audio but when testing the headphone jacks they already output an amazingly clean signal, so I'm just pulling audio from there. Wrapping it up is one of Lions3's plate kits. The only thing left to do is redo the video. I currently just have the old school method of wiring RGB to resistors, and it looks fine, but I have some OSHPark PCBS ordered that haven't come in yet for a proper buffered RGB signal that I'll put in it.
By the way, you might notice in the side pic the memory card plastic guide is bent. I can lift it up and put in a card just fine, but if anyone has any good ideas on how to straighten it out I'd like to hear it. I couldn't find a replacement piece online without buying a whole junk PCB or memory card reader.