Market Forum- can't buy anything good


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
When I find something interesting on ebay, I place a bid with an amount that I find decent for the item in question and see how it turns out, I don't go back to the auction and increase my bid. If I made it, I made it, and if not, well, better luck next time. With this style of bidding, it's also irrelevant whether you are present or not when an auction ends.

I also beg to differ on your opinion that bidding in the last seconds keeps prices low, I've seen some crazy price hype shit going on with ebay auctions that had a decent price a minute before the end and then it went up tenfold or more. Again, this mostly is due to automated bidding via programs/apps.

I've never understood the auction sniping hate. It doesn't have any advantage over just putting a max bid at any time.

eBay has bid incrementing and auto-bidding, both of which end up working like a sniping tool. If I put a regular bid at my maximum $100 on an item currently at $50 (which will stay at $50 until more bids come in, thanks to bid incrementing) and three other people put their secret sniper tools at $65, $80 and $90, none of them will beat my earlier max bid.

The fact of the matter is eBay is full of people with too much money.
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Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
When I find something interesting on ebay, I place a bid with an amount that I find decent for the item in question and see how it turns out, I don't go back to the auction and increase my bid. If I made it, I made it, and if not, well, better luck next time. With this style of bidding, it's also irrelevant whether you are present or not when an auction ends.

I also beg to differ on your opinion that bidding in the last seconds keeps prices low, I've seen some crazy price hype shit going on with ebay auctions that had a decent price a minute before the end and then it went up tenfold or more. Again, this mostly is due to automated bidding via programs/apps.

Jesus thank you, I was beginning to think I was the last person on earth to bid that way. Set your bid at the actual amount you want to pay and walk away, you can't get stuck in wars that way.


Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Dec 7, 2014
I've never understood the auction sniping hate. It doesn't have any advantage over just putting a max bid at any time.

eBay has bid incrementing and auto-bidding, both of which end up working like a sniping tool. If I put a regular bid at my maximum $100 on an item currently at $50 (which will stay at $50 until more bids come in, thanks to bid incrementing) and three other people put their secret sniper tools at $65, $80 and $90, none of them will beat my earlier max bid.

The fact of the matter is eBay is full of people with too much money.

Right, but there is an advantage to sniping with max, you don't give anyone a chance to come over top of you if you are the high bid. It forces people to bid their max and deal with the consequences instead of trying to play the number on the screen.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
I just put the max bid of what I am willing to pay, if someone wants to snipe more than that then oh well, let them overpay.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Overpaying by 2 or 3 bucks over your intended max isn't really a problem. We snipers play dirty, you wanna loose, that's your call.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Post wanted threads with your prices and people will come, or you adjust your price.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
and that is how auctions skyrocket to absurd proportions.

Yup. Sniping services or apps CAN be used halfway sensibly but most people couldn't care less and just go in with their guns blazing. More often than not, this takes the little bit of fun out of ebay that's still there.

Some people say that there are too many buy it now-only auctions on ebay. Well, I actually prefer buying something for a decent buy it now-price over getting torn apart by nasty snipers.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Post wanted threads with your prices and people will come, or you adjust your price.



PS. I LOVE this film... makes me almost like Kevin Costner...

EDIT: Then I think of Dances with Wolves and decide he was always a wanker...


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Post wanted threads with your prices and people will come, or you adjust your price.
More people should do this, honestly. If you offer a good price it can motivate someone who wouldn't normally sell, or you could get the bro hookup for less. There have been so many times where people have bought something from eBay and I'm like "it's on my shelf, I would sold it for half that price."


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
I said 2 or 3 bucks not stupid money, WTF, not so ninja on the reading skills I see. You really don't know shit about sniping.
but you see you get two or more people trying to snipe in the last couple minutes each trying to outbid by a few bucks and then it just escalates, I have seen auctions end at far more than available BIN prices in the last few minutes because of a few snipers trying to snipe each other. Generally if it is something I really want, I will put my max bid at what the BIN are going for (as long as they are not absurd),so what are you going to snipe a few dollars more than the BIN prices?
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Loyal Neo-Disciple
10 Year Member
Dec 7, 2014
My max bid is never more than the usual BIN asking price. If someone bids max more than that, so be it.

It isn't last second max bidding that drives an auction too high, it's people not bidding their max well before auction close, trying to beat the number on the screen. It bounces the price up and bidders aren't offering what they want to pay, they are trying to "win" buy guessing what other max bids might be and just want to have the winning bid at the end. They don't realize that this is a fool's game, this is why bidding max at the very last second usually works, no one has a chance to play your number, they can only win by having a max offer greater than yours. Which is fine, let the best offer win.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
but you see you get two or more people trying to snipe in the last couple minutes each trying to outbid by a few bucks and then it just escalates, I have seen auctions end at far more than available BIN prices in the last few minutes because of a few snipers trying to snipe each other. Generally if it is something I really want, I will put my max bid at what the BIN are going for (as long as they are not absurd),so what are you going to snipe a few dollars more than the BIN prices?
That's not sniping, ninja. That's just being dumb. You really don't know what sniping is brother, no offense. A good sniper marks his target and takes one shot, just one, at the last possible moment. If you miss your target you're slipping, you need to find the right target. Sniping is an art, you don't know us snipers, you don't know how we operate nor how much we pay for things, misconceptions are just that.
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Astra Superstar
10 Year Member
Dec 24, 2012
This forums rocks. And when it comes to the Market I love buying here sooooo much more than on ebay.
I've missed many games showing up late but I've also scored a bunch too. Most of my MVS carts have come from here and only a very few from ebay.

As for ebay... Sometimes I'll put in my max price and walk away.
But if I know I'll be around I will wait until the last few seconds to put in my max (and only) bid.

I agree with a lot of the comments here. Don't get caught up in winning the auction. Stay focused on what it's worth to you and more importantly what you can afford and still feel good about.
I haven't always practiced what I preach. But it's a much better experience once you have a method.


Crossed Swords Squire
Nov 27, 2011
I wish everyone was a sniper. Then the world would be a much happier place :)

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I pretty much only buy from buy it now or best offer listings any more. Auctions last too long - no one needs 7 days to decide if they want a £30 video game, I want it in my hand before that, never mind still waiting on the price part of the transaction.

Also if you give me 7 days to buy something I'll pretty much always talk myself out of it, no matter what it is.

As for sniping, 99% of auctions are double the price I'm willing to pay before they even make the last hour so it's all a bit irrelevant to a scrooge like me.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
Still trying to figure out how you're saying sniping doesn't lead to escalation of prices, EG. No disrespect intended but these two quotes:

A good sniper marks his target and takes one shot, just one, at the last possible moment.

Overpaying by 2 or 3 bucks over your intended max isn't really a problem. We snipers play dirty, you wanna loose, that's your call.

Do not jive together. The first one, you're claiming you only bid once (which I don't see how it affects your price if it's in the last 5 seconds or if it's 5 days beforehand, but let's just ignore that for a second) and in the second quote you're saying you're willing to overpay by 2 or 3 bucks beyond what you intended to initially when you see you got outbid. So which is it, a single shot, or maybe 2 or 3 shots?

Teach me. If I've been doing ebay wrong for a decade or more, I want to learn.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
OK, let's say for example Hagane SNES, it's been selling for crazy money lately but sometimes you can get it for less. Now here is an auction that began at 99 cents, decide what's the maximum amount of money you're willing to pay for it but don't bid yet, make a low bid, like a 3rd, it will swap away all the flies and just keep the real interested ones who might eat you already by a few dollars, let it go, don't worry about it, once you hit the last 20 seconds place your maximum bid and then right after it place another for 2 or 3 dollars more, just do it, if you win, you got the game for what you wanted to play plus 3 bucks more 'cause you beat competitors that tried sniping your max bid to begin with, it's just a decoy, if you didn't win no harm done, you will find another using the same method. Sniping is the second (last 20 seconds secondary bid with the 3 or so bucks increase on top of your already max price bid), sniping is not the first bid nor the max bid but in fact the last possible bid in the last amount of time allotted to make a bid. One shot! Not one bid! Comprende?!

Maybe I'm not explaining it right but it has worked for me faithfully over many years without having to pay more than what I intended to (2 3 bucks isn't gonna make me loose sleep) I've been doing this for a long while, I've gotten everything I have wanted, you just have to make a conscious decision as to how much is your max and don't deviate. Again, if it goes over your max before sniping time then forget it, let them fools overpay. It's no rocket science man, pretty easy if you ask me, now don't you fuckers go doing this to me 'cause I'll find you!


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
You explained it well enough for me to get it (I think). From the way you're explaining it, I just see it as a different style, maybe one that's a little bit more fun and in-the-moment to bid, but in the end you've got your true max (which you're explaining as "2 or 3 dollars over your max") and so do I. I don't personally think either way is necessarily going to net better deals now that I've read the way you're explaining it, but if you think yours does more power to ya man!

Thanks though, I was a little confused there for a while.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
It works 'cause most of the time you get no competition so in truth your sniping bid doesn't even come into play and your max bid doesn't even get touched. You'd be amazed how being patient pays off. Picking the right auction is also key.


Super Spy Agent
10 Year Member
Jun 21, 2013
Sniping denies overpaying fools the time to get into a bidding war. I've scored so many good deals over the years by bidding once in the last 10 seconds or so. Sure, sometimes you miss out because someone was willing to go higher than yourself, but I've generally had more hits than misses.