Mad Mage

Edo Express Delivery Guy
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2003
Listen to you guys, cussing out the man because he's asking too much. Did you not read the original post? It's an arcade, not a store: The cabinet was not for sale! If you wanted to buy my house I'd over charge you because I still want to live here. I never put my house up for sale, so to tell me I'm asking too much is just stupid.

You say he's never going to get $1,400, and I agree. But you forget that the reason he asked $1,400 is because he wasn't trying to sell it to begin with. And how can you tell what it's worth any way. You all go on and on about how rare this cabinet is. If this cabinet is so rare, then there's no going market rate for it, crappy condition or not!

The end of the matter is you don't go asking to buy things that aren't for sale, and then spit in the owners face when he isn't over eager to sell!

I hope you get the cabinet, but don't be so offended that this man wanted a high price. It's well within reason for someone who's not looking to sell anything.


Andy's Clothes Designer
Dec 21, 2003
Mad Mage said:
Listen to you guys, cussing out the man because he's asking too much. Did you not read the original post? It's an arcade, not a store: The cabinet was not for sale! If you wanted to buy my house I'd over charge you because I still want to live here. I never put my house up for sale, so to tell me I'm asking too much is just stupid.

To an extent I agree with this but the comparison doesn't fly. This guy doesn't want to keep the cab like you do your house. I have doubts as to whether he even has any fondness for the cab itself (can't know for sure, but I have a feeling)..


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Jul 5, 2002
This isn't at all unusual in my experience. I've tried really hard to get some cabs at decent prices, and the fact is that arcade owners assume that anythinig you're willing to track down is a "Collectors Item" and that it must be worth the price of a new machine.

I've also had them tell me that they like to quote insane amounts just so that crazy collectors will leave them alone.

This is probably one of the two. Honestly, I'd probably try to talk him down. I think that seeing, say, 800$ in cash might persuade him. He probably just isn't taking you seriously.

Don't give up!! If you buy one of these, then I'll know where one is when I get my house, and start adding to my collection again! :D


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Jul 18, 2004
The story itself is worth more then the cab.
If you really want to spend so much money you better look elsewhere and get one in better condition. Or just get a Atomiswave cab for that price in Japan.
I mean, New Astro City cabs are 300 Dollar, why pay 1000 for a piece of shit like that, even if it is a cocktail neo, it's not worth it.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
I wish I could grab that cab, I am just itching to scrub all those shoe marks off it and restore it. Considering the monitor looks solid, the rest is just cosmetic fixes. If its the only one, haha why not just get ripped off for 1,400. Shit, you'd fix it up and be the only dude that known to own one of those.

(then a week later a crate of them will appear for 250$ a pop in new condition*


Zero's Secretary
Mar 10, 2004
I have one of these machines! I paid £400 for it from a japanese importer who worked in a bookstore in north london! He had an arcade that was closing down, it was his uncles. Im based in the uk though, thats like $800 by todays rates. The thing is, it cost me £600 just to bring it over, and thats because i had to get a WHOLE container. It was a headache. Im actually a bit sad someone has found one cause i thought it was so rare!

Just kidding.

Are you gonna get it or what?


Genam's Azami Sharpener
Jan 9, 2005
Atomiswave said:
I have one of these machines! I paid £400 for it from a japanese importer who worked in a bookstore in north london! He had an arcade that was closing down, it was his uncles. Im based in the uk though, thats like $800 by todays rates. The thing is, it cost me £600 just to bring it over, and thats because i had to get a WHOLE container. It was a headache. Im actually a bit sad someone has found one cause i thought it was so rare!

Just kidding.

Are you gonna get it or what?

Cool, can you post some pics please?


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
OMG that cab looks like ass. I too can visualize it restored and that would be bad ass. Just give yourself time to think about what you are getting into cost wise and see if it is still a deal you can live with. Also add in all the time and extra money it will take to get the cab restored. Just my two cents.


Max Omega

Apr 21, 2005
Mad Mage said:
Listen to you guys, cussing out the man because he's asking too much. Did you not read the original post? It's an arcade, not a store: The cabinet was not for sale! If you wanted to buy my house I'd over charge you because I still want to live here. I never put my house up for sale, so to tell me I'm asking too much is just stupid.

You say he's never going to get $1,400, and I agree. But you forget that the reason he asked $1,400 is because he wasn't trying to sell it to begin with. And how can you tell what it's worth any way. You all go on and on about how rare this cabinet is. If this cabinet is so rare, then there's no going market rate for it, crappy condition or not!

The end of the matter is you don't go asking to buy things that aren't for sale, and then spit in the owners face when he isn't over eager to sell!

I hope you get the cabinet, but don't be so offended that this man wanted a high price. It's well within reason for someone who's not looking to sell anything.

The tragedy here isn't so much that he didn't get the cab (though that bloody sux, sorry mate :( ), it's that someone would let a gem like that just sit around and deteriorate. In the end, it is the operator's decision what he wants to happen to his own machines, but it's such a waste that he insists on clinging to an item he apparently doesn't give a damn about when there are plenty of people who would gladly take it off his hands and give it the appreciation it merits.

It's like people who collect cars- sure, nobody really needs that many cars, but at least they bother to maintain the cars' conditions. What's this guy's excuse?

Again, it is up to him what he wants to do with his own property, but it's still a cryin' shame. :shame:


Oct 14, 2002
maybe he wants so much for it cus it's still got 6 games in it. If he paid a fair amount for those titles at release then he's not going to want to let it go for cheap. Ask him how much just for the machine.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 3, 2005
Hey ResOGlas, did you ever end up going back to that arcade to see if the cab was still available?


AES Price Guide Analyst, International Moderator,
Staff member
Sep 27, 2000
Great thread.
Only MV25TA I saw in more than 30 years fetched 10 millions of JPY on yahoo last year if I rememeber correctly


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Great thread.
Only MV25TA I saw in more than 30 years fetched 10 millions of JPY on yahoo last year if I rememeber correctly
Foolish Thickheaded Looney

Poison Sama

The Hentai Christ
20 Year Member
Jun 29, 2002
6,631 it just me, or is the formatting/page layout of the previous 4 pages of this thread all fucked up? I've never seen this happen before.


Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Is this thread worth reading or should I spend my time more wisely?