
water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
Well, an emergency for me, anyway. Today I went out for a LONG walk here in Japan. I walked for about 3 hours in a residential area and I stumbled across a rusty metal door that said Game Corner. I realized that the door was slightly cracked open so I walked in. This place looked like the scummiest arcade warehouse I've ever seen. Broken PCBs and wires were all over the floor. I heard someone in the back, so I walked over and asked if it was okay that I was in there, and if I could look around. The man said that he didn't care. The place was full of old cabs. I think the newest cab I saw was an Aero City. Well, guess what was tucked in the corner? A filthy, cruddy Neo MV25TA-0!! I was feeling mixed emotions which I could only explain as Excitement, comfusion, and despair. The man probably thought I was having a stroke, lol. I immediately asked the man if all the cabs were for sale, and he laughed and said that this is an arcade... This gross pimple on the earth was an arcade open to the public? Now here's my problem:
I gaurantee that I am willing to offer this man enough to purchase the cab, but what do I do from there? How am I going to get this home (to California)? Does anyone know if there is a way to have a courier go to the arcade, crate her up, and ship it out? How much do you guys think that this would cost? $300/$500/$700? Please understand that this machine has been rumored to not even exist. I believed for a long time myself that the one pictured in this flyer below was a mock-up. If anyone is familiar with how I can get this baby home, please don't feel shy. Thanks again. I didn't have my camera with me, but I'll gladly go back tomorrow and take some pics of it. I don't care what it costs me, but I need a dedicated Neo cocktail!!! ;)


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
It looks like a copy machine! I'd love to see closer pictures of it! I'd never heard of this before.


Marked Wolf
Dec 27, 2003
Of course you can have it boxed up and shipped by courier company. The big ones such as UPS and DHL should be present in Japan right?

The only issue i see here is cost, but if you have the money, and the arcade owner is willing to let the rarity go, getting it back to your place is basically just a financial headache.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
dmhawkmoon said:
It looks like a copy machine! I'd love to see closer pictures of it! I'd never heard of this before.

Haha, It does look like a copy machine. It's also about as fun to play as going to Kinko's and making copies of paperwork... The screen placement is absolutly horrible from a sitting position. I played 1 round of Metal Slug 2 on it and it was barely tolerable, but god I loved every minute of it! I've always wanted this cab, and I will do what it takes. I'm only going to be in this area for 5 more days before I head back to the airport and come home. I am very strapped for time on this issue. I can't wait to take pics for you guys. Remember that it's in a less than desirable state, but when I get her home and put some elbow grease into her I believe that she'll be a beaut. The control panel is scratched up, and the marquee is cracked, but everything else will clean up just fine. Oh yeah, the joysticks and buttons need to be replaced. The joystick must have been as loose as my....well....I'll try not to get vulgar. Screw it, my mom. There, I said it.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
Do you guys think that there is a way to have UPS or another courier go directly to the Arcade and crate her up and take her away from there? In Japan, most people travel by foot and by train, which does not give me any option of buying it and taking it to a friends house until shipping can be arranged. I'm pretty nervous about this whole thing.


Feb 2, 2004
This fills my heart with joy, after a rather hard day.

Congrats on the find, and good luck on the aquire.


Marked Wolf
Dec 27, 2003
ResOGlas said:
Do you guys think that there is a way to have UPS or another courier go directly to the Arcade and crate her up and take her away from there? In Japan, most people travel by foot and by train, which does not give me any option of buying it and taking it to a friends house until shipping can be arranged. I'm pretty nervous about this whole thing.

Dunno if UPS will crate it up for you, but they will definetly pick it up.

Good luck!


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
Well, I'm going to go back there first thing in the morning and throw a sweet offer at him. If I actually own it, then I can arrange for some sort of pickup ASAP. Excuse my French, but I'm really damn exited. So what do you think is a good offer to make? Remember that this arcade has to be the filthiest arcade in all Japan...

I think I'll go with $50 shipped ;)

Edit: Forgot to mention, they also sell Porn DVDs at this place. Yeah, I'm sure I need to replace those joysticks.
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Quiz Detective
Mar 31, 2005
ResOGlas said:
Well, I'm going to go back there first thing in the morning and throw a sweet offer at him. If I actually own it, then I can arrange for some sort of pickup ASAP. Excuse my French, but I'm really damn exited. So what do you think is a good offer to make? Remember that this arcade has to be the filthiest arcade in all Japan...

I think I'll go with $50 shipped ;)

Edit: Forgot to mention, they also sell Porn DVDs at this place. Yeah, I'm sure I need to replace those joysticks.

I know your psyched, it's a great find, but let's go over this rationally real quick. What's the condition, be honest, is it going to take a lot of work to get it into any sort of playable condition needing rust removal, paint, sticks, plexi, etc... or is it just a bit dirty? Next, weight? The candies vary quite a bit, as I know you know... From the picts I always thought it would weigh around a MVS25, or... roughly 250-300lbs. Shipping something of that weight stateside is going to be murder, but if you can swing a good deal on the cab I'd imagine it's worth it. Don't go overboard on the offer for the guy, remember, if it needs work, it could easily cost you a good $200 in supplies, not to mention your time to strip and repaint this thing... add to that the almost sure to be insane shipping and we are looking at a pricey piece.

You have Jack Tao's number on you? I don't know if you are buddy-buddy with arcade infinity (I know you've done a fair share of business with them), but they may know a good shipper that would save you a bundle. Other than that, I'd recommend keeping a clear head, and just think how long this cab has been rotting there, it's not going to vanish over night. I'd research shipping and get a good look at the cab before I made an offer.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
lostdog said:
I know your psyched, it's a great find, but let's go over this rationally real quick. What's the condition, be honest, is it going to take a lot of work to get it into any sort of playable condition needing rust removal, paint, sticks, plexi, etc... or is it just a bit dirty? Next, weight? The candies vary quite a bit, as I know you know... From the picts I always thought it would weigh around a MVS25, or... roughly 250-300lbs. Shipping something of that weight stateside is going to be murder, but if you can swing a good deal on the cab I'd imagine it's worth it. Don't go overboard on the offer for the guy, remember, if it needs work, it could easily cost you a good $200 in supplies, not to mention your time to strip and repaint this thing... add to that the almost sure to be insane shipping and we are looking at a pricey piece.

You have Jack Tao's number on you? I don't know if you are buddy-buddy with arcade infinity (I know you've done a fair share of business with them), but they may know a good shipper that would save you a bundle. Other than that, I'd recommend keeping a clear head, and just think how long this cab has been rotting there, it's not going to vanish over night. I'd research shipping and get a good look at the cab before I made an offer.

For one, it's very filthy and has stickers slapped all over it. For two, there is a notible amount of chipped paint. This thing looks GROSS. Than again, I've never seen one of these in my entire life. The monitor is good, and everything is very funcional. The joysticks and buttons need to be replaced, but that's not expensive at all. I'm going to offer him $200 and see what he says. If he denies, I'll go $300 and so on. I'm honestly so stoked on this thing, and the cosmetics don't bum me out. As an honest opinion from you guys, what do you think shipping will be? This thing looks heavy (It's all metal panels, not fiberglass). Trust me, not much makes me this happy anymore. it's worth every penny that it will cost me.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
lostdog said:
I know your psyched, it's a great find, but let's go over this rationally real quick. What's the condition, be honest, is it going to take a lot of work to get it into any sort of playable condition needing rust removal, paint, sticks, plexi, etc... or is it just a bit dirty? Next, weight? The candies vary quite a bit, as I know you know... From the picts I always thought it would weigh around a MVS25, or... roughly 250-300lbs. Shipping something of that weight stateside is going to be murder, but if you can swing a good deal on the cab I'd imagine it's worth it. Don't go overboard on the offer for the guy, remember, if it needs work, it could easily cost you a good $200 in supplies, not to mention your time to strip and repaint this thing... add to that the almost sure to be insane shipping and we are looking at a pricey piece.

You have Jack Tao's number on you? I don't know if you are buddy-buddy with arcade infinity (I know you've done a fair share of business with them), but they may know a good shipper that would save you a bundle. Other than that, I'd recommend keeping a clear head, and just think how long this cab has been rotting there, it's not going to vanish over night. I'd research shipping and get a good look at the cab before I made an offer.

For one, it's very filthy and has stickers slapped all over it. For two, there is a notible amount of chipped paint. This thing looks GROSS. Than again, I've never seen one of these in my entire life. The monitor is good, and everything is very funcional. The joysticks and buttons need to be replaced, but that's not expensive at all. I'm going to offer him $200 and see what he says. If he denies, I'll go $300 and so on. I'm honestly so stoked on this thing, and the cosmetics don't bum me out. I'd appreciate chipped paint over a refinish anyday. As an honest opinion from you guys, what do you think shipping will be? This thing looks heavy (It's all metal panels, not fiberglass). Trust me, not much makes me this happy anymore. it's worth every penny that it will cost me. (I just need to make sure that I can afford to pay for shipping after I buy her) I'm expecting it to be in the hundreds.....keep your fingers crossed for me that it's not too many hundreds.


Quiz Detective
Mar 31, 2005
ResOGlas said:
For one, it's very filthy and has stickers slapped all over it. For two, there is a notible amount of chipped paint. This thing looks GROSS. Than again, I've never seen one of these in my entire life. The monitor is good, and everything is very funcional. The joysticks and buttons need to be replaced, but that's not expensive at all. I'm going to offer him $200 and see what he says. If he denies, I'll go $300 and so on. I'm honestly so stoked on this thing, and the cosmetics don't bum me out. As an honest opinion from you guys, what do you think shipping will be? This thing looks heavy (It's all metal panels, not fiberglass). Trust me, not much makes me this happy anymore. it's worth every penny that it will cost me.

Ballpark, for a single item of that size and weight I'd say around $600-800 as freight. If you were in the states I'd say look into continental. They will ship it back and it will sit at LAX waiting for you... let me dig up their freight policy... it may be good overseas.


They list international freight services, I bet most major airlines will do the same. I've used this service in the past for items and they sit at a warehouse off Airline near LAX until you arrive to get them. It's a pretty painless process, and the rates were pretty fair... I'm sure if you call a few airlines you could get some quotes, but first you are going to need the weight of that thing.
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Quiz Detective
Mar 31, 2005
Res: PM for you with some contact info that may help you find a shipper as well...


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
lostdog said:
Ballpark, for a single item of that size and weight I'd say around $600-800 as freight. If you were in the states I'd say look into continental. They will ship it back and it will sit at LAX waiting for you... let me dig up their freight policy... it may be good overseas.


They list international freight services, I bet most major airlines will do the same. I've used this service in the past for items and they sit at a warehouse off Airline near LAX until you arrive to get them. It's a pretty painless process, and the rates were pretty fair... I'm sure if you call a few airlines you could get some quotes, but first you are going to need the weight of that thing.

I've never had to do anything like this before, especially in a foreign country. My main concern is that this thing can be picked up directly from the address of the Arcade...


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
lostdog said:
Ballpark, for a single item of that size and weight I'd say around $600-800 as freight. If you were in the states I'd say look into continental. They will ship it back and it will sit at LAX waiting for you... let me dig up their freight policy... it may be good overseas.


They list international freight services, I bet most major airlines will do the same. I've used this service in the past for items and they sit at a warehouse off Airline near LAX until you arrive to get them. It's a pretty painless process, and the rates were pretty fair... I'm sure if you call a few airlines you could get some quotes, but first you are going to need the weight of that thing.

Did you pay in advance when you used continental, or did you pay when you pick up? I can do either, but it would make my life a whole lot easier to pay at LAX. (I live about 20 mins from LAX, so this sounds ideal)


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
For a few various random pipe dreams I have looked into intercontinental shipping. I don't remember much, but there are definately door-to-door services (will be more expensive) and door-to-port. There is a member here names Seawolf is a member name here who has shipped his cab.

Anyway good luck on getting this, be sure to get plenty of pictures no matter what, and lastly glad you found something to interest you in the Neo again ;)


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
lithy said:
lastly, glad you found something to interest you in the Neo again ;)

Yeah, and all it took was a one-of-a-kind official Neo cocktail cabinet! ;)

Anyway, what I meant before is that proto collecting is greedy, yet justified. It's hard to spend thousands on a proto, then dump the roms and devalue your collection piece by a large amount. The clear choice is to share with the community, because we all know how bootlegs won't bring down the value of your official cart in the end. The sad thing is, at first, it will bring down the value. It's a confusing greedy act from both parties, and I'd rather not experience this again in the neo scene. That is what made me not care. When I find a proto, which I will because I'm paranoid and dedicated, I'll share it with the community. For now I'll keep my eyes to the sky.

Sooooooooo. Back on topic, has anyone else ever seen one of these aside from HardMVSs flyer? This cab is sexier than any Playboy centerfold I've ever seen! :drool_2: :tickled:


Oct 18, 2002
Just read the first Post.

It would seriously ROCK!!! :buttrock: ..If you got that machine ResOGlas..

Good Luck!!!

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
I remember seeing that scan from old Briggsy. I really can't wait to see some high rez pictures. I hope the owner will sell it to you. Don't let him know what he actually has.


Me Luv U Long Time,
Jul 21, 2003

If the arcade owner says the neo cocktail is trade only and that he wants Progear for it, I'm gonna be pissed ;)

Good luck man :)



Super Spy Agent
Dec 16, 2003
Thats a great find i hope it all works out for you. Id love to see some pics

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Yeah, we need to have a collective finger crossing for Res, here. I would love, love, love to see some pics.

I thought Briggsy made it all up.


Quiz Detective
Mar 31, 2005
ResOGlas said:
Did you pay in advance when you used continental, or did you pay when you pick up? I can do either, but it would make my life a whole lot easier to pay at LAX. (I live about 20 mins from LAX, so this sounds ideal)

They wanted payment at the time of pickup, but they take credit cards so you could defer the payment for a while.