Aquarium fishy


Philadelphia Freeman,
20 Year Member
Mar 10, 2002
I have reptile PTSD living in the jungle of Panama. I came a cross a bunch of them tongue sticking out freaks. yeah no thanks

When exactly was this? During the Manny Noriega years? Please elaborate, I'm interested hearing just how erratic and haphazard your family's exploits were outside of the United States.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i managed to keep some fresh water fish alive all through college. They aren't that difficult to maintain. I have very little memory of them while I was in college tho....


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Okay, fuck all this pet shit. Now I want to hear about how many warlords DDRchamp stamped out in Central America.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
I didn't stamp anyone out, i was just a military brat living in Fort Clayton. We were there mid to late 80s, we ended up getting evacuated couple weeks before they went in. We never really sense any danger at the base and the local people were always kind to us outside the base.

Still it was a fucking jungle. The only thing separating us from our home was those small metal screen fence. Right behind that was a creek/river, that had every exotic killer straight from the jungle book. I came across a fer-de-lance striking distance next to me in the playground. Its the most dangerous venomous snake in Central America. Lots of lizards, boas, giant ass worms from Tremors movie, giant centipedes that love to climb trees and then drop on your head for no reason. Cute sloth ready to tear your eye out with their wolverine claws. Lots of giant poisonous toads everywhere ready for road kill.

That's why i want fishy. They cant bother me, if they jump out of their aquarium its Faith No More Epic piano outro time.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i forgot to mention. be prepared for the extra urination that comes with having water running in the background all the time.


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
I grew up with a small tank and fish. My parents made me in charge of cleaning tank and changing water. I never ever wanted a tank as an adult.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Turtles are shitty pets, too.

I owned a red eared slider for 20 years and the little fucker showed no signs of slowing down. They can live up to a century. We were going to have to will everything to his stinky ass.

Never, ever buy an aquatic turtle as a pet. They are way more trouble than they're worth. Every time you have to clean the tank, it's a project.

We eventually let him go in a pond where other red eared sliders live. We put him on the edge of the pond and he launched right in like a hydro skiff. Bastard. Two decades and he just nopes out on us. I shoulda kicked him in.


Krizalids Fashion Designer
Oct 31, 2016
If you want an all in one tank, Fluval makes awesome products.

I'm not sure what size you are going for, but go for at least a 20 gallon aquarium to be able to keep a few fish.

I have a 60 and a 20 gallon tank running.

In the 60 I change the water every three months.
I have two hang on Aquaclear filters and simply change the sponge out every 3-4 weeks and the tank stays nice and clear.

Do you have an idea if you are going freshwater, salt, or even planted?


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Turtles are shitty pets, too.

I owned a red eared slider for 20 years and the little fucker showed no signs of slowing down. They can live up to a century. We were going to have to will everything to his stinky ass.

Never, ever buy an aquatic turtle as a pet. They are way more trouble than they're worth. Every time you have to clean the tank, it's a project.

We eventually let him go in a pond where other red eared sliders live. We put him on the edge of the pond and he launched right in like a hydro skiff. Bastard. Two decades and he just nopes out on us. I shoulda kicked him in.

To do this day, some say he's still noping out...

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I have a small aquarium for my betta. I got the "Tetra GloFish 3 Gallon Aquarium Kit Fish Tank with LED Lighting and Filtration Included"

It's a good starter set up. My betta has enjoyed it for almost 2 years. After he dies, I will probably move to fish that coexist. Betta don't do that.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Turtles are shitty pets, too.

I owned a red eared slider for 20 years and the little fucker showed no signs of slowing down. They can live up to a century. We were going to have to will everything to his stinky ass.

Never, ever buy an aquatic turtle as a pet. They are way more trouble than they're worth. Every time you have to clean the tank, it's a project.

We eventually let him go in a pond where other red eared sliders live. We put him on the edge of the pond and he launched right in like a hydro skiff. Bastard. Two decades and he just nopes out on us. I shoulda kicked him in.



Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Turtles are shitty pets, too.

I owned a red eared slider for 20 years and the little fucker showed no signs of slowing down. They can live up to a century. We were going to have to will everything to his stinky ass.

Never, ever buy an aquatic turtle as a pet. They are way more trouble than they're worth. Every time you have to clean the tank, it's a project.

We eventually let him go in a pond where other red eared sliders live. We put him on the edge of the pond and he launched right in like a hydro skiff. Bastard. Two decades and he just nopes out on us. I shoulda kicked him in.

He probably felt bad after he got done playing and realized you were gone.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
The poor guy was locked up for 20 years. He probably did what any man whose been held in captivity for that long would try to do...he took off to get laid.

Sadly all the other female turtles wanted nothing to do with him because he had no social skills. He was shunned by the turtle community and forced to live alone in exile.

From there his sexual energy became too much for him to control and he got all rapey. Now all the other turtles are on the look out for him so they can lock him up again!

Such a tragic life. And technically it’s all your fault Taiso.
Last edited:


Krizalids Fashion Designer
Oct 31, 2016
I have a small aquarium for my betta. I got the "Tetra GloFish 3 Gallon Aquarium Kit Fish Tank with LED Lighting and Filtration Included"

It's a good starter set up. My betta has enjoyed it for almost 2 years. After he dies, I will probably move to fish that coexist. Betta don't do that.

You can keep female bettas together. You can even keep a male and a female or two together as well.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Miss me with all this pro turtle shit.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
If you want an all in one tank, Fluval makes awesome products.

I'm not sure what size you are going for, but go for at least a 20 gallon aquarium to be able to keep a few fish.

I have a 60 and a 20 gallon tank running.

In the 60 I change the water every three months.
I have two hang on Aquaclear filters and simply change the sponge out every 3-4 weeks and the tank stays nice and clear.

Do you have an idea if you are going freshwater, salt, or even planted?

We ended up getting 55gallon kit at Petsmart. It was on sale, had to buy a stand too. Shit was heavy, had to put it upstairs. Going with freshwater and after doing research looks like we might try adding real plants instead of the fake ones. How difficult is it to carpet the aquarium? We are going to do a Studio Ghibli theme as she is big fan.



There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Well, have fun with that bullshit. All of the responsibility of having a pet with none of the benefit.

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Should have just bought a fish statue that you could look at with your telescope.