Anyone still remembers now defunct Diehard Gamefan Club?


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Anyone remember Buy-Rite Video Games
I used to go to the retail store in Raleigh. I bought several Saturn imports as well as a Japanese Dreamcast and games before the US release. It always had a scummy feel to it, but it was the only local place to get such things.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Yeah,Buy Rite was shady as fook back in the day...I remember Game Dude being the ones placing stickers all over their items.They didn't do that in the beginning.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I used to go to the retail store in Raleigh. I bought several Saturn imports as well as a Japanese Dreamcast and games before the US release. It always had a scummy feel to it, but it was the only local place to get such things.

Yep, got my Japanese DC with Sonic/Marvel Vs Capcom and the Agetech stick from em before the US release. They came with no issue, but I remember reading tons of horror stories from those guys. I was one of the lucky ones.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Quality necro-bump.

Funny seeing Magician Lord 2 in that magazine scan of future Neo releases.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
I remember MAS systems being a big deal back then. I got ahold of one of their twin stick super guns and it was something to behold.Basically a full size arcade control panel with a super gun inside.This was before they came out with the cookie cutter model.Didnt something tragic happen to the owner(s) not too long ago?
EDIT:I wonder where that super gun is at today? It was huge and built like a Tank.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
I remember MAS systems being a big deal back then. I got ahold of one of their twin stick super guns and it was something to behold.Basically a full size arcade control panel with a super gun inside.This was before they came out with the cookie cutter model.Didnt something tragic happen to the owner(s) not too long ago?
EDIT:I wonder where that super gun is at today? It was huge and built like a Tank.
MAS systems of old is gone. OG owner had a heart attack or something.
New company called scanline city took over. Quality seems the same but OMG their prices are WTF.
We had. A store here in St Louis called die hard, I don't think they were related.
They changed the name because, no shit, die hard batteries sent them a C&D claiming copyright infringement.
They closed a few years later.
Had another local store that was awesome called Game Trader. Owner eventually just got tired and closed shop.
That place I really miss.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
I remember MAS systems being a big deal back then. I got ahold of one of their twin stick super guns and it was something to behold.Basically a full size arcade control panel with a super gun inside.This was before they came out with the cookie cutter model.Didnt something tragic happen to the owner(s) not too long ago?
EDIT:I wonder where that super gun is at today? It was huge and built like a Tank.

Co-owners husband and wife died in a house fire.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Oh shit for real?
I knew someone died but that's way different than what I heard. 😢

Yeah, it’s a real shame. Husband initially survived, then succumbed to his injuries.


Fio's Quartermaster
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
Anyone remember Buy-Rite Video Games

Buy-Rite horror stories were a staple in

I never had any problems with Tronix or NCS, so I stayed far away from Buy-Rite.


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
Buy-Rite horror stories were a staple in

I never had any problems with Tronix or NCS, so I stayed far away from Buy-Rite.
National Console Support looks to be still around, Japan Video Games unfortunately seems to have folded.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Who was the guy who used to be on here that opened up a video game store? He always had a full set of US Metal Slugs for sale on eBay at 100k for free advertising. People would go in for a game and he'd rant and rave and tell them they weren't allowed to buy anything.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Who was the guy who used to be on here that opened up a video game store? He always had a full set of US Metal Slugs for sale on eBay at 100k for free advertising. People would go in for a game and he'd rant and rave and tell them they weren't allowed to buy anything.
I know who you're referring to.Im looking at his avatar in my mind right now but the name escapes me at the moment.He lived in Illinois ,I think Chicago and I believe he was friendly with NGF.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
His name was Josh, and Dion had a long finger in the picture.


Philadelphia Freeman,
20 Year Member
Mar 10, 2002
I know who you're referring to.Im looking at his avatar in my mind right now but the name escapes me at the moment.He lived in Illinois ,I think Chicago and I believe he was friendly with NGF.
I don't remember if Josh originally had a different username here, but the flagship store which he seemingly became hell-bent on franchising was located in Southern California, somewhere around the Huntington Beach area, IIRC.



A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
His original username was NeoRYU, but now his username is @Josh. Profile is nuked because banned.

He provided good drama back in the day.

Josh tries to sell a game:

Josh opens a store:

Dion Finger:

An old yelp review of him was gold:

I've been coming into this store for over a year, wishing them the best, and hoping to find better deals than I've seen "elsewhere." But today's visit was a thoroughly disgusting experience...

First, and foremost, I get along professionally with just about everybody... I'm only prefacing this review with that statement because I've never been so unnecessarily infuriated with a store owner in my whole life...

Upon entering, the owner greeted me and asked me if I was looking for anything particular, etc... I said I was just looking, to which the owner inquired what game system I had. I mentioned I had a PS3 and that I had been coming in for some time now. Not seeing many used games for less than offered "elsewhere," I asked how business was going. The owner (a super-hyper and loud guy in his 40s with a turned baseball cap) perked up, swiveled his chair toward me and went right into a verbal tirade that went something like this:

"Oh man, we're doing just fine. We keep out of all that corporate stuff and just do our own thing. I mean we're not even playing the game. We don't pay any attention to stupid reviews on Yelp or other homos."

I had been smiling until now. I was a little stunned that I was hearing this come from the owner's mouth to a customer. Mind you, I am not gay, nor am I homophobic; but clearly that comment had no place in the exchange. But it continued...

"Those corporate homos can sodomize each other over profits all they want. We don't even deal in profits! But the bible tells us the sodomites...." blah blah blah...

As he continued to mangle actual scripture to fit his spiteful agenda, I walked passed his counter and headed toward the back exit (from which I entered.) As I passed him, I interrupted with, "Enough, enough, you just ran me right out of your store with that nonsense." He jumped up and followed me out, turning his perceived anger and bile toward me, shouting at me that I need to read the bible and calling me a "tough guy" for no applicable reason.

He followed me outside and hovered near his door as I went to my car 10 feet away. I could sense he wanted to fight me. Actually fight me. I asked why he is still harassing me and that I had left his store and was on public property. He screamed to me that I needed to wake up and to read a bible (clearly assuming I was homosexual.)

As I got my cell phone out to begin recording the judgmental tirade, he closed and locked his back door and disappeared back into the shop.

Another reviewer below (James P) gave reference to this owner's off-putting and bombastic behavior that has evidently turned away others.

I have no bias or angle here. Simply sharing a shockingly awful experience that has me wanting to expose this owner's full personality and intolerant agenda against not only corporate America (something I agreed with him on), but clearly random "homos" and "sodomites." Some (whom share his political views) might see his behavior as commendable, although it remains an affront to Christians that practice kindness and tolerance. I just want to expose the anger that hides in this sad man's heart. Totally unnecessary experience. All from asking how his business was doing... Good thing he doesn't care about Yelp reviews.

Now, I'm heading over to GameStop, then home to have heterosexual sex with my wife.
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