WOWZERS! *After taking the time to read each and every single post for the last four pages I must say there's a lot of "Sound" argument on both side of the fences, but I still see that no
Official statement by NeoStore has been given as of yet, so should the fighting really continue on this note until THE MAN himself (Shawn) gives us the INTEL on the situation at hand? Personally I really would like to know what NeoStore is planning on doing with this. *And for the record (just showing what side of the fence I'm on) while I may very well end up with an ATOMISWAVE set up in the future, providing the games span genres and are actually good... I wouldn't be interested in "ports" either, I would want the real thing, just like shelling out the dough for a BIG RED 1 (2-Slot) MVS Cab and MVS Carts. There's a big difference, especially in walking into your "Game Room" or "Garage" and powering up an Upright and playing an Arcade system and playing the games. With the exception of Game Cube, I don't even own a Next Gen system. I decided to go straight up ARCADE at a time when it didn't make any sense to do so. *But I know it'll be at least a year or two before I can track down all the MVS Carts that I want for the MVS Cab, and with the exception of the occassional
Metal Gear game I just don't have the time nor the interest to devote weeks of gaming time to beat a game.
Arcade games are meant to be difficult, fun and fast, which is how I believe most here would agree if they own the NEO:GEO be it AES or MVS are. *We want the REAL DEAL not a port of it on the PS2 or XBOX, or wishing away for another Dreamcast "Port". Here I always feel at home, even despite our arguments amongst ourselves at times, because here I know I'm not the only one shelling out $195 + for ONE game. I know that everyone here is a Die-Hard nutcase that represents the "NICHE" / "Alternative" market... and that market is still enough that it be profitable for SAMMY themselves to actually release a "Limited" consolized set up, or even some kind of home system. Back in the day you gotta' recognize that the gaming market wasn't what it is now in the term of MAINSTREAM, and SEGA and NINTENDO both made several millions, straight up
Bling, Bling off the then "nichy nerd/school boy" market which most of us grew up in. Thus there's a viable market for ATOMISWAVE, as well as for SNKP to have a division creating "totally brand new" games on the MVS format as well. I think the problem stems from GREED more than anything else. Both SNKP and SAMMY might have some BLING coming in with the new set up, but if they don't plan this right and being that ATOMISEWAVE is basically a Cartridge based Dreamcast, there only ever going to have the fleeting Arcade market and not the total loyatly of a die-hard niche market who's already got a track record for buying up games most of the "Mainstream" laugh at us for. At the end of the day I come to this community for the NEO:GEO, and for teh drama of course. I just hope Shawn continues to make enough money that this BBS Forums is always here to, cause I'd hate to see this place go. any rate,
NeoStore where you at? Holla' back yo!