Will the Neo Store carry Atomiswave Hardware and games?


Rugal's Thug
Jan 1, 2003
I hope this site stays only about the Neo Geo system . I don't give a rats smelly ass about Sammy .


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
Dougdesensi said:
To the Fucking Topic what does 3 pages of Ports & Consoles have to do with the Fucking Topic????? The Fucking Neo is DEAD :) so will the NEO-STORE carry the MOBO or the Carts of Sammy Atomis Wave Period

I'd guess that the Neo Store makes a large portion of its profits from the sale of home carts. Therefore, people who own NGH systems are important to the Neo Store. So, if a console system, which may satisfy some of these NGH system owners, is made available, then the Neo Store might be able to continue to make profits off of this demographic group. If they can make profits this way, then I think that might be a determining factor as to whether they'll sell Atomiswave games and hardware.

That's the way I see it, anyway.


Jan 16, 2004
I personally don't care if the games are cd or cart-based,or who is behind the making of the snk series that we love.the point is that the series and characters we love are and will be still around for years to come.a few years ago there were no snk and there was a chance we would never see new installments of our favorite games,now we dont have to worry about that...and that we should be happy about.


Jan 16, 2004
this site and the neo-store should stay regardless.the neo-geo is dead ,but the same games will be on a new system,so why shouln't it sell the new shit?as long as it will be profitable for the neo-store,I think why not?


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
kyoshiro1 said:
I personally don't care if the games are cd or cart-based,or who is behind the making of the snk series that we love.the point is that the series and characters we love are and will be still around for years to come.a few years ago there were no snk and there was a chance we would never see new installments of our favorite games,now we dont have to worry about that...and that we should be happy about.

Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. I wanna see it work out and for the "magic" to return and all that crap. It's kinda hard to remain positive at this point though ....


hacked account
20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
I personally don't care if the games are cd or cart-based
I ready have a home cd-based console of Atomiswave {the Dreamcast}
so sammy and snk Just ports the new game to {the Dreamcast}


hacked account
20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
so now Atomiswave games will be ported to dreamcast
I have all the system but I like to see ported to dreamcast


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
I didn't read 100% of that crap up there, but I think you guys who are talking about an Atmoiswave homecart system are forgetting one thing when it comes to this whole issue of profitability... You're forgetting that to make a home system you need tons of money to design and produce it. ALL THAT SNKP had to do was make the games. No controllers or systems at all. SNK did all that for them 14 years ago. This is an absolutely huge issue with regard to profitability. And then factor in that you'd lose a part of the market of people who only find the real Neo-Geo interesting to collect for... I cannot fathom how it would be profitable. Sorry.


Feb 23, 2004
Kristian Meller said:
SvC (better in a lot of ways) and MS3 (higher resolution, plus you get teh extra modez) on the PS2 already exist.

But then of course you'd have to own a chipped PS2 (if you're american or european) and something along the lines of the Namco Stick...

Or get the Xbox versions when they come out this year (with Xbox Live support and possibly 480p support).

There are arcade sticks for the Xbox too.

Personally, I'd buy an Atomiswave cart console, and then i'd buy the ports later when they come out. I'm not a collector, but I'm an obsessive fan, I hate having to wait for ports. I'd buy the arcade game and then get the console port when it comes out with the extra options/online play.

Porting Atomiswave to Dreamcast is a bad idea though. Part of the reason SNK made the move to AW is because of how bad the ROMS and bootleg situation is getting...Dreamcast is the easiest system to pirate for, no mod chip required, easy to download games and burn them. Hell, if you can get access to NeoGeo ROMS now, you probably already have access to DC ISO images.

(But I do love my Dreamcast)


hacked account
20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
the ps2 and x-box easiest system to pirate

the game cube is hard to pirate best way is snk go to nintendo gc

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002

WOWZERS! *After taking the time to read each and every single post for the last four pages I must say there's a lot of "Sound" argument on both side of the fences, but I still see that no Official statement by NeoStore has been given as of yet, so should the fighting really continue on this note until THE MAN himself (Shawn) gives us the INTEL on the situation at hand? Personally I really would like to know what NeoStore is planning on doing with this. *And for the record (just showing what side of the fence I'm on) while I may very well end up with an ATOMISWAVE set up in the future, providing the games span genres and are actually good... I wouldn't be interested in "ports" either, I would want the real thing, just like shelling out the dough for a BIG RED 1 (2-Slot) MVS Cab and MVS Carts. There's a big difference, especially in walking into your "Game Room" or "Garage" and powering up an Upright and playing an Arcade system and playing the games. With the exception of Game Cube, I don't even own a Next Gen system. I decided to go straight up ARCADE at a time when it didn't make any sense to do so. *But I know it'll be at least a year or two before I can track down all the MVS Carts that I want for the MVS Cab, and with the exception of the occassional Metal Gear game I just don't have the time nor the interest to devote weeks of gaming time to beat a game.

Arcade games are meant to be difficult, fun and fast, which is how I believe most here would agree if they own the NEO:GEO be it AES or MVS are. *We want the REAL DEAL not a port of it on the PS2 or XBOX, or wishing away for another Dreamcast "Port". Here I always feel at home, even despite our arguments amongst ourselves at times, because here I know I'm not the only one shelling out $195 + for ONE game. I know that everyone here is a Die-Hard nutcase that represents the "NICHE" / "Alternative" market... and that market is still enough that it be profitable for SAMMY themselves to actually release a "Limited" consolized set up, or even some kind of home system. Back in the day you gotta' recognize that the gaming market wasn't what it is now in the term of MAINSTREAM, and SEGA and NINTENDO both made several millions, straight up Bling, Bling off the then "nichy nerd/school boy" market which most of us grew up in. Thus there's a viable market for ATOMISWAVE, as well as for SNKP to have a division creating "totally brand new" games on the MVS format as well. I think the problem stems from GREED more than anything else. Both SNKP and SAMMY might have some BLING coming in with the new set up, but if they don't plan this right and being that ATOMISEWAVE is basically a Cartridge based Dreamcast, there only ever going to have the fleeting Arcade market and not the total loyatly of a die-hard niche market who's already got a track record for buying up games most of the "Mainstream" laugh at us for. At the end of the day I come to this community for the NEO:GEO, and for teh drama of course. I just hope Shawn continues to make enough money that this BBS Forums is always here to, cause I'd hate to see this place go.

...at any rate, NeoStore where you at? Holla' back yo!

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Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
dmhawkmoon said:
I didn't read 100% of that crap up there, but I think you guys who are talking about an Atmoiswave homecart system are forgetting one thing when it comes to this whole issue of profitability... You're forgetting that to make a home system you need tons of money to design and produce it. ALL THAT SNKP had to do was make the games. No controllers or systems at all. SNK did all that for them 14 years ago. This is an absolutely huge issue with regard to profitability. And then factor in that you'd lose a part of the market of people who only find the real Neo-Geo interesting to collect for... I cannot fathom how it would be profitable. Sorry.

No, I didn't forget about that. And you're right, it does take a great investment to build a home system from the ground up. But that's not what I'm proposing. They could essentially repackage the atomiswave system's guts to fit inside of a console - and use the same cartridges. I don't think that would be such an overwhelming project. You'd lose part of your market, true, but you might gain a few people from other part of the market. I still say it could be done.


Loyal Neo-Disciple
15 Year Member
Jan 5, 2004
I couldn't make it through all the posts, but in my opion...it's all about the killer 2-D gaming. That's the main reason I collect NEO GEO. No matter what the next console may be, I want quality 2-D gaming. If you want to be a fanboy, then be a fanboy of 2-D!


New Challenger
Sep 2, 2002
Interesting thread... but what does Shawn think about it? I didn't read a single post from him? I would liek to think that at worst, he would still be in the used business...



Morden's Lackey
Jul 27, 2003
Since even Crystal systems from Brezzasoft are being carried, I'd say that we'll see AW machines for sale, new and used.


Feb 23, 2004
The only problem I can see with a consolized set up AW is that while the NeoGeo AES was for a very long time an expensive, niche system, for it's first five years, it was also the most powerful system on the market. A consolized AW would in fact be in many ways less powerful even than a PS2, let alone the Gamecube and Xbox which are much more powerful, and all three of the mainstream consoles are much cheaper.

So I don't know if Sammy would find it worthwhile to make a console. Would you guys buy a consolized AW if it was the same price as a full AW cab? I'd rather get the cab personally.


Camel Slug
Feb 28, 2003
galfordo said:
No, I didn't forget about that. And you're right, it does take a great investment to build a home system from the ground up. But that's not what I'm proposing. They could essentially repackage the atomiswave system's guts to fit inside of a console - and use the same cartridges. I don't think that would be such an overwhelming project. You'd lose part of your market, true, but you might gain a few people from other part of the market. I still say it could be done.

Shit, have you seen the Atomiswave? They could just slap a JROK in there and add controller ports. It already looks like a home console. That's hardly a great investment, and it'd save people a lot of hassle.


Hardened Shock Trooper
May 27, 2003
Well then it's easy, make bigbear do some atomiswave shockboxes, those French GL bootleggers the insert and manual and let kennyboy do the modz and paint it in a spiffy neon pink colour. Then let the freaks sodomize it all with stickers and stamps before distributing it.
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NEST Puppet
Dec 23, 2003
Fatghost28 said:
Would you guys buy a consolized AW if it was the same price as a full AW cab? I'd rather get the cab personally.

Even though I doubt it would cost as much as an complete AW cabinet, I would still be more interested in an home console. You see the problem is I don't have any room for an Atomiswave cabinet, and even if I had it would still be nearly impossible to get one where I live. I think it would be fairly easy for them to consolize the AW, all it needs is a better looking case and controller ports.


Apr 16, 2003
Listed under the Coming Soon section of the NeoStore:

March 10th:
{6} Atomiswave system with Dolphin Blue - Atomiswave is a cartridge based system by Sammy with significantly better capabilities than the NeoGeo MVS. SNK Playmore is currently developing new titles for this new system, such as KoF 2004 & Metal Slug 6.


Astra Superstar
Mar 11, 2003
Freelancer said:
Listed under the Coming Soon section of the NeoStore:

March 10th:
{6} Atomiswave system with Dolphin Blue - Atomiswave is a cartridge based system by Sammy with significantly better capabilities than the NeoGeo MVS. SNK Playmore is currently developing new titles for this new system, such as KoF 2004 & Metal Slug 6.

Right on my Birthday!!:buttrock:


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Mar 4, 2003
Visuatrox said:
I think it would be fairly easy for them to consolize the AW, all it needs is a better looking case and controller ports.
What's wrong with the Atomiswave Case?! I think its Cool!:buttrock:

Anyway, I guess Shawn didn't have to say anything.
As Freelancer pointed out, "teh Atomiswave is on teh way!" :D

--Ooh, and more MVS kits! :buttrock:


NEST Puppet
Jan 10, 2004
greyimp said:
What's wrong with the Atomiswave Case?! I think its Cool!:buttrock:

Anyway, I guess Shawn didn't have to say anything.
As Freelancer pointed out, "teh Atomiswave is on teh way!" :D

--Ooh, and more MVS kits! :buttrock:

I'm also a fan of the Atomiswave's casing. The Red kind of fits the red/green Xmas type logo they've got going on. I'm actually beginning the initial stages of putting together an Atomiswave cabinet in the future. I've already cleared the space for it. Now it's just going to be going through the motions of getting it done.

Kristian Meller

Vanguard Pilot
10 Year Member
Sep 22, 2013
Visuatrox said:
Even though I doubt it would cost as much as an complete AW cabinet, I would still be more interested in an home console. You see the problem is I don't have any room for an Atomiswave cabinet, and even if I had it would still be nearly impossible to get one where I live. I think it would be fairly easy for them to consolize the AW, all it needs is a better looking case and controller ports.

I'm in the exact same situation. I personally know the guy who has the biggest arcade collection in teh w0rld, but his standard jamma-cabs suck. I want a Neo 29/Candy-cab!