Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
If you like medieval fantasy settings, treason plots and a couple of sex scenes you should check it out...
I think it holds the right amount of "fantasy" spice to lure those of us who really enjoy it and also people who would normally say "that shit is for nerds and geeks"
Not really. I just liked Rome's historical setting.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
I could watch a Dunk and Egg show. Just the two of them, traveling across Westeros and getting into adventures. The nice thing about those stories is that they're stories that take place in that world but you're not quite so afraid to turn the page. I love A Sonng of Ice and Fire, but I don't think I could read another series like it. I get really involved in books and I become very attached to characters, and that series is very stressful at times.

I hear in the next Dunk and Egg story, they go to Winterfell. It's supposed to appear in some anthology focused on women in fantasy settings, so I imagine they'll be meeting some tough Stark and Wilding ladies when they get there.

Oh, in case anyone hasn't seen this yet, this Season Two advertisement will have its way with you:

Oh awesome! I think I'm going to have to watch season 1 again before April 1st.

Dunk and Egg are amazing so far.

I love movies and books with bad endings. I get a sick joy by watching all these people's lives destroyed by fate or their own actions. Love it.


Feb 16, 2012
Fantastic adaptation of the novels. I had to read through the novels again when I heard the show was coming out. I started watching it after it's initial run when my girlfriend and I were bored and looking for something to watch. I didn't think she would like it but I figured we could watch the first episode and see. Yeah, my bad. She marathoned the damn season lol. Looking forward to checking out season 2.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Oh awesome! I think I'm going to have to watch season 1 again before April 1st.

Dunk and Egg are amazing so far.

I love movies and books with bad endings. I get a sick joy by watching all these people's lives destroyed by fate or their own actions. Love it.

I can handle a bad ending as long as it's not the final, ultimate ending of the entire story.

At some point, I need some validation and a good feeling for having stuck it out.

I'm cool with victory requiring sacrifice. But I really don't want A Song of Ice and Fire to end with the Starks all dead and the Lannisters on top.

I'd kick Martin to the ground and shave off his beard if that were to happen.

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
Might as well bump this for Season 2.
Loved the premier. I had to watch it a second time to understand what was going on with the new cast.
Overall, Tyrion and Joffrey are the best things about this episode. I seriously love that imp, and I really want to punch Joffrey in the face every time I see his face (that includes in real life). lol.
I'm hoping to see more of Jon and Arya in the next episode.
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Natural Born Killer,
15 Year Member
Sep 23, 2005
Killer episode last night. Didn't deviate from the book too bad. Most of the changes were just sequential and not derivative. Now, I just want to be in a coma until the next episode airs. Can't wait til Seasons 3/4 where they split Book 3. The Cold Winds Are Rising!

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
I'd never read the books because, well, I never have time to read nowadays. Finally caught up on the show last month and watched the Season 2 premiere on Sunday. As everyone before me has said, the show is amazing. The character depth, the script, and the acting are by far some of the best in a long time. Rarely does a show truly catch me by surprise, but with Episode 9 it quickly vaulted itself into my current Top 5.

I just hope that HBO can continue providing budget support and cranking out high quality seasons. Rome and Deadwood ended far too quickly, just as I was getting really attached to the characters. I hope that this show outlasts them and covers the entire book series. I think I'll hold off on the books for a few years and go back to soak in the story from a new perspective.

I am also enjoying this way more than LotR. There are no 30 hobbit names to remember, no dirty wizards, and no loopholes. Everyone is mortal (seemingly) and living on borrowed time in an unforgiving land.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Loved the premiere of Season Two. It feels like an episode that was filmed last season. They haven't missed a beat at all.

It really helps that so much of this show is shot in real locations. It really gives the world the grit and texure to make you believe in the mortal themes of the narrative.

My favorite scene was the confrontation between Robb and Jamie. When Greywind sauntered in, I was like 'Winter is COMING, MOTHERFUCKER!'

I hate the Lannisters. They are great villains and I love them on that level, but they are despicable. So seeing Jamie shit in his pants with a Dire Wolf staring him in the face was an awesome moment. I savor stuff like this because, well, I've read all the books and pendulums tend to swing back and forth...


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
As a pointless nod to SNK I always refer to a more powerful, evil version of something as Orochi whatever.

Henceforth, I will now refer to Craster as Orochi Joseph Fritzl.


Marked Wolf
Oct 1, 2011
Had to downgrade my internet speed just so I can add HBO before the premiere of the 2nd season. Great episode and as mentioned earlier, the show is sticking very closely to the books. Sure makes my Sunday nights a bit more enjoyable.


Angel's Love Slave
Jun 28, 2010
I've been following the series since it first came out, I really like it, a lot and I just started reading the first book -yeah might be kinda pointless since the series is very like the book, but I still want to- This season 2 premiere was really great and I feel that this is promising indeed and I can help to get my hopes up for the episodes to come. I do believe they are not holding back in any expense to make the whole world of the books come alive on screen and that is indeed a most distinguishable feat.

... I seriously love that imp, and I really want to punch Joffrey in the face every time I see his face (that includes in real life).

what I got from this episode as an interesting thing was the shock reaction from the queen after Joffrey gets mad at her for slapping him... I think she slowly realizing he's an ungrateful brat who is not cut out to rule a single living creature.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
the kid who plays Joffrey Lannister is one of my favorite actors in recent memory

every single time he shows up on screen i immediately think of how badly i want to punch this arrogant little prick in the throat

i don't think i've hated a character so successfully since Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator

every other actor/actress is no slouch either; but god damn does that kid have the insufferable little fucker act down pat
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Natural Born Killer,
15 Year Member
Sep 23, 2005
For all who haven't read the books, I highly encourage it. Season One was based on a short 700 or 800 page book. The following books are enormous and there's no way they will fit it all in. Even though, they are splitting Book Three into two seasons, it still won't be enough. I read through all five books in less than 2 months. That's a lot for me, since it usually takes me 2 years to read a 400 page book. These books are just so compelling, you'll read a 1200 page book in just a few days. I read Clash of Kings in a week. :)
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15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
i don't think i've hated a character so successfully since Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator

Very similar faces, both are really good at giving off an aura of entitlement when they act.
Also, I really gotta give props to the child actors in this show...really great casting; hiring actors on their merits as actors instead of nepotism or insider circle jerks behind the camera.

Not very often I can say these child actors actually ADD something to the show instead of detracting from it....Unlike Star Wars episode 1, or anything with Dakota Fanning or any flick where they shoehorn Will Smiths kids into some flick just to pad the little fucks resume while stroking his dads bloated ego.

Really, awesome cast...I can't praise them enough for this.
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MS Paint Master.
10 Year Member
Sep 4, 2011
For all who haven't read the books, I highly encourage it. Season One was based on a short 700 or 800 page book. The following books are enormous and there's no way they will fit it all in. Even though, they are splitting Book Three into two seasons, it still won't be enough. I read through all five books in less than 2 months. That's a lot for me, since it usually takes me 2 years to read a 400 page book. These books are just so compelling, you'll read a 1200 page book in just a few days. I read Clash of Kings in a week. :)

This. I started reading Game of Thrones on a whim when it first came out and I was looking for something to read, so the massive wait time between the last 2 books (something like 6 years) was frustrating, but Martin has a way of developing the characters so that even the characters with very little page time are memorable; there are seriously hundreds of characters in the books and it's somehow easy to remember them all.

The HBO series has been great so far, and I'm glad that the series is getting so much exposure as not everyone will read the novels. On a side note, last Sunday's season opener was tough to stomach for me at the end when the king's men were killing all the children; I always have a tough time with that kind of stuff.


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
It's called game of Saving throws because only D&D Nerds watch it.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
It's called game of Saving throws because only D&D Nerds watch it.

So everyone's a D&D nerd right now.

George R.R. Martin and HBO will be happy to hear it.

EDIT: And Wizards of the Coast too, now that I think of it.
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
So everyone's a D&D nerd right now.

George R.R. Martin and HBO will be happy to hear it.

EDIT: And Wizards of the Coast too, now that I think of it.

That happiness will be short lived when they find out who GregN is.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The HBO series has been great so far, and I'm glad that the series is getting so much exposure as not everyone will read the novels. On a side note, last Sunday's season opener was tough to stomach for me at the end when the king's men were killing all the children; I always have a tough time with that kind of stuff.

I was talking to some friends of mine who do a lot of reading the other day and we reiterated a point about these books.

They're awesome, but they're dark and cynical and more than a little bit Machiavellian.

You're always afraid to turn the page, but at the same time you know you can't put it off. Whether the next thing that happens is awesome or mortifying, you're compelled to keep going.


the Red Wedding in Storm of Swords

I was sitting on the back porch, head buried in my hands. I've never been so damn angry from reading a book before. I looked at my wife and said 'I don't know how they come back from this. What else is there to do now? What else can the Starks do?'

Melissa said to me 'Have you enjoyed the books so far?' She knows theyr'e pretty much my favorite books ever. They've eclipsed everything else I've ever read for personal favorite.

I said 'Yeah, you know I love what I've read until now.'

She said 'Then you have to trust the author and keep reading.'

I have not regretted pressing on. There are defeats but there are also victories.

But I don't think I can read another series with this kind of tension. It's just way too stressful because I actually care about the events and get very emotionally wrapped up in books. I don't read them with a sterile passiveness or observe them from some scientific mindset. I need to feel the story and characters to give a damn.

Martin's works actually helped me go back and appreciate some more pedestrian fare a bit more, like say, R.A. Salvatore. By comparison, Salvatore writes very safe books but sometimes, you need that too. It's wierd when a writer can make me appreciate other subgenres of the same fiction because of how awesome he is.


Natural Born Killer,
15 Year Member
Sep 23, 2005
It's called game of Saving throws because only D&D Nerds watch it.

Not sure what that even remotely means, but it's not just watched by those people. Heck, my wife, my parents, my neighbor, everyone that exposes themselves to this saga falls in love with it. Just like The Walking Dead is not really about zombies, GOT is not about fantasy. It's about the human condition....and it has an amazing take on it.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
GregN's problem with the Walking Dead was that it wasn't enough like Dead Island.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
That happiness will be short lived when they find out who GregN is.

This just in:

HBO execs kill themselves after reading comments on the internet. They died with tears in their eyes at their desks, where it's learned they were reading a Game of Thrones discussion thread at video gaming website www.neo-geo.com. Film at 11.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
This just in:

HBO execs kill themselves after reading comments on the internet. They died with tears in their eyes at their desks, where it's learned they were reading a Game of Thrones discussion thread at video gaming website www.neo-geo.com. Film at 11.

That would be kind of sad. I like HBO has done for tv shows. Really raised the bar on what a series can offer.