Turbo Outrun Fan Remake


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
intrigued, but it looks so close I'd probably just play Outrun Turbo.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
No thanks.

Hugely disappointed that Sega never ported this as part of the original Saturn Sega Ages line, as it was probably the best chance we ever had of seeing an arcade perfect port to home hardware.

While there is a very good port from M2 for the Nintendo DS, it does not feature the original car sprite.

Sadly, Sega would need a Ferrari licence to do a proper port today - and I can't see that happening.


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
intrigued, but it looks so close I'd probably just play Outrun Turbo.
Same. The Saturn Ages port of Outrun has a 60fps mode that is glorious - would have loved to see the same/similar treatment here rather than this unity developed thing.

The look of this reminds me of Dreamcast/Naomi 2D fighting games with super pixelated sprites and high-res backgrounds - doesn't look quite right.

Still, glad some folks are keeping the Outrun spirit alive. Love these games.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001

Another criminally overlooked game by Sega, and another that should have been ported to the Saturn.

In fact I don't even know what the excuse is with this not getting any kind of deserving port (lets not talk about the Data East hack job for Genesis) as it doesn't feature any licenced vehicles.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
This remake looks pretty smooth (literally) and the 16x9 view is good, some nice modern touches that update it without substantially changing the game. Turbo Outrun is not my favorite outrun game, but this looks nice so kudos to the developer. Is that Lamborghini sprite ripped from Chase HQ?

Outrun, Outrunners, and Outrun 2 make me feel something whenever I play them. You guys the same?
A not insignificant number of people refer to synthwave, particularly stuff that seems like its trying to evoke 1980s game and film soundtracks, as "outrun" in homage to the game. I think its safe to say then, that the game has made a lot of people feel something.

"Outrun" is a synonym of synthwave that was later used to refer more generally to retro 1980s aesthetics such as VHS tracking artifacts, magenta neon, and gridlines.[15] The term comes from the 1986 arcade racing game Out Run, which is known for its soundtrack that could be selected in-game and its 1980s aesthetic.[13][17] According to musician Perturbator (James Kent), outrun is also its own subgenre, mainly instrumental, and often contains 1980s clichéd elements in the sound such as electronic drums, gated reverb, and analog synthesizer bass lines and leads—all to resemble tracks from that time period.[18] There is also a visual component on synthwave album covers and music videos. According to PC Gamer, the essence of outrun visuals is "taking elements of a period of '80s excess millennials find irresistibly evocative, and modernizing them so they're just barely recognizable."[


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
A little too "clean" looking for my taste (the washed out color pallette is part of the appeal of those original super scaler games for me) but still a huge improvement on what was previously available.


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
10 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
turbo outrun is legit bootleg quality compared to the original. one of the only cabs i've ever sold