Trump will win the 2020 election


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
I don't hold a grudge against poppy either despite being told to kill myself on a regular basis.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
What if the existential crisis has already happened, but we were all too distracted to notice. Now as the opiates wear off, we are seeing things the way the are, and looking for ways to deal with it, but it's too late? We defeated the nazis in 1945, but not the culture they fought to protect. We turn on each other, while the institutions reinforce their positions. No one is changing their mind in these arguments because no one is talking about the right questions. I am worried about the direction of the country. I see the people with their american flag bandanas cheaply makeshifted into masks, railing that Trump's reelection will mean no more mask bullshit, and I see Tucker Carlson playing white jihad apologist on the tv, and I see an incredible amount of swindling in our government, while people are almost powerless to stop it, and increasingly tired of fighting. Yeah, it feels like an existential crisis to be fighting to protect the country from people using tax money on used trump mattresses, presidential legal defense, fighting muslim bans, fighting against paying triple the level of secret service other presidents had because the president wants his secret service agents staying in his hotels, and watching his distant wife while she lives in Potomac with her parents. I legitimately miss W, who despite all his faults, and the enablement of Cheney's worst impulses, wasn't robbing the country in broad daylight and shaking his finger at us "neener neener, can't catch me!"

We're an election away from the military top brass being mostly cycled out and replaced with loyalists. We're an election away from the GOP going totally tea party. At that point, we become about democratic as Kinshasa or Pyongyang.

I don't want to individually address each point you make in here just because there are a lot, but if all that is the case, then why the sudden panic? Your post seems to indicate that this is a long time coming, yet it is only since Trump's election that we have seen the generic 'left' in a panic about the future of our country. Either our systems are strong enough to survive the worst impulses of one president or they were undermined a long time ago and Trump is just a culmination of a century's worth of wool pulled over our collective eyes.

I feel like I've made this point before so just ignore it if it feels like we're talking in circles. I know we just kinda fundamentally disagree on the likelihood that our systems are so far gone as to ever recover.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
I don't disagree that what's going on now has always gone on. However I feel like politicians had the good grace to muddy the waters and purposefully confuse the masses in the past. This in itself was a limitation.

Sometime recently someone realised that actually people would rather be knowingly told huge, instantly refutable whopping lies that they understood than nuanced somewhere nearer reality half truths that they didn't understand. It allowed them to think they were taking part.

So now the voting majority demonstrably don't care if they're lied to as long as the lies are easy to follow. 'Largest inauguration crowd of all time', '£350 million a week to the EU'. Whatever they want to say, basically. That's a scary place to be.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I don't want to individually address each point you make in here just because there are a lot, but if all that is the case, then why the sudden panic? Your post seems to indicate that this is a long time coming, yet it is only since Trump's election that we have seen the generic 'left' in a panic about the future of our country. Either our systems are strong enough to survive the worst impulses of one president or they were undermined a long time ago and Trump is just a culmination of a century's worth of wool pulled over our collective eyes.

I feel like I've made this point before so just ignore it if it feels like we're talking in circles. I know we just kinda fundamentally disagree on the likelihood that our systems are so far gone as to ever recover.

I think we have been discussing many aspects of the crumbling American culture, from the PATRIOT Act, to PC culture, extraterritorial drone attacks, financial deregulation, and that while these things were happening, there was a hope that the American constitution, the system of checks and balances, would be stronger than any threat faced. But now I don’t feel so confident in the constitution, with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh taking orders from the GOP leadership. It was bad enough when there was a Scalia Thomas block in the court. Now it feels more ominous, and much less representative of America. This combined with an enablist GOP senate creates the very problem that the founding fathers wanted to protect against

So yeah, I’m more worried now than before. And I think the reasons for that aren’t unreasonable.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
I can't find it right now but he pretty much gave this same speech verbatim '96 '98 when Clinton/Gore were making the case to invade Iraq

I can't imagine what changed his mind except in the time afterwards he became an executive and board member of Halliburton.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I can't find it right now but he pretty much gave this same speech verbatim '96 '98 when Clinton/Gore were making the case to invade Iraq

I can't imagine what changed his mind except in the time afterwards he became an executive and board member of Halliburton.

Don’t invade until I line up my investments.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
, yet it is only since Trump's election that we have seen the generic 'left' in a panic about the future of our country.

Lots of people in the "generic right" are also in panic mode about Trump.


20 Year Member
I refused to watch the debate but of course I've seen some highlights. It went just as bad as I thought it was going to be but I was hoping that Biden would challenge Trump to push ups which didn't happen.

I still think the orange slimy son of a bitch is going to win but that won't stop me from voting for Biden. My mom was so inspired by the debate that she called and asked if I could help her put in her ballot for Biden. She's not a fan of bullying and said all things considered Biden composed himself well (her words not mine).

A friend of mine and I plan on getting stoned and bringing flasks to stand in line to vote on November 3rd.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
I refused to watch the debate

Watching the debate seems as stupid and pointless to me as watching the Oscars, watching some English royal wedding or other inane shit like that. Who, anywhere in the US, has not already decided who they are going to vote for? Who thinks anything of substance is going to be discussed by either side? Solutions presented that aren't vague bullshit or empty platitudes?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Watching the debate seems as stupid and pointless to me as watching the Oscars, watching some English royal wedding or other inane shit like that. Who, anywhere in the US, has not already decided who they are going to vote for? Who thinks anything of substance is going to be discussed by either side? Solutions presented that aren't vague bullshit or empty platitudes?

Debates are a good way to see how each candidate handles pressure and defends their warts. That's all. They can change the way voters perceive each candidate, and so yes, they're useful. In Biden's case, he was shakey at times, but those were when it seemed like Trump was attacking his children. Trump was often confused and rambling, and had trouble answering any question about his failures (covid response, white supremacy, black lives matters). If anyone feels it's okay for voters to be happy with his responses on BLM, covid, and white supremacists, then they racist idiots themselves. I consider their opinions unimportant and feel the best is to let them go extinct. The GOP has incubated them simply to harvest votes, but we are reaching a critical point where they are destructive to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
If anyone feels it's okay for voters to be happy with his responses on BLM, covid, and white supremacists, then they racist idiots themselves.
And then what? What changes? The racists are still racist, and the people who aren't still aren't. I still don't understand what you're getting out of it. It's not like your opinion of Trump is going to suddenly reverse, so the best outcome you can possibly hope for from the debate is that you don't feel worse about Biden. Since there is literally no choice at this point other than to vote for Biden, why go through the motions?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
And then what? What changes? The racists are still racist, and the people who aren't still aren't. I still don't understand what you're getting out of it. It's not like your opinion of Trump is going to suddenly reverse, so the best outcome you can possibly hope for from the debate is that you don't feel worse about Biden. Since there is literally no choice at this point other than to vote for Biden, why go through the motions?
No, the best possible result is that more people see Trump for who he is, on live tv, rather than the curated shorts they get from Fox, OANN, etc, and they decide not to support him.

Some people will see that debate and think Trump is great, and represents them, and if the Dems win, they should just let those people die off. If Trump wins, I expect nothing less from him and his people, except it will be on a global scale.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
No, the best possible result is that more people see Trump for who he is
I don't even know what to say to that, other than that you're too old and too intelligent to be thinking that's a possibility. At least in any kind of numbers that would matter. That is some just-went-away-to-college-kid type romantic shit.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Leaving won't solve the problem that you and a lot of us are facing. Which is that we get more pleasure out of correcting, insulting, and destroying than we do in figuring out how to heal the divide so we can move the country toward some more moderate path rather than the constant wild pendulum swings.

If we want everyone to act and think more responsibly and compassionately, we need to find a way to bring the people on the other side closer, not increase the divide by pushing them away. When all we do is insult and belittle them for what we may see as their stupidity and irresponsibility, all that accomplishes is to make them stubbornly double down on a position they might have eventually come to reconsider if they weren't under constant attack. It's counter-fucking-productive.

This was a really good fucking post.

I watched the debate. It was a total shitshow from both of them. Trump honestly would have came out "Ok" if he'd had just shut the fuck up and let Joe dig his own grave. Joe himself was actually more vocal then I expected even tho I could smell some bullshit coming out of his mouth as well.

Total waste of time watching that mess.
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
This was a really good fucking post.

I watched the debate. It was a total shitshow from both of them. Trump honestly would have came out "Ok" if he'd had just shut the fuck up and let Joe dig his own grave. Joe himself was actually more vocal then I expected even tho I could smell some bullshit coming out of his mouth as well.

Total waste of time watching that mess.

Tell me more about the bullshit you smelled. I totally missed it.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Tell me more about the bullshit you smelled. I totally missed it.

Eh I don't want to get into a full blown argument about it. They just both really rubbed me the wrong way. Well I'll say one thing but please don't rake me too hard over it. Him supporting the Green New Deal and then within that same span rejecting it. I was like... Wait what?
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Eh I don't want to get into a full blown argument about it. They just both really rubbed me the wrong way. Well I'll say one thing but please don't rake me too hard over it. Him supporting the Green New Deal and then within that same span rejecting it. I was like... Wait what?

You mean he can’t support aspects of the deal, such as reducing carbon output, unless he allows them hog tie them to AOC and her deal?




Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
You mean he can’t support aspects of the deal, such as reducing carbon output, unless he allows them hog tie them to AOC and her deal?



Well I just guess I looked at it from the way he said he himself was the democrat party. I just felt if he's going to say that then he needs to have a harder stance on his own without making it seem like he's being wishy-washy.

Anyways I'm not gonna make it a big deal. I just wish Joe would have been more concise.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
MSNBC is reporting that Stephen Miller has tested positive.



20 Year Member
October has gotten more wild than I ever anticipated in a million years. I remember being sure that Hillary was going to win up until the last three or four weeks before the election. I had already picked Trump to win the nomination under the Republican side but I thought Hillary would beat him

What I initially didn't understand was how much people hated the Clintons. I had just moved back to Michigan and wasn't aware until we got closer to the election the disdain people held for the Bill Clinton for passing NAFTA. I did however recognize that more people were for Bernie than anyone else and it was a mistake to choose Hillary over him.

Just remember, we haven't seen all the dirt that the Trump administration has dug up on Biden yet. We're going to see all that get released two to three days before the election. I think the biggest difference here is that people might not care as much.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Just remember, we haven't seen all the dirt that the Trump administration has dug up on Biden yet. We're going to see all that get released two to three days before the election. I think the biggest difference here is that people might not care as much.

People seem to forget Biden was vice president for 8 years. Any dirt that could have been brought up, has been brought up. Dude is pretty solid imo, just old and too touchy with girls, but whatever. It sucks to see people write, "I don't like Biden, but I'll vote for him anyway." I'm just like, why? I wish people were smart enough to realize we're not just electing a single man, we're getting a whole team to help put America back on track (I would hope - for example, not having your family as Special Advisors to the White House).