SVC's greatest failure is how depressing it is


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Continuing talk from that thread where that guy paid about 10,000 dollars for this game.

I try this game a couple times every year and can't even bring myself to play all the way through each time. Today was one of those days.

I love SNK's interpretation of Capcom characters. The animation is great as well. That is 100% the bait for me to always come back.

But the overall presentation, meaning the backgrounds and music, is just godawful. Quite possibly the most drab, most grey, most downright depressing everything in any fighter. Not even Demitri's Midnight Bliss could save this...and that is perhaps one of the most incredible fan services from either company.

Go ahead and youtube Capcom VS SNK and then SNK VS Capcom. The difference is night and day. CVS, even with its warts, lived up to its moniker of being the match of the millenium. SVC in comparison is like seeing a friend willingly crawl into a coffin.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
The presentation is pretty bad but most of that stuff wouldn't matter if the game didn't play like dogshit. The movement is stiff, the hitboxes are borked, the block and hit-stun feel like someone's hastily thrown-together Mugen build and the mechanics are either completely useless or hilariously broken. And that's before you even touch the bad character balancing. That the NGPC game is not only a better game but a hell of a lot more fun is telling.

If we're being real, the game's greatest failure is that it was released. It was an unfinished game that got dumped on to the market because SNKP was a husk of a company desperate for revenue. It would've made great fodder for unreleased game websites and Youtube content farms where people could pore over screenshots and character artwork and wax nostalgically over "what could've been" had SNK gotten to release their version of the crossover fighting game. Kinda like Garou 2 but bigger.

Now it's just a sad footnote in the company's history.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Maybe another year of development and releasing on Atomiswave could have helped.

Capcom's versions had a lot of reused sprites too, just like SNK's efforts at the time. Perhaps it compares poorly because they made it for the elderly Neo Geo hardware, while Capcom's was for Naomi. A fresh coat of presentation on newer hardware might have slightly polished up the lackluster efforts from SNK's remaining B team. It could've turned out looking more like Neo Geo Battle Coliseum. I'm not saying it would've helped the game be a lot better, but it's an idea.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
It's a fun game ruined with bad backgrounds for sure. It also sucks that Red Arremer or whatever the hell his name is, is such a PITA to unlock without a BIOS.


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
My local arcade got SVC Chaos as soon as it came out. I was so excited. Feels like yesterday putting my tokens in for the first time.

It was... not great. Especially when CVS2 was so fucking good.

But a year later when SVC Chaos came out for Xbox, I got it on release day and bought an Xbox to be able to play it. My roommates and I would play it from time to time, but before long, we'd go back to playing all the Capcom fighters on Dreamcast. Then Capcom Fighting Evolution came out and it was even worse than SVC Chaos and we all just accepted the fighting game craze was over.

It was a good run. From the early 90s to the early 00s, Capcom and SNK 2D fighters ruled our lives. But it was time to move on to other things.

All these years later, finally playing SVC Chaos on an AES, with all of the disappointment having washed away decades ago, my friends and I are having a blast. It's janky and weird, but it's still Ryu vs Terry on a Neo Geo and the game and all the hype it had (and failed to live up to) is still a huge piece of gaming history to my generation.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
All these years later, finally playing SVC Chaos on an AES, with all of the disappointment having washed away decades ago, my friends and I are having a blast.
The lies, lies, lies are really coming down now.

You posted you got this yesterday around 7AM. It is now 2PM as I type this. You did not have friends come over and play SVC with you in that amount of time.

Hope you can find your happiness. Because it's not in SVC.


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
The lies, lies, lies are really coming down now.

You posted you got this yesterday around 7AM. It is now 2PM as I type this. You did not have friends come over and play SVC with you in that amount of time.

Hope you can find your happiness. Because it's not in SVC.

Fedex delivered the game Sunday at 2:46pm. Had already made plans to play games with some buddies later that day, so SVC Chaos is the game we chose to play since it had just arrived.

I have a couple neighbors who love retro games as well and they came over today to play for a few hours while I waited for the hockey game to start.

For it to seem impossible to you that someone could meet up with some buddies in a 36 hour window says a lot about what a sad isolated person you are. Hope you feel better buddy.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Fedex delivered the game Sunday at 2:46pm. Had already made plans to play games with some buddies later that day, so SVC Chaos is the game we chose to play since it had just arrived.

I have a couple neighbors who love retro games as well and they came over today to play for a few hours while I waited for the hockey game to start.

For it to seem impossible to you that someone could meet up with some buddies in a 36 hour window says a lot about what a sad isolated person you are. Hope you feel better buddy.
Cool, cool. Anyways how much did you buy this piece of shit for?


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
The presentation is pretty bad but most of that stuff wouldn't matter if the game didn't play like dogshit. The movement is stiff, the hitboxes are borked, the block and hit-stun feel like someone's hastily thrown-together Mugen build and the mechanics are either completely useless or hilariously broken. And that's before you even touch the bad character balancing. That the NGPC game is not only a better game but a hell of a lot more fun is telling.

If we're being real, the game's greatest failure is that it was released. It was an unfinished game that got dumped on to the market because SNKP was a husk of a company desperate for revenue. It would've made great fodder for unreleased game websites and Youtube content farms where people could pore over screenshots and character artwork and wax nostalgically over "what could've been" had SNK gotten to release their version of the crossover fighting game. Kinda like Garou 2 but bigger.

Now it's just a sad footnote in the company's history.
so what you're telling me is svc chaos is basically a proto?! @SuperGun


Funster Mod
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
Could've bought a few truly great fighters on homecart for $1,300, or a MOTW homecart. Could've been halfway to a Slug 3 homecart with that too but I guess SvCC fits for the guy that wakes up and slams a few cans of diet soda and makes his living pretending to get beat up on TV for the trailer park crowd.

SvCC isn't the worst fighter on the Neo. As said a million times before it had so much potential, and Playmore failed to live up to the hype. Capcom did it better.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
It's a mess, but it's a fun mess.

I think it has a ton of charm, but almost no refinement and feels like the alpha version instead of a final build.

I think the novelty of seeing the Capcom crew done in SNK sprite-work is enough of a novelty to warrant playing around with it, but it is definitely a sad game in the sense that you'll be left wondering how it could have been great if made during a better point in SNK's history.


Ace Ghost Pilot
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
The gameplay always felt off to me on this one, like a gimped kof. I miss the kof dodge mechanic. The ai also gets pretty brutal, kind of starts to feel like SNK boss syndrome before you even get to the bosses.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
One of the game's biggest issues is that it's a Playmore developed game... if the OG SNK had been behind this I think we would have seen something much more satisfying than the broken turd we were dealt.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
It was $1,300 after shipping and insurance.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
It was $1,300 after shipping and insurance.
Is this what a home cart goes for now?

Man, I could make some money if I ever entertained the notion of selling mine.

Which I wouldn't. They are still, to this day, the pride and joy of my game collection.

Every time I look at any of those carts, I remember how much effort I put into securing my copy, from the preorder to saving the scratch to buy it and eagerly waiting to pop that clamshell open and plug it in. It was a rich man's toy and I wasn't rich. I worked for it and I don't regret it at all.