REAL DOLL FUND & The Conflictions of Global Society. a/k/a "LatexBungRider" out.

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Buriki-One Fight Promoter
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2005
I wonder if Merc would know the difference between a male and female real doll blindfolded, since all he cares about is the asshole.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
Merc is the world's most heterosexual male. If he was in a coma the scent of good pussy would give his life support controlled body an erection.


Troller of Old Men,
20 Year Member
Apr 1, 2002
Heh I was just adding more insanity to this thread, and it worked!

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
Merc is the world's most heterosexual male. If he was in a coma the scent of good pussy would give his life support controlled body an erection.

Just like what happened to Steven Segal in that movie where he was in a coma, you know, back in the '80s before he and Kelly LeBrock got all fat.

What the fuck was I talking about?


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
Steven Seagal always looks like he's taking a shit. That fact is very relevant to this thread.


Tung's Hair Stylist
Aug 24, 2006
nice sig yagami.....

brings me back... got sent home from school for wearing an ST shirt in 6th grade that was a bunch of skeletons committing suicide in various fashions over a back drop of blood.... my mom told them to "go to hell" and that I could wear whatever I wanted to wear. Thanks mom!


Aerobics Instructor,
Apr 12, 2001
What is really funny is I have met Doc Johnson. His son went to college with me, he was in my Fraternity and was two years behind me. We got a bunch of his toys and played with them. They also make porn movies and yes they have the best sex toys at the highest quality. They even developed a paint that makes veins look VERY real and looks like it is UNDER the skin, great stuff.



Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
This is the most fucked-up and sad thread I've ever read on this site. I can't laugh at this, I just feel like I need to go disinfect myself after reading it. Merc, you really need help, and not of the nutjob Christian variety.

if it is as fucked up and sad as you say,then why did you go through the trouble of reading it anyway and post comment?to me that's a true sign of needing help buddy.What is it with all the idiots who get all serious over a fucking warroom thread,and looking at your postcount you should be used with the things you can expect here.

noob out


Jun 25, 2002
What is really funny is I have met Doc Johnson. His son went to college with me, he was in my Fraternity and was two years behind me. We got a bunch of his toys and played with them. They also make porn movies and yes they have the best sex toys at the highest quality. They even developed a paint that makes veins look VERY real and looks like it is UNDER the skin, great stuff.


J. Max

Aug 8, 2002
What is really funny is I have met Doc Johnson. His son went to college with me, he was in my Fraternity and was two years behind me. We got a bunch of his toys and played with them. They also make porn movies and yes they have the best sex toys at the highest quality. They even developed a paint that makes veins look VERY real and looks like it is UNDER the skin, great stuff.

Wow, that's pretty screwed up. However, it would be funny to tell college age women that your dad makes sex toys for a living. More screwed up would be that kid actually using said sex toys on his girlfriend. There's definitely an Oedipal problem there somewhere...


Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001

Stop being a giant pussy and go mellow out. Asking to be deleted is like the lamest thing you can possibly ask for. Do you not have the ability to just not log in for a while? Fuckin' eh dude.

It's not like I don't rub one out two or three times a day, given that I've been single now for four months, but you don't see me starting up threads about Real Dolls and shit. Can we stick to MegaDrive games and Robocop for a while?

TMI dude. TM-fucking-I.

StormRider my ass, more like LatexBungRider, or JizzlyBear.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
who honestly 'rubs one out' 2-3 times a day.

I'm unemployed at present and still don't wank 3 times a day.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I just read that Roger Clemens' trainer was rubbing Icy Hot on his balls when he was on the heaviest 'roids cycle.

I'd think that that kind of jacking schedule might require similar treatment.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001


Dyslexic Mods FWT!, , got me 2 scalps, ,
15 Year Member
Apr 4, 2005
Eh. Just chill, Merc. At least you had the balls to post what was on your mind, so fuck anyone who drags you down for it. So you made a rather extreme joke
thread about plastic doll sex (rape?), and a few too many people have taken it seriously: Who cares? I mean honestly, do you *really* care? I wouldn't give a shit. You did something right, because this thread has already generated nearly 300 posts. Shouldn't ask to have your account deleted because: 1) It's weak. and 2) It won't happen. ;)

For anyone offended by this thread, I seem to recall another (legendary) thread where a member's *actual* balls were put on the line. Ironically, I don't remember anyone being offended by that... Pretty sure no one said "JESUS THIS IS AN INTERNET FORUM, PUT YOUR BALLS AWAY CAPS LOCK!11", but suddenly people complain about some plastic doll lovin' in a Merc *joke* thread? What the fuck did you expect when you clicked on this thread? Haha. Grow some balls (don't post pics), and move on.

P.S. Anyone who has a replica of the RAD BMX bike has to be good peoples.


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
Merc will stay,he knows that the neo platoon needs their Sergeant;SIR,YES SIR

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002

Stop being a giant pussy and go mellow out. Asking to be deleted is like the lamest thing you can possibly ask for. Do you not have the ability to just not log in for a while? Fuckin' eh dude.

It's not like I don't rub one out two or three times a day, given that I've been single now for four months, but you don't see me starting up threads about Real Dolls and shit. Can we stick to MegaDrive games and Robocop for a while?

TMI dude. TM-fucking-I.

StormRider my ass, more like LatexBungRider, or JizzlyBear.

Eh. Just chill, Merc. At least you had the balls to post what was on your mind, so fuck anyone who drags you down for it. So you made a rather extreme joke
thread about plastic doll sex (rape?), and a few too many people have taken it seriously: Who cares? I mean honestly, do you *really* care? I wouldn't give a shit. You did something right, because this thread has already generated nearly 300 posts. Shouldn't ask to have your account deleted because: 1) It's weak. and 2) It won't happen. ;)

For anyone offended by this thread, I seem to recall another (legendary) thread where a member's *actual* balls were put on the line. Ironically, I don't remember anyone being offended by that... Pretty sure no one said "JESUS THIS IS AN INTERNET FORUM, PUT YOUR BALLS AWAY CAPS LOCK!11", but suddenly people complain about some plastic doll lovin' in a Merc *joke* thread? What the fuck did you expect when you clicked on this thread? Haha. Grow some balls (don't post pics), and move on.

P.S. Anyone who has a replica of the RAD BMX bike has to be good peoples.

In reply to both of you.

First off I'll never stop being a "Storm Rider" as it's what I am ultimately: A man who rides out the storms of life (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) but that said, even I have to know when something has ran it's course. I hadn't intended to even give NG.COM another look see, let alone post again, but here I am one last time.

#1> While I was somewhat serious about the REAL DOLL thing, I really didn't think anyone would assist me monetarily with that project. I figured the thread would turn into what it did, though even I admit it took turns into directions that even I didn't predict... up to an including me experiencing some "weirdness" and even making a trip to the ER due to over stimulating my cock. I didn't foresee any of that, and I ultimately saw that as a wake up call. I lost my center somewhere in Cyberspace between the time I arrived here in 2002 and now. And I've come to the conclusion, that as far as this web community is concerned, this was my finest (if not weirdest) hour. Mercenary X99 my online persona and the real Mike offline finally managed to have one last Cyber Battle and I basically 3-UPPED myself. I don't see where I could go from here.

#2> Which brings me to why I'm leaving. Not NG.COM, but every forum I have ever posted at, save one BMX one... I took down my own website and axed my own somewhat successful forum... most of my photos on various image hosting sites have been deleted... and I'm in effect Retiring Cyberspace, outside of emailing friends, eBAY, YouTube and a few other places. Think of it as my AVALON transcendal moment (where Ash) finally attains Class Real in the online game world and must reenter the real world... or does she? My interpretation has always been that she's beaten her world, as I have 3-UPPED my online persona for the last time, and in a sense "beat myself". Time to return to "the real world" now. 12 years of Cyberspace Detritus, four of which has been here in my six years here, IS ENOUGH. I'm seriously tired of it all. Since two of you expressed thoughts that I was leaving this particular community soley based on this thread, I figured I'd at least clarify that isn't the case at all.

#3> I've enjoyed my time here with you all, but I'm done here and more or less the Internet overall. I can hear the whole: INTERNET: "Serious Business!" jokes already after this post, but for me it has been a combination of bullshit and seriousness and back to bullshit over the years. So much so I kind of lost myself somewhere out there on the grids of Cyberspace. I'm going to start taking an Indonesian form of martial art called Penjat Silat and focus energies into that, along with just working on being a better father & husband. I'll just have to deal with the fact life will never be the roller coaster ride of high adventure I long for it to be, but whatever. I guess just having true friends (I have FIVE of them), and family really is enough. I will not be responding to anymore posts after this, probably lurk for a few days off and on, then I'm gone.

It's been fun.


...of course should you see me offline somewhere and want to ever link up or whatever, that's cool beans. But if you call me Merc, I'll correct you only once. MERC IS DEAD. There is only Mike now. If any of you bastards (for whatever reason) feel like keeping in contact with me, my email is below:

(but if I keep getting flooded with porn spam I'm going to change it)



The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
In reply to both of you.

First off I'll never stop being a "Storm Rider" as it's what I am ultimately: A man who rides out the storms of life (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.) but that said, even I have to know when something has ran it's course. I hadn't intended to even give NG.COM another look see, let alone post again, but here I am one last time.

#1> While I was somewhat serious about the REAL DOLL thing, I really didn't think anyone would assist me monetarily with that project. I figured the thread would turn into what it did, though even I admit it took turns into directions that even I didn't predict... up to an including me experiencing some "weirdness" and even making a trip to the ER due to over stimulating my cock. I didn't foresee any of that, and I ultimately saw that as a wake up call. I lost my center somewhere in Cyberspace between the time I arrived here in 2002 and now. And I've come to the conclusion, that as far as this web community is concerned, this was my finest (if not weirdest) hour. Mercenary X99 my online persona and the real Mike offline finally managed to have one last Cyber Battle and I basically 3-UPPED myself. I don't see where I could go from here.

#2> Which brings me to why I'm leaving. Not NG.COM, but every forum I have ever posted at, save one BMX one... I took down my own website and axed my own somewhat successful forum... most of my photos on various image hosting sites have been deleted... and I'm in effect Retiring Cyberspace, outside of emailing friends, eBAY, YouTube and a few other places. Think of it as my AVALON transcendal moment (where Ash) finally attains Class Real in the online game world and must reenter the real world... or does she? My interpretation has always been that she's beaten her world, as I have 3-UPPED my online persona for the last time, and in a sense "beat myself". Time to return to "the real world" now. 12 years of Cyberspace Detritus, four of which has been here in my six years here, IS ENOUGH. I'm seriously tired of it all. Since two of you expressed thoughts that I was leaving this particular community soley based on this thread, I figured I'd at least clarify that isn't the case at all.

#3> I've enjoyed my time here with you all, but I'm done here and more or less the Internet overall. I can hear the whole: INTERNET: "Serious Business!" jokes already after this post, but for me it has been a combination of bullshit and seriousness and back to bullshit over the years. So much so I kind of lost myself somewhere out there on the grids of Cyberspace. I'm going to start taking an Indonesian form of martial art called Penjat Silat and focus energies into that, along with just working on being a better father & husband. I'll just have to deal with the fact life will never be the roller coaster ride of high adventure I long for it to be, but whatever. I guess just having true friends (I have FIVE of them), and family really is enough. I will not be responding to anymore posts after this, probably lurk for a few days off and on, then I'm gone.

It's been fun.


...of course should you see me offline somewhere and want to ever link up or whatever, that's cool beans. But if you call me Merc, I'll correct you only once. MERC IS DEAD. There is only Mike now. If any of you bastards (for whatever reason) feel like keeping in contact with me, my email is below:

(but if I keep getting flooded with porn spam I'm going to change it)


I didn't read all that, but see you next week.

internet, serious business.


Dyslexic Mods FWT!, , got me 2 scalps, ,
15 Year Member
Apr 4, 2005
I've enjoyed my time here with you all, but I'm done here and more or less the Internet overall. I can hear the whole: INTERNET: "Serious Business!" jokes already after this post, but for me it has been a combination of bullshit and seriousness and back to bullshit over the years. So much so I kind of lost myself somewhere out there on the grids of Cyberspace. I'm going to start taking an Indonesian form of martial art called Penjat Silat and focus energies into that, along with just working on being a better father & husband. I'll just have to deal with the fact life will never be the roller coaster ride of high adventure I long for it to be, but whatever. I guess just having true friends (I have FIVE of them), and family really is enough. I will not be responding to anymore posts after this, probably lurk for a few days off and on, then I'm gone.

It's been fun.

Out of respect, I'll address you as Mike.

Mike: We've had a few somewhat lengthy conversations on here in the past. Not only are you a quality member of this site, but you're a great guy in general, with a sense of humor to match. From what I've seen, you're also a caring and devoted father, which is quite rare these days.

Just in case there was any confusion regarding this portion of my previous post: "Grow some balls (don't post pics), and move on." I would like to clarify, and say this was addressed to anyone overreacting to your thread *not* you, Mike.

Anyway man, I hope you decide to stick around. If not, take care of yourself, and good luck with wherever life takes you.

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
You've left before.

You'll be back.

No need for vows or decrees.

It's just the internet man.


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
I hope their right and you'll be back.If not; See ya Mike
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