[1] Information regarding gerrymandering for 2012-2020 seems to favor Republican, but what I cannot find is the success percentage of gerrymandered districts per party. In other words, we know that any party can do it and it doesn't matter if the Republicans made out better, what is the breakdown between who did the gerrymandering vs who won the districts? What is the information for the previous decades? Otherwise it just seems to be "they did better, they must have cheated" type response.
[2] Herschel L. Brantley. The Blackwater situations was a huge fuck up that happened between both those mercenaries and the Iraqi police forces. Both the Blackwater and Iraqi testimony confirmed that the Iraqi police engaged the mercenaries. That was a no win situation. I'm not sure that it qualified them to be war criminals.
[3] There wasn't concensus on what the response to COVID was supposed to be in the beginning from anyone. After all these years of it being obvious that the president was an idiot, why would you have cared what he said anyways? What initiative should have been taken? All of the complaints I have read over the months about "Trump should have done this" we wanting him to do things that he didn't have the power to do. Mandate all citizens do something? Those powers are not granted. The irony of people yelling that he was a dictator in one breath and then wanting him to dictate in the other. Can't have it both ways. I do not remember hearing anything about quack medicine. What I do remember is dummy politicians talking about something they heard about like it was a miracle cure and on the other hand the media destroying the idea simply because they hated the person who talked about it. They didn't care about the facts, no one reported on those facts. They just find something they didn't like and declare the whole thing to be false.
[5] Are you a recent immigrant to the US? News flash, the rich benefit from everything, no matter who is running the country.
[6] None of the ones you listed I see as being partisan in any way. Any US Citizen that puts country over party would have no issue with any one, no matter what their political affiliation, to be investigated if a crime had occurred. The Seth Rich things seems to be a loose string, I am not convinced he was involved with the data transfer to Wikileaks. The only reason why people think that is because of Assange saying at the time. The Deep State is not a conspiracy theory, it is a part of the government. The actual "theory" on that was the Deep State was just full of Obama people and were working against Trump. I'm sure there were some, but the Deep State is just like everything else, a big mismash of ideologies and there is always infighting and always will be, especially the larger the government grows. But anyways, yet Democrats do "peddle this bullshit" more than Republicans because Democrats have more news channels in their pocket than Republicans.
Also wanted to point out that you most likely have to be a liberal to even consider believing in a conspiracy theory. That's another reason why these labels do not really work. There are no hardcore liberals (besides Anarchists) or hardcore conservatives (besides maybe religious zealots). Everyone is a blend of both.
NDAA is the same issue as the Patriot Act. Laws passed that allow the targeting of US citizens or civilians as enemy combatants.