Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
I turned it off at the part where they expect me to believe that a middle aged De Niro is beating up a deli owner . I'm sitting there watching an old ass man pretend to beat a dude up, de Niro looked even older than he really is in that scene and I decided I wasn't fucking retarded enough to continue the film or take it seriously
I haven't watched the movie but I knew exactly what you were referencing.

I still can't believe this is a scene from a movie. So much to make fun of in the last minute of this video.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
His character is supposed to be in his 40s in that scene. Big LOL. People ate that piece of shit movie up. I don't know why or how


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Barry Shabaka Henley for instance didn't delivery his lines badly at all, but I can't really understand why he was cast as Castillo. In any case, to my surprise, I really warmed up to this version of Castillo.
He was the best recasting of the movie, imo. Out of all the characters, I have to think that trying to replace Olmos had to be the most daunting role to fill, even more than Rico or Sonny. And I thought Henley really captured the essence even while having a completely different physical presence.
and that's partially due to the lack of a Jan Hammer score-- or any solid score at all --
Yeah, the score was the biggest missing piece in the movie for me. But it's not like they could have used Hammer now, and I have no idea what a modern equivalent would be. I kept waiting for a modern version of Sonny's theme to kick in, and I couldn't stop wondering how they were going to try to pull that off. Maybe luckily, they ended up not trying.

Miami Vice is a movie I liked okay the first time I watched it, but it actually grows on me more and more each time I rewatch it. Maybe because I know going in it's not going to be more than it is, so there's no disappointment in reviewings. Which is the opposite to Heat, which I like less each time (other than a few isolated moments) and think is overrated to hell.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Also, I love the understatedness of the movie ending with a long shot of Sonny walking into the hospital. That's almost my favorite directorial choice of the entire film.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
He was the best recasting of the movie, imo. Out of all the characters, I have to think that trying to replace Olmos had to be the most daunting role to fill, even more than Rico or Sonny. And I thought Henley really captured the essence even while having a completely different physical presence.
It was a really good performance. They got Zito's appearance down pretty good but I don't remember him speaking, lol.

Yeah, the score was the biggest missing piece in the movie for me. But it's not like they could have used Hammer now, and I have no idea what a modern equivalent would be. I kept waiting for a modern version of Sonny's theme to kick in, and I couldn't stop wondering how they were going to try to pull that off. Maybe luckily, they ended up not trying.
Yeah, I hadn't thought too much about what a modern version would be but they were missing theme songs. I am kind of happy that they didn't try to do that like you said but I dunno, there are at least 3 or 4 absolutely genius Hammer melodies that could have been translated SOMEHOW and put into this film. Frustrating.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Says this and then goes on to praise the Sasquatch movie.

The only Sasquatch movie that's even a little bit worth watching is The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot, starring Sam Elliott.
Which I admitted was trash.

I unashamedly love garbage 80s horror. I think that's pretty obvious at this point, I don't and won't try to defend most of that genre with a few exceptions.

Sylvie covered most of the problems I have with Miami Vice 06, you guys just seem to be more forgiving to it's many flaws than I am. That's fine.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Which I admitted was trash.

I unashamedly love garbage 80s horror. I think that's pretty obvious at this point, I don't and won't try to defend most of that genre with a few exceptions.

Sylvie covered most of the problems I have with Miami Vice 06, you guys just seem to be more forgiving to it's many flaws than I am. That's fine.
The film has a lot of things that aren't completly tight, but to me it is a work of art and I engage with it in this manner, so maybe a part of my brain is turned off. I don't know. I actually think the emptiness in terms of the actual story is fine, it makes it strangely meditative.
In the end I think I just enjoy what Michael Mann has mustered, feels like a work of passion and I appreciate his invitation to experience his vision and technological play.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Don't Look Up- While a somewhat clever satire and commentary on the current state of western civilization and media with a mostly solid cast it still manages to be a self congratulatory back-patting Hollywood wankfest. They just couldn't help themselves.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Don't Look Up- While a somewhat clever satire and commentary on the current state of western civilization and media with a mostly solid cast it still manages to be a self congratulatory back-patting Hollywood wankfest. They just couldn't help themselves.
Yeah, it was pretty smug. But not bad anyway.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Yeah, it was pretty smug. But not bad anyway.
Yeah it was enjoyable enough. I actually didn't hate DiCaprio or Lawrence which I usually do. Though Leo still did his yell "acting".

I really liked Jennifer Lawrence's line about humans being too stupid to ever pull off the sort of global conspiracy that large portions of the public think they are.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Just finished Dont Look Up as well.

I know it was meant as a tongue in cheek comedy/satire but I honestly didn't laugh once, but not because I didn't find it funny. It was because I sat there in horror as I saw a giant mirror being held up in front of society as a whole.

Love the not-so-subtle-like-at-all parallels to Trump and his redneck trumptards. Loved the Chris Evans cameo.

Bummed we didn't get to see Meryl Streep's titties. Anyone think that was her actual ass tho? Doubt it.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
It was because I sat there in horror as I saw a giant mirror being held up in front of society as a whole.
That's just Hollywood telling us all how stupid we are. Just because they acknowledge that they are a big part of the problem and make fun of themselves a little doesn't mean they are any less removed from their own arrogance.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Don't Look Up - i liked how the satire came on slowly. I thought it was good if you dont take it too seriously.

Matrix resurrection - About as good as can be expected. It's 90% fanfare. I've seen people compare it to the Star Wars reboot, as this is just a rehash of everything. If that's what you want, that is what you get with this movie. NPH was the highlight. I ...did not follow what they did with Morpheus. Tho i might have been making myself a cocktail at the time. Not that it matters. I rewatched the trilogy last year before it disappeared from Netflix, so I was kinda interested to see what they would do here. The answer.... not much.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
That's just Hollywood telling us all how stupid we are.
Which is completely pointless because half the country already knows it and the other half isn't about to have their denial shaken by a movie.

I mean, even with as on-the-nose as their solution to "just not look up" was, the grifters who preach the real world equivalent will ignore this and the dupes who follow are too dumb to get it. Dumb to the point that when they had the scene where the rednecks suddenly say of the genderbent Trump administration, "They lied to us!", it comes off as hopelessly naive on Hollywood's part. Becasue we've seen multiple times over the past couple years their endless capacity for rationalization and ability to incorporate any lie into some new fake truth.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Also I'd like to point out Jonah Hill's character. People say that if you hate someone by their performance then they have done a great job. I've seen him play that exact character in multiple things now and I don't believe he's acting as much as he wants us to believe. I think he's actually just a douche, maybe not quite on the level as his characters but also not far from it. Either way it's certainly not funny, reminds me a lot of Seth McFarlane.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Matrix resurrection - About as good as can be expected. It's 90% fanfare. I've seen people compare it to the Star Wars reboot, as this is just a rehash of everything. If that's what you want, that is what you get with this movie. NPH was the highlight. I ...did not follow what they did with Morpheus.

Did you even watch the movie?

The entire first half was about how she didn't want to make the movie at all, but WB said they'd do it without her if she refused. So instead of making a lazy movie that reveres its predecessors to an annoying degree like Force Awakens or Ghostbusters Afterlife, she made a movie that both shits on WB and deconstructs the legacy of the earlier Matrix movies. Instead of making an easy nostalgic cash-in she takes her own movies and the people who enjoyed them to task.

It's not a great movie but it's very explicitly the opposite of what Abrams did to Star Trek and Star Wars, or Reitman did to Ghostbusters. Those movies are lazily playing upon nostalgia and fondness for the source material while this one is an angry counterpoint.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Also I'd like to point out Jonah Hill's character. People say that if you hate someone by their performance then they have done a great job. I've seen him play that exact character in multiple things now and I don't believe he's acting as much as he wants us to believe. I think he's actually just a douche, maybe not quite on the level as his characters but also not far from it. Either way it's certainly not funny, reminds me a lot of Seth McFarlane.
Yeah? I don't get that vibe.

Do agree that McFarlane isn't funny, though to me what he does is cute


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Yeah? I don't get that vibe.

Do agree that McFarlane isn't funny, though to me what he does is cute
McFarland(e?) Was funny. He can be funny. And he can create funny stuff. The first 3 seasons of Family Guy for instance. Most of American Dad after the 1st season. And of course, the Orville.

But he seems like such a fucking douche nozzle and "knows" he's funny. Because of that I dislike him. Also he sorta kinda called my friend a cunt, so fuck him.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Did you even watch the movie?

The entire first half was about how she didn't want to make the movie at all, but WB said they'd do it without her if she refused. So instead of making a lazy movie that reveres its predecessors to an annoying degree like Force Awakens or Ghostbusters Afterlife, she made a movie that both shits on WB and deconstructs the legacy of the earlier Matrix movies. Instead of making an easy nostalgic cash-in she takes her own movies and the people who enjoyed them to task.

It's not a great movie but it's very explicitly the opposite of what Abrams did to Star Trek and Star Wars, or Reitman did to Ghostbusters. Those movies are lazily playing upon nostalgia and fondness for the source material while this one is an angry counterpoint.

I agree, but you kinda have to shit on everything that made the matrix because it's pretty cringe at this point.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Withnail & I- Two unemployed actors in 1969 London decide to spend the weekend at a cottage in the country and shit gets weird. I really enjoyed this, it's extremely well written and performed. A dark absurdist comedy and very, very British. I can see it not being to a lot of people's liking as it's extremely dialogue heavy, outlandishly over dramatic, it could easily be performed as a play and at times is almost shot like one. Highly recommended.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Withnail & I- Two unemployed actors in 1969 London decide to spend the weekend at a cottage in the country and shit gets weird. I really enjoyed this, it's extremely well written and performed. A dark absurdist comedy and very, very British. I can see it not being to a lot of people's liking as it's extremely dialogue heavy, outlandishly over dramatic, it could easily be performed as a play and at times is almost shot like one. Highly recommended.
Brilliant film, I remember talking about it with Faust.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Brilliant film, I remember talking about it with Faust.
I've been thinking about it quite a bit since I watched it the other day, there's a lot to enjoy about it.

Richard Grant is awesome in it. Now I want to watch How to get Ahead in Advertising.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I watched Death Wish (1974) last night, I'd always meant to watch them all but never got around to it. Liam Neeson would fit right in to these films and I don't mind that kind of trash so Death Wish sat well with me. I actually found the time period more interesting than anything else, the sideburns baby!