So, I'm all for deep cut comic book character movies. Hell, Iron Man, while not a 'deep' cut, was not the top tier comic hero until Favreau kicked the MCU into gear. But at some point you kinda have to say "do people really wanna see these characters? Do people other than Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons actually even know much about these characters?"
The answer is no. Eternals is easily the worst MCU movie to date. It was boring, lackluster, had weird edits, and none of the characters are particularly likeable. Why would you cast Angelina Jolie in anything? Her lips look like she was hit in the mouth by a 2x4, and why is she speaking in an british accent when the other characters are speaking in their normal accents?
It was cool to have a little more background on the Celestials, the introduction of the Ebony Blade, etc. But even then, when people think comic books, people don't think Eros/Starfox, or Black Knight. I dont know where they are going with this, and how it's going to tie in to Kang's story since he's the next MCU big bad. So maybe it'll come full circle like the Guardians did. Except GoG 1 and 2 were fun movies. And a character in the movie that is basically being set up as the villain... isnt. wtf.
Edit: Actually there was one character I really liked, Karun played by Harish Patel. He was hilarious.