Beware: Every surgery/operation is a big infection risk nowadays


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Sep 3, 2012
So I probably didnt talk about this to most people here yet so I just wanted to raise awareness now that I feel like I made it through my experience after all.

So I went to dentist to get a wisdom tooth removed, I had had 2 of them removed previously with no issues whatsoever and now was time for the third one cause it was aching. At the time the fourth and remaining one was giving me no pain whatsoever. So the dentist asks me if I want to also get the final one removed at the same time. That would require small surgery. So I was like okay lets get that done as well even though that has not been a problem.

Now this I think was a mistake. I am now thinking: if it is not absolutely necessary, do not get into any surgery!

Why? Well itエs a risk of infection, thatエs why. The dentist didnt give me any antibiotics because giving antibiotics to everyone makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics eventually.

What happened to me then is that next day my cheek had major swelling. I called the dentist and they said I should come get it checked next morning.

So, the next morning the dentist tells me to get to an actual hospital asap to get antibiotics as the infection had started to spread from my cheek to my throat and chest area.

I still got to hospital expecting they would give me some recipe and send me back home but nope. They started to give me heavy hitter antibiotics straight from IV tubes and I was to stay in the hospital for several days. I even had a ct scan taken and they were considering following up with another operation.

on the next day after getting to hospital I was most scared cause I had had 3 doses of 2 different antibiotics each and the infection was still spreading down my chest and there was worries about my throat if I would be able to keep breathing because of the swelling... on the next evening and morning however it became clear that the antibiotics were kicking in and infection area was getting smaller.

Hereエs the thing though, more and more bacteria are getting more and more resistant to antibiotics. if the antibiotics had not worked, I would have been in big trouble. Any small surgery is a risk of infection. even small dental surgery. (I had 5 stiches in my mouth). So, do think twice about having any less necessary surgery! There are many bacterias resistant to most antibiotics!

And I did not expect going to dentist would mean I would be at hospital having antibiotics from IV tubes for several days and myself looking like two-face for a month.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Subsidized health care. You have an emergency? Come in tomorrow.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
The dentist didnt give me any antibiotics because giving antibiotics to everyone makes bacteria resistant to antibiotics eventually.

Right, he probably doesn't use disinfectants either, because using disinfectants makes bacteria resistant to disinfectants. The catch 22 scientific approach.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010

which slug are those in(3 isn't it?), do I need to take a specific path?
Is that Bill F.Murray? I wonder what that songs about.

just imagine having allergic reactions to antibiotics!? you know that can happen too?
some say meds are stagnating I think they're doing pretty good...I mean tons of people are saved compared to even like thirty years ago aren't they?


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Sep 3, 2012
I did ask how this infection came to be. The explanation given to me by a doctor was "the mouth has a lot of bacteria".


Did I mention I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to blood, blood veins and putting needles in them? You can imagine how thrilled I was about having IV tubes for several days and having quite a few blood tests taken too...
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Beware: Every surgery/operation is a big infection risk



I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
I'll say this…there's a strong chance your tooth may have already been infected. The worse post-op infection I've ever had was after I had my wisdom teeth removed, that was back in 1999.

I had an appendectomy on 11-3 and a hemorrhoidectomy on 12-12. Neither have given me a bit of issues outside of the usual recovery symptoms. On that note, I've had a hemorrhoidectomy in 2006, 2013 and not in 2015. If you're not 100% what that is, it is literally cutting into your anus and into an active vein. During the 4-6 week healing period, you will then defecate on that incision.

Not be be disgusting…but it's the truth. Even with shitting on an open wound, I've yet to have an infection.

My point? Shit happens, infections happen. I don't really feel it is something that is more common than it used to be.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I did ask how this infection came to be. The explanation given to me by a doctor was "the mouth has a lot of bacteria".


Did I mention I have a bit of a phobia when it comes to blood, blood veins and putting needles in them? You can imagine how thrilled I was about having IV tubes for several days and having quite a few blood tests taken too...

But did you die?


Zero's Tailor
Mar 9, 2014
Oddly enough this same thing just happened to my aunt and as a result she almost died, her dentist actually left a piece of his tool in her mouth though. She was critical for a while and is just now beginning to talk after a month in care all for a dumb tooth and a young slack dentist. Anti-dendites unite.

*I know this is the odd exception and not the rule and do not wish harm on dentists.
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Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Sep 3, 2012
But did you die?

I sure didn´t. I was so scared for a while I even actually prayed even though I thought I had absolutely become an atheist. I guess old habits never totally die if you have been raised a christian.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
I'm going to start a goodbye to the drama thread for you just in case.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I sure didn´t. I was so scared for a while I even actually prayed even though I thought I had absolutely become an atheist. I guess old habits never totally die if you have been raised a christian.



Fio's Quartermaster
10 Year Member
Nov 13, 2011
I had a wisdom tooth pulled a couple years ago and had a serious infection as well. my whole face up to my temple, in front of my ear and to my chin swelled up. I got some antibiotics and pain meds and was so sick. I had my 1 year anniversary already planned and we went to Miami in our 1979 diesel mercedes which was so miserable. Just driving that thing normally wears you out. It took about a week for it to heal, the whole side of my face turned yellow and was badly bruised. I was so week because I lost my appetite from the pain meds and could hardly eat anyways because of my infection. After it healed I got the flu about a week later and barely made it through. I was 140lbs before all of this and ended up about 120lbs after both of those issues. All over a fucking tooth.
I have one more wisdom tooth still and it's under my gums still but it's turned sideways completely and now the tooth it's resting up against is having issues and needs a crown which they cant do with the wisdom tooth against it. The dentist said I need to pull it but it doesn't bother me. Is it worth the risk again? I'm lucky I was ok after the first infection in 20007


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I sure didn´t. I was so scared for a while I even actually prayed even though I thought I had absolutely become an atheist. I guess old habits never totally die if you have been raised a christian.

So, God kept you from dying. What now?


Hinako's Cook
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
I had the pleasure of being awake when I had my wisdom teeth out. The novocane wore off during the procedure, one of the tools broke off in my gums and they had to stop mid procedure and haul me to X-ray. That side of my face was blown up for a week post op.

I've come to realize dentures are the future, Medicare doesn't cover dental anyways so might as well embrace it now.
Polident Pimps 4 Lyfe.


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
I had the pleasure of being awake when I had my wisdom teeth out. The novocane wore off during the procedure, one of the tools broke off in my gums and they had to stop mid procedure and haul me to X-ray. That side of my face was blown up for a week post op.

I've come to realize dentures are the future, Medicare doesn't cover dental anyways so might as well embrace it now.
Polident Pimps 4 Lyfe.

When I saw the cost of gas, I said fuck it just use novacain and pull it. I was out of the office in 15 minutes and recovery time was very fast. I guess I lucked out.

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
Right, he probably doesn't use disinfectants either, because using disinfectants makes bacteria resistant to disinfectants. The catch 22 scientific approach.

exactly. just a bullshit modern day excuse for the doctors not to give out costly medication.


Hardcore Neoholic
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
I was 19 or so and I figured it was that age to take care of my wisdom teeth or figure out what was going on.
I made an appointment to have them checked out. The top two were impacted (didn't finish growing out but should be fine that way.)
The dentist heavily chipped a tooth next to one of the ones he was pulling. (which he refused to take responsibility for) or fix, he said that's what happens.
When he was done he said "yeah I didn't need to really pull them, they were fine."
I'm walking out and check with the receptionist and she told me I owed some absurd amount like $1,600 right now.
I said well I thought I had dental insurance.
Her: There's really no such thing as dental insurance in essence it's just a referral/discount system.
Luckily my job was pretty cool, they instantly took care of the bill and gave me a few days off.
I went to the local casinos, watched movies and played games.
Still to this day twenty years later I still have dry rotting there occasionally.


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
I'm glad your ok man that sounds like no fun. Look at it this way. Your wisdom tooth could have started to break your other teeth, caused an abscess, or a much worse inflection so it was not a wasted surgery. I had all four impacted and removed at the same time. The top two were uncommonly high up and they had to bore right up underneath my eye sockets to remove them. Luckily I had no infection just a butt load of unbearable let pain for awhile.
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There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
I guess I lucked out. I had all 4 chipped out at one time. I felt fine afterwards and ate pizza like 4 hours later.

Not counting dental work, I've had 3 major surgeries and a minor procedure.

Add in some major road rash (not very sanitary conditions) and I've avoided any serious infections.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm allergic to Penicillin

really just wanted to put a pic
seems about right tho?