So you would have killed him if it was you?
Listen you're missing the broader point.
Seems like there's a broader problem, something going on wrong with our society right now.
Appears to me there's a lot of weirdos jacking them off to sleep fantasizing about killing their neighbors or randoms off the street and getting away with it.
When verdicts like this happen it tells them it's okay and there's a good chance they could get away with it too.
Where did I say I would have killed him?
Since you seem to be doing a gay 'gotcha', quote the whole line. This isn't Bluesky.
I said 'I stop it. In real life. When it's in my face.'
In your 'nazi hunting' brain, that may equate with ending a life. But not in a normal thinking person's brain.
And as for 'verdicts like this', what's the alternative? Put Penny in jail for doing his civic duty when nobody else was around to do it?
Penny didn't know that guy. He had no idea who he was. All he knew was that he saw someone acting in a threatening manner in an enclosed space. He has no idea what's about to happen next.
So he acted. It's unfortunate Neely died, as I and so many others here have said
ad nauseum, but a jury of his peers found him not guilty of any of the charges. So he is rightly free.
'Verdicts like this...' Get a grip, man. A society that can't protect itself under threat of mortal peril when the justice system can't or won't is a society waiting to be conquered. 'Conquered' can mean a lot of things.
Seems like YOU'RE the one missing the broader point.
EDIT: I again want to stress that I am very on edge about this subject. I've seen women and kids get hit, HARD, when I didn't act, on public transportation on the move in Chicago. I regret that I never did anything and to this day I beat myself up over it because I was too scared of what might happen to me, either in that moment or afterwards in the media.
I won't let that happen again. If you even so much as breathe hard around me in those situations, I will ask you nicely to sit the fuck down and get off at the next stop. Especially if me or my own are threatened in those situations.
What happens next is up to them.