Unofficial MVS and AES Price Guide


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
I sincerely appreciate your effort. But we have to see things as they are.

It's a good guide for those who wanna buy. We've seen recently some games going through the roof, and some of those games (specially AES ones) were sold ridiculously way above this price guide.

Andro Dunos as an example, is worth somewhere triple the value in Japanese version, rather than the Euro version. Viewpoint is also another Japanese game that's worth MUCH more in Japanese than Euro/US.

Garou sells for Japanese copies what you are valuating for a US one ( which is easily worth the triple ).
Metal Slug X sells easily for double.

The rest, is pretty much more or less accurate. And just for the record, I'm not trying to inflate the price of those above mentioned games - As I don't own any of them.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
I'm definitely open to input and examples of sales - absolutely, but again, I want to be sure this is seen as an actual guide of what one can both expect to buy and sell at. It is also a N. American buyer's guide - the reality is prices in Europe are higher across the board; one reason when someone posts a market-price AES cart in this forum, you get 20 pm's from previously unknown European members.

Garou I tend to disagree with raising price. Historically the US/JP price on fighters in this timeline have been the same (Gowcaizer, Matrimelee, SVC Chaos, RotD) it is only recently the ENG version of Garou has gone up, but not triple, and not to discernible buyers. That said, I haven't observed any ENG sales since I last updated the guide. I have seen it listed over $2,000 on ebay, but not sold, so while I suspect it would sell higher than I have it listed, without documented sales raising it would be pure speculation.

The last Garou at auction (ebay, not even forum) was for $940 (JP). There's a copy right now for $1,000 with no bids. A copy for $1,500 has been relisted time after time. I know of a copy that sold 4x in less than 2 years, at under $600 each time, and this is recent. So, I feel pretty spot-on at the price on the JP version. If someone posted it at $800 here it would sell. If they posted it at $1,000, we'd tell 'em take it to ebay.

I tend to put more weight into forum sales and auctions, than buy nows - particularly unsold buy nows. If you look at Viewpoint - the actual auctions are pretty spot-on where they are in the guide. The last US Viewpoints ENG were both under $500 at auction. The 2 last JP sales I have notes on were one on for $779 and nin-nin in February for $482. That's an ebay buy now and a gamestore, so again, I feel like $550 is where i'd advise someone to price it at for sale on the forum.

Andro Dunos - there hadn't been any sales since my last update and I don't recall sales being much more than US sales on that one. A quick look shows a US one is available, buy now (unsold) for $400 and a JP just sold for $1,000. I'll make a note on that one for the next update.

I hope i'm not coming off as defensive - I have no interest in keeping the guide unrealistically low or speculatively high. Sales on 75% of the AES library are so infrequent that one or two sales can shift the market drastically in either direction.

I appreciate the input.


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
Relax! Not complaining at all. Just pointing it out. ;)

I know from a reliable source also some recent private sales from a Portuguese collector in Switzerland.
He sold a bunch o AAA games to a spaniard. Big bucks. Then the spaniard flipped it right away to some korean collector ( hoarder in my eyes ).

I guess it's a Korean dude. Not sure about that part.



went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
No, no, not upset at all and for this to work, it absolutely needs input, but it just has to be reliable and relevant. Even the example above is a strictly Euro sale, that's definitely relevant to that market, but if we fuse the NA market, the Euro market, and the JP market - this guide becomes vacuous.

Those shelves are insane, more product than gamestores.


Aero Fighters Flyboy
Jun 7, 2012
Pretty good starting point and a good guide. I like it. In for any updates so I can keep track. Thanks mj.
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War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Guide has been a lifesaver for me over at racketboy where it started. I've never once paid over the limits on that sheet and usually at worst in the middle, usually lowest or lower being patient.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
Is that the fagger who has like 5 metal slug 1 jp someone posted on ngfl? All that "supposed money" yet can't afford proper shelves with glass to prevent aids dust.
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20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
I'm surprised the ranges aren't bigger based on condition, but I think the ballparks are spot on based on the titles I've had an eye on recently.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I think Mikes guide is pretty spot on. Sure, some ebay or YAJ auctions can get out of control were the winner of the auction throws down a huge bid which he thinks others aren't going to match and guess what, they do or come really close because they love to screw over the winning bidder.

After that the winner of the auction go's to bed but can't sleep because he is trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a game that he thought he was going to win at $950 but ended up costing him $1800. Now he can't buy it because all his CC's are maxed out and he can't make any more trips to the blood/sperm bank because he maxed out all his sessions so he robs a liquor store, fails, gets arrested and the item gets relisted.
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went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Take an unassuming title like "SOCCER BRAWL".

The guide has it at $150. I've been told, "I think you're a little low on Soccer Brawl, it's selling at $250+."

I cite auctions i've seen where it's been $100-150 and buy now's carry less weight. Certainly no one can expect to sell it for $250 on a forum.

So, here's a great example:
2 weeks ago it sold at $280 shipped (buy now):
1 week ago it sold at $94 shipped (auction):
Today, the only JP copy on ebay is $363 shipped:

So I think the guide does it's job - I think if you put this game up at $100 on the forum it will fly. If you put it at $200 it's going to sit awhile. If you put it at $150 it should sell in a day or two and both parties can know it's a fair point for both parties.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Nice job, buddy. Good stuff.


I'll see how this develops in the coming months.... the issue with stuff like this is it needs constant contribution...

IF.. it becomes the case that there is a case for it to be stickied in the main NG selling forum... then I'll do it...

Until then... I'll keep my eye on it...



went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
So a couple interesting ebay auctions of note.

Neo Geo Cup 98 went for $550 shipped
Magical Drop 3 went for $740 shipped

Both appeared to be legit copies from a legit / reputable JP seller.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
So a couple interesting ebay auctions of note.

Neo Geo Cup 98 went for $550 shipped
Magical Drop 3 went for $740 shipped

Both appeared to be legit copies from a legit / reputable JP seller.

How many bidders?


Hardened Shock Trooper
Mar 24, 2016
Both appeared to be legit copies from a legit / reputable JP seller.

They sure ended up selling under what one might expect.
But I do wonder if they really were legit. Who can say from potato quality pictures. MD3 always trips me up with the insert that looks like it's cut too close at the top and bottom, yet even the bootlegs replicate that oddity these days...


Fio's Quartermaster
May 31, 2016
Take an unassuming title like "SOCCER BRAWL".

The guide has it at $150. I've been told, "I think you're a little low on Soccer Brawl, it's selling at $250+."

I cite auctions i've seen where it's been $100-150 and buy now's carry less weight. Certainly no one can expect to sell it for $250 on a forum.

So, here's a great example:
2 weeks ago it sold at $280 shipped (buy now):
1 week ago it sold at $94 shipped (auction):
Today, the only JP copy on ebay is $363 shipped:

So I think the guide does it's job - I think if you put this game up at $100 on the forum it will fly. If you put it at $200 it's going to sit awhile. If you put it at $150 it should sell in a day or two and both parties can know it's a fair point for both parties.

Haha The second copy for $94 dollars is the one I won.

Also great job on price guide it is great stuff.


Sep 25, 2016
This is so useful, thank you!

Makes me realize how painful those Ebay prices are >_<;;


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
Those MoTW AES were around $500 + shipping, twas a good forum dealz


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
Replying to this so I can easily find it again. Your research is appreciated.


Crossed Swords Squire
Jan 8, 2017
mjmjr25'> Your guide for MVS carts looks so spot on accurate for most of the games I look at. It's an amazing guide and I will refer to it from now on when shopping. The one oddball that jumped at me though is Garou Mark of the Wolves. I doubt anyone can find an MVS copy at the listed prices anymore unless it's a badly banged up copy. Is it just me or is that game surging in prices of late?
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Galford's Armourer
Jan 20, 2006
mjmjr25'> Your guide for MVS carts looks so spot on accurate for most of the games I look at. It's an amazing guide and I will refer to it from now on when shopping. The one oddball that jumped at me though is Garou Mark of the Wolves. I doubt anyone can find an MVS copy at the listed prices anymore unless it's a badly banged up copy. Is it just me or is that game surging in prices of late?

I would say it's the best fighter on the system, so it's not surprising. I'm looking for a copy too, but everything I see comes from China or Mexico on eBay & I'm too scared to buy a copy.


Crossed Swords Squire
Jan 8, 2017
I would say it's the best fighter on the system, so it's not surprising. I'm looking for a copy too, but everything I see comes from China or Mexico on eBay & I'm too scared to buy a copy.

I think the game was steady in price around the $150 bar for a while but now the prices seem to be surging. In fact from what I've seen they regularly match the prices for Metal Slug 5 which is actually a rather rare game.

Yeah I know what you mean. Ebay is tricky because sometimes they pretend to be located in the US or Canada and turns out the package gets shipped from Hong Kong. They get a bad reputation but actually there are a some totally legit sellers from China / HK and Mexico too, so it's a bit unfair.
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