top 10 neo geo games


King's Dry Cleaner
Aug 20, 2013
Top hunter
Metal slug
Mutation nation
Alpha mission 2
Art of fighting 3
Kof 97
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
@roker can't you come up with a better thread than this?


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
Legend of Success Joe is the only game you need.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
THE LIST in order:

Fatal Fury Special
Samuari Shodown 2
The King of Fighters '95
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
Samuari Shodown 5 Special
The King of Fighters '98
Smuari Shodown 4
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Recently I find when I play Capcom CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 2 they just seem superior in every way to the Neo Geo stuff... The only game I've been able to come back to recently and enjoy is Fatal Fury Special.
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Mr. Big's Thug
10 Year Member
Feb 12, 2010
You have to beat every game? That's so Gen Z.
I don't have to. I just want to. I mean my original top 10 was fighters but I figured if I got to play all of them, maybe the list would change which so far has.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
Recently I find when I play Capcom CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 2 they just seem superior in every way to the Neo Geo stuf
Capcom was very conservative, and SNK always tried stuff. I think a lot of Capcom's stuff has aged better because of that.

I've always preferred Capcom when it comes to competition, and SNK for graphics, characters, music, story and just the overall experience.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Recently I find when I play Capcom CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 2 they just seem superior in every way to the Neo Geo stuff... The only game I've been able to come back to recently and enjoy is Fatal Fury Special.
SFA2? Good, but so boring compared to what SNK was doing.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
THE LIST in order:

Fatal Fury Special
Samuari Shodown 2
The King of Fighters '95
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
Samuari Shodown 5 Special
The King of Fighters '98
Smuari Shodown 4
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Recently I find when I play Capcom CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 2 they just seem superior in every way to the Neo Geo stuff... The only game I've been able to come back to recently and enjoy is Fatal Fury Special.
RBJakeSpecial doesn't put Real Bout Special on his top 10 Neo Geo games list.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
RBJakeSpecial doesn't put Real Bout Special on his top 10 Neo Geo games list.
All about the Special games... Fatal Fury Special being my go to when I want to play Neo Geo.

Capcom CPS2 not being more creative and taking chances is an interesting take, and I can see that perspective. The King of Fighters games seemed to always include a new feature - and probably under a tighter dev cycle so it didn't have the polish. It's funny to go back and play all of the games per year and compare them... KoF 96 vs. SFA2... Garou and Third Strike... Then the crazy Capcom vs. SNK / SNK vs. Capcom... those were the days.

At the time I was firmly in the SNK camp if I had to choose... even though I played more Alpha 2 than KoF 95 and 96, but now I'd much rather play Alpha 2. Nothing touches old Samurai Shodown though, those have aged really well and blow away any other weapon fighter.

Current times for me Samurai Shodown (2019) is the only game from SNK I can enjoy. I've been trying KoF15 but bounced off of it hard, and now that SF6 is out with proper online and matchmaking that works - I doubt I'll ever go back to KoF 15 if I want that type of gameplay.
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My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
I spent a glorious 2 seconds looking at the list before moving on to something else.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
and probably under a tighter dev cycle so it didn't have the polish
I think it depends on what you mean by "polish". I think Capcom always focused strongly on game play and iterated on it slowly. Things like CC's being unblockable in SFA2 probably really embarrassed Capcom.

But their presentation, music, really everything else was totally behind SNK imo. I'm not saying it was bad, just SNK's was better.

Today I don't play fighters at all, they are very lame single player games and I hate playing online. But I do find myself coming back to Neo fighters a lot more just to experience the atmosphere. Third Strike is really the only Capcom fighter I still find myself booting up.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
I think it depends on what you mean by "polish". I think Capcom always focused strongly on game play and iterated on it slowly. Things like CC's being unblockable in SFA2 probably really embarrassed Capcom.

But their presentation, music, really everything else was totally behind SNK imo. I'm not saying it was bad, just SNK's was better.

Today I don't play fighters at all, they are very lame single player games and I hate playing online. But I do find myself coming back to Neo fighters a lot more just to experience the atmosphere. Third Strike is really the only Capcom fighter I still find myself booting up.
By CCs being unblockable - you're referring to the crouching round house against someone standing and blocking. Which is funny because this is the reason Alpha 2 is played in tournaments (US version for extra characters over the Japanese arcade) over Alpha 2 Gold. The bug has become a feature and really a part of the strategy these days. Known as the Valle CC - it's the first thing I had to learn when getting back into the game about a year ago. This is described with a video in the Advanced Strategies section here.

Music: Agree 100% SNK has the tunes and all of the updates to their songs kick ass. For Alpha 2 the organ remix of Ryu's song and the Stage Select music are the only ones that gets me hyped, everything else is very forgettable.

Atmosphere - I agree with you on this as well. Real Bout 1 and KoF '95 have some of my favorite fighting game atmosphere. The music, color pallete.. everything just has a cool vibe that seemed a lot cooler than Capcom's more friendly Disney approach.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Somebody find that comparison picture between Capcom and SNK's sound teams. That image says it all. Capom crew looks like a backup band on a talk show and the SNK crew looks like they just crawled out of a seedy bar at closing.

Hattori Hanzo

1 Year Member
Sep 14, 2018