Tonight’s debate


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Anybody that says the phrase 'the right side of history' is most definitely NOT on it.

Not you, Basic. I know what you were suggesting in that comment.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
Are you implying that the health insurance industry isn't a scam designed to bilk us out of our money but actual scientific idiocy?
wut? any insurance industry is scammy to an extent. I'm just saying that people that would've normally necked themselves from stupidity are kept alive and can continue to propagate. hence an increase in the number of stupid people per Capita.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
wut? any insurance industry is scammy to an extent. I'm just saying that people that would've normally necked themselves from stupidity are kept alive and can continue to propagate. hence an increase in the number of stupid people per Capita.
And propagate more future clients, since many illnesses are hereditary and/or social contagion besides.

I think most doctors are well intentioned. But the money moving around tells me all I need to know about the actual story.

Which speaks to STK's point about capitalism needing an overhaul.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
And propagate more future clients, since many illnesses are hereditary and/or social contagion besides.

I think most doctors are well intentioned. But the money moving around tells me the actual story.
lol all I am saying is there are more stupid people in this world than there should be. so, it is not a stretch to think a purported mass conspiracy is composed of these same stupid people and that everything might not be a well calculated manuver and can just be happenstance caused by stupidity.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
lol all I am saying is there are more stupid people in this world than there should be. so, it is not a stretch to think a purported mass conspiracy is composed of these same stupid people and that everything might not be a well calculated manuver and can just be happenstance caused by stupidity.
I don't think politicians are stupid. They have a plan and they'll keep tweaking it to get where they want to go. As long as the roller coaster isn't completely off the rails, they'll work to keep the ride going.


I don't think people should die just because they're stupid, though.

We may be, in the purview of some, animals but we have higher functioning brains and we know, to a reasonable degree, right from wrong.

And anyway, what qualifies as 'stupid'?

Unable to succeed in this system?

Incapable of adding and subtracting and reading?

Making bad choices that result in terrible relationships?

Do we just callously stand by and watch them fail?

If that works for you, then fine. I don't judge you. Burt I couldn't, in good conscience, stand by and watch while my neighbor is about to back into a drunken relative's motorcycle on the Fourth of July. I'd stop it if I could.

And what about the people that have some form of mental retardation? Do we let them wander into corn fields, get lost and are only discovered during harvesting season?

Or do they get a pass? And if so, why?

We're talking about utilitarianism, right? Why save the people that can never be more than what they are and give up on the people that could learn?

Or is 'stupid' politicians that make decisions that don't benefit us? Because SOMEBODY is benefitting from them. You can be damn sure of that.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

It tolls for thee.

It tolls for thee.

EDIT: Added a little context.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
not sure what you are saying, but the first post you quoted was more as a reference to those within the Biden camp being the ones to make decisions...since I view him, at this point, as mentally unviable. I'm not talking to a larger illuminati type of conspiracy.
That's fair. The post where you called yourself a political nihilist, followed by one distinguishing some political beliefs as more acceptable than others, just read like something out of a Flannery O'Connor story. (Specifically "Good Country People.")

I also understand, though, that you mean you're skeptical about earnest political belief, and there's no contradiction there.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
That's fair. The post where you called yourself a political nihilist, followed by one distinguishing some political beliefs as more acceptable than others, just read like something out of a Flannery O'Connor story. (Specifically "Good Country People.")
I am a political nihilist. But I still believe in people and their ability to band together to take care of each other when the need arises.

And not by holding hands and singing after some tragedy.


Zero's Secretary
Oct 20, 2023
it is not a stretch to think a purported mass conspiracy is composed of these same stupid people and that everything might not be a well calculated manuver and can just be happenstance caused by stupidity.

I remember in one of the cube movies when the test subjects are asking who would build the cube or why, one of the guys talks about how there isn't some grand conspiracy. "This may be hard for you to understand, but there is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It, it's a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. Can you grasp that? Big Brother is not watching you."

That's always stuck with me. As much as it's easy to point to some grand new world order conspiracy, the reality is it's mainly a bunch of self-interested parties all abusing the system that is in place to get as much personal wealth and/or power as they can accumulate during their time playing the game.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
I don't think politicians are stupid.
taiso, I don't know you that well and I think I like you from what i've seen from you since your return....but this is a retarded take lol. we are not talking about the forefathers that were actual renaissance men with real life experience in the things they were trying to legislate.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
taiso, I don't know you that well and I think I like you from what i've seen from you since your return....but this is a retarded take lol. we are not talking about the forefathers that were actual renaissance men with real life experience in the things they were trying to legislate.
I have no beef with you but I disagree with this assessment that we are in a bad place because politicians are 'stupid.'

No disrespect intended but that is the kind of thing frustrated wine aunts say on Facebook.

There are a few dummies, sure. But this country isn't failing because of bad decisions with unexpected or unforseen outcomes. There is more at play here.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
I have no beef with you but I disagree with this assessment that we are in a bad place because politicians are 'stupid.'

No disrespect intended but that is the kind of thing frustrated wine aunts say on Facebook.

There are a few dummies, sure. But this country isn't failing because of bad decisions with unexpected or unforseen outcomes. There is more at play here.
if you are telling me that successive generations that have had less and less foresight, inability to look at things beyond the superficial, and a lack of ability to think about long term ramifications vs. short term gratification didn't have a factor, I will respectfully disagree.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Oh, the people in charge know what the long term ramifications are. But to fail to this degree is intentional in service to something else.

They are either:
  • Building something they want over time at our expense
  • Aware of something we don't know about how fucked the world is and are cashing in
You have to be trying to fail this bad.

I think that saying 'people got dumber over time' is a little too close to yelling at clouds for my taste. I prefer to believe that we've always been as smart, and as dumb, as we've ever been, relative to the tools at our disposal and our ability to communicate, work, produce income, etc.

It's just that more of us can stand up and be measured than ever before. We were never meant to be able to talk to the entire world all at once. We were meant to interact in small groups. If we have the capacity to ever manage the new shiny things that give us more reach than we've ever known, we probably won't see it in our lifetimes. I don't think, anyway.

Thank you for being civil.
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
now I am super concerned about what @famicommander is planning
I won't shade Fami until I've taken him off ignore. It's one thing to turn off someone's comments because they're annoying you. It's another to keep shitting on them when they don't have the opportunity to fire back.

I'll probably enable his comments this weekend.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
I won't shade Fami until I've taken him off ignore. It's one thing to turn off someone's comments because they're annoying you. It's another to keep shitting on them when they don't have the opportunity to fire back.

I'll probably enable his comments this weekend.
lol fami is good people. he spergs out about sports but he takes as much as he can dish. it's not that deep.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
You just can't do anything with conspiracy theories, they're pointless.

Give me a conspiracy theory I can't just hand wave away as a double bluff, making me look smarter than everyone else in the room until Triple Bluff Trevor walks in and fucks us all.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Even the BBC were reporting on Biden’s mental state. Heard Biden call Zelensky “Putin” and Harris “Trump.”

Yikes. Just…yikes.

I mean did Biden fuck up the economy so bad over the last four years that even he has to still keep working at 80+?

God damn it’s rough out there.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Even the BBC were reporting on Biden’s mental state. Heard Biden call Zelensky “Putin” and Harris “Trump.”

Yikes. Just…yikes.

I mean did Biden fuck up the economy so bad over the last four years that even he has to still keep working at 80+?

God damn it’s rough out there.
I mean, give the guy some credit, he waited all these years, of course he's going to stick it out for his dream job. I mean real job. Or do I? Is this a dream? Why am I onstage with all these reporters shouting at me? I'm cold and scared.


Six foot four and full of muscles
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Would be poetic justice if this old bastard mistakes the nuclear launch button for a microwave and the planet gets carpet bombed.
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Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
It won’t be that trump won, so much as Biden lost.

The Democrats reeeeeeealy pissed me off by
rail-roading Sanders. Now this indecisive lack of backbone nonsense? When they needed to take action within a week of the debate? It’s maddening.

Is the Biden campaign waiting until the convention in order to pass the campaign fund war chest to Harris? I don’t think she can win, either.

This isn’t about age. It’s about being fit for the job, and Biden is not…because he is sick with something. His most recent level of gaffes, wildly surpass the definition of gaffe. His physical attributes over the last 6mos present like Parkinson’s.

Where the Whig party at? This two party system just ain’t it, anymore. Both current options suck donkey dicks.