You know what I've been thinking about the last couple days is what if everything falls apart with the vast majority of the population intact?
Not a scenario you really ever see in mass media. Usually almost all the population die and a handful of people fight over what little resources are left. Think nuclear winter, diseases that kill 99.99%, zombie apocalypse and so on.
Imagine instead 8 billion people all fighting over whats left over, now that's truly scary.
Everybody in my neck of the woods are now wearing masks. The governor signed an order at the end of last month mandating it but took out repercussions at the last minute (likely from resulting pressure from other republicans)
I Wonder if school is really going to start back up? I hear rumors of strikes and such. I dunno I hope if so they can do it safely. I know one of my kids misses it. There's a roving band of around twenty neighborhod kids camped out in my front yard for the last five months and it got old six months ago.