Talking with gamers at work should be fun, but it's depressing.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I'm always shocked when people talk about being ashamed of being into games growing up. If you had friends that shit on you for that then they weren't worth being friends with.

All of my friends were into gaming to at least some degree growing up. Even in high school when people seem to be the most self conscious and eager to pretend to be adults and separate themselves what they perceived to be childish or dorky. We spent tons of time playing all sorts of consoles and going to the arcade on a fairly regular basis. We also skateboarded, did graffiti, went to tons of parties, chased girls did a bunch of drugs and general fucking around.

Nobody I hung out with ever felt judged for being into games. It was just a natural part of what we all did and we never thought twice about it. When I hear people talk about being ashamed and judged for it it just seems so weird to me.

Same. Everybody played games, and it was something people bonded over. If anything people got teased for what consoles they weren’t playing.

But at the same time, I also feel no one completely sperged out 110% on games where it just dominated their lives totally.

I think this is because parents back then generally were more invested in what their kids were doing with their spare time…unlike more recent times where they just don’t give a fuck. Also, our school also required every student to do an after school sport in every season.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Only 1 person in my office plays games and it is just Call of Duty since the entire time I've worked with him. It is fine for when I was playing Black Ops 4 and Warzone when it was new, but since I stopped playing those there isn't much to talk about. I know the games he played before CoD was Counter Strike and Thief, which isn't much to talk about.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I'm losing my faith in humanity in this thread


Street Hoop Star
10 Year Member
Dec 26, 2010
Gaming evolved and went into various directions. Fuck me and my brothers are all gamers but all play diffrent kind of games and hate each others games.

I only ever met one person in the wild that actually knew what a Neogeo was. I was working part time as a dishwasher in a restaurant while finishing up my bachelors degree. We were closing up and talking about old games and this dude brought up "this console that had huge catridges and amazing 2d graphics" he was also shocked i knew that he ment neogeo. He was a little older and had a baby mama, but one day he said she was at work and asked if i wanted to come over and game and I brought some hash and beers and we got high and drunk and played Garou, Last Blade 2, Samurai Shodown 3,4 and then Baseball stars 2 for what felt like an hour. Then his baby mama showed up and asked where the chicken he was supposed to take out the freezer to thaw out for dinner was, and i know were grown ass men but i felt like a kid again hanging out at his friend house when his mama said he cant have friends over, so i dipped. And I still laugh about it whenever I see her, but yeah everyone has shit tastes in games. We forgot to take out the chicken

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
now you've got a massive collection of games but no real life skills because you spent all your free time working and then buying games from grown men on the internet.

It's never too late to lose your virginity, LoneSage, don't sweat about it.
Just kidding... but I hope you don't feel like that nowadays. There's always time to go back home and reinvent yourself if you do.

I was going to say something about videogames being a-ok socially but reflecting about it I know this isn't 100% true. I really don't know what to make of it, I'm not necessarily ashamed of being a gooby bastard but I don't make an habit of telling people about it either. At work your social standing matters a lot to avoid backstabs and such so I really don't want to talk about owning old videogame shit with anyone there, that much I know at least.


Art of Typing Wiz
10 Year Member
Dec 27, 2010
Gaming evolved and went into various directions.
A good friend of mine was a massive gamer in the 90s like I was. But I went down the arcade path, and he the PC path. He got deep into Doom and Quake mods and such, and had never heard of the Neo Geo, Street Fighter 3, shooters, etc, until I showed them to him. We both have consoles in common though.

So even then gaming was a diverse hobby.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I work in a technology company with a lot of young people, so it seems like it's more normal to be a gamer than not. Gaming PC rigs are the norm.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm not sure who's the sperg here, I see it on hifi forums too where 70yr olds rage about kids listening to compressed music on a phone or Bluetooth speaker or whatever and can't understand why they don't want a life of vinyl, OCD and pain.

This is pretty much like talking about films and getting annoyed that other people don't like exactly the same (really obscure and niche also) gaming stuff when it's such a huge landscape you'd be a retard to expect they would anyway.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I gave up a long time ago the idea of finding someone who was into all this old japanese shit. But the funny thing is when I did happen to come across a few people I hated every minute of it. They were too deep in man, too far gone. The kind of people that go to Japan and spend a week or two going between their hotel room and arcades and nothing else.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I gave up a long time ago the idea of finding someone who was into all this old japanese shit. But the funny thing is when I did happen to come across a few people I hated every minute of it. They were too deep in man, too far gone. The kind of people that go to Japan and spend a week or two going between their hotel room and arcades and nothing else.
This. It's a double edged sword when you do find an adult that "knows" something about classic games - it's usually an insufferable interaction.

These days, I'm content being the game nerd in my circle of friends. I find much more enjoyment out of friends coming over to play games and introducing them to fun old shit rather than trying to find another adult in their 40's to relate to on this level. It just isn't happening.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
So, totally anecdotal but, at my work, there's this guy named Mason who, occasionally, does talk about video games with me. One night, randomly comes up to me and asks me about Koudelka for PS1 and what I thought about it. I told him I used to own the game but, never finished it. Yes, this is the prequel to the Shadow Hearts games for PS2 and was published by SNK and developed by Sacnoth, who also did Faselei for NGPC.

A couple months ago, mentioned to him that the remake of Star Ocean 2 came out and, that it's freaking fantastic, game of the year, for me. He said, "what about Baldur's Gate 3?" That made me cringe a little. Then, he started talking about the 3rd Star Ocean for PS2 and how he did a level zero challenge shortly after the game came out. Apparently, Peppita Rossetti, the little gypsy/pervert magnet from the game, is one of the best characters, had no idea. I guess there's an amazing attack you can do that makes the game easy. Also, mentioned Maria and her Aiming Device attack, which I knew about. Oddly enough, the party I used was Fayt, Cliff and, Abel.

Anyway, your mileage may vary but, people with similar tastes as you do exist. Just like OP before he became obsessed with aliens (not the awesome Konami game).



20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
I have enough gamer friends I don’t need anymore.

Every now and then I actually meet somebody who’s into the video games I like and we chat briefly and move on

It should be noted that I work remotely

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I gave up a long time ago the idea of finding someone who was into all this old japanese shit. But the funny thing is when I did happen to come across a few people I hated every minute of it. They were too deep in man, too far gone. The kind of people that go to Japan and spend a week or two going between their hotel room and arcades and nothing else.
When two nerds who are accustomed to being the alpha clash, it wont't end well.


Zero's Secretary
Nov 1, 2020
You should talk about politic. You'll make a lot of friends with tasty convictions.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
I gave up a long time ago the idea of finding someone who was into all this old japanese shit. But the funny thing is when I did happen to come across a few people I hated every minute of it. They were too deep in man, too far gone. The kind of people that go to Japan and spend a week or two going between their hotel room and arcades and nothing else.

When I was selling off all my shit I would meet these mutants. They would start talking shop, I would feign interest for a few minutes, then I would shut them down, grab the cash and kick their nerd ass to the kerb. Fuck outta mah face you smelly geek cunt!