I've lost to the Last Lord, I dunno, fifteen or twenty times in a row. Just an aggravating combination of RNG, luck, and hoping that the collision detection works (seriously, the goddamn bombs/doors charge is a fucking crapshoot).
I really want to finish it, but honestly, this is the single worst Souls-type final boss fight I've ever seen. Oh yeah, I forgot, it comes at the end of a massive gauntlet of hookshotting unlike anything else in the game, fun.
Maybe I'll eventually beat it, but overall, it's a hard pass.
edit: the two things that make me really not like DD, overall, are:
1. Knockback on hit is insanely punishing to the player. Even in proper Dark Souls games, if you get hit, you get a second or two of invincibility to get back up and re-orientate yourself. Not so in DD. You get hit, you can (and will) immediately get hit again, and sometimes several more times after that. Thus one hit can almost instantaneously become two or three or your whole life bar. I think I get why the devs did it, but it sure as hell blows for the player.
2. Player build is awful. EVERY SINGLE BOSS before the last one uses a similar pattern where the player is best off relying on ranged weapons. Get a few hits in close just to charge the ranged/magic, then use that, repeat, to a fault. Then, the Last Lord has a completely different pattern that makes the player's build up to that point, probably done in response to the rest of the bosses in the game, mostly useless. Guy is so fast and constantly in close that ranged weapons/magic are nearly useless and melee is the only way to hurt him. Just a bizarre design choice that seems to inherently fuck over the player and make them more likely (like me) to say fuck this and quit.
I know it's a two-man studio. And a lot of what's in DD is really nice. But tiny dev or not, it's a waste of time to play and generally just fucking irritating.