

Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Or whatever the word is, you know what I mean. I've always kind of dabbled in them off and on, then recently I finally "got" it with Dark Souls Remastered. Put 50 hours into it and beat it and damn those things can suck you in. I'm halfway or 2/3 through 3 now, and after that I'm thinking I'll go back to 2. Then probably Bloodborne. Can't wait for Shadows Die Twice.

Anyway, thoughts on the following, and others?
-Dark Souls 1, 2, 3
-Hollow Knight
-Salt and Sanctuary
-Death's Gambit
-Lords of the Fallen
-The Surge


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
To sidestep in bloodborne seems critical from the gameplay video I tried to watch of the first stage. How do?/?/ I tried to start it like twice pissed when like 4 guys would kill me , seemed reasonable tho. On the fatness scale where is 180 lbs I want to identify do you ever get to change your clothes tails are just obnoxious.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
Lords of the Fallen is pretty meh, I don't recommend it. I'd say go through the whole Souls series (you should definitely add Demon's Souls to that list btw), Bloodborne and Nioh if you like this kind of games. Seikiro is also a few month away.

Hollow knight is great btw. I think I'm going to buy it again on the Switch.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
I've still yet to play Hollow Knight. I bought it on Switch and haven't got around to playing it, along with a stack of games I have in the queue. I heard great things about the game though.

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
I'm halfway or 2/3 through 3 now, and after that I'm thinking I'll go back to 2.

Don't replay DS2, that game doesn't deserve it. Either replay 1 or 3, or do as Gentlegamer suggested (which is the correct choice) play Demon's Souls.

Good thread idea btw. I am a big fan of these games. Anyone played Death's Gambit yet? Is it too buggy to even have fun yet?
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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Lords of the Fallen is pretty meh, I don't recommend it. I'd say go through the whole Souls series (you should definitely add Demon's Souls to that list btw), Bloodborne and Nioh if you like this kind of games. Seikiro is also a few month away.

Hollow knight is great btw. I think I'm going to buy it again on the Switch.
Lords of the Fallen is the first game in the genre I actually managed to beat. The gauntlet makes most of the game so easy, other than a few bosses that don't let you spam it like in the rest of the game. I liked the game enough at the time, but yeah, it's nowhere near the level of the better ones.

I have HK on Switch, held off on it so far so I won't be in the middle of something else when I start it. I have high expectations, for sure.

I've played maybe the first four missions or so of Nioh. Liked it for the most part, and I'll pick it back up to actually finish it, probably when I'm done with the From stuff.

Anyone played Death's Gambit yet? Is it too buggy to even have fun yet?
I got DG last week, put in a few hours. It's really, really reverent to the DS series. The character builds, the mechanics, all trying as much as possible to be 2-D Dark Souls. Sort of works, though there are a few issues with trying to use really limited stamina to fight enemies that can kill you in two hits on two planes. Just doesn't work like 3-D does. It's worth playing, but clunky in some ways. No bugs so far.

What's the hardest souls-like? Easiest? A lot of people say whichever one you play first is the hardest, and I get the idea there, but DS1 has noticeably less aggressive enemies than say, 2 or 3. DS2: Scholar of the First Sin seems especially hard with the remixed enemy placement for SotFS and the penalty to max health when you die like 2 always had.

edit: Code Vein looks pretty cool. Too bad the possible release date just keeps moving, but I suppose later and good is better than early and unpolished.
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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Lords of the Fallen is pretty meh, I don't recommend it. I'd say go through the whole Souls series (you should definitely add Demon's Souls to that list btw), Bloodborne and Nioh if you like this kind of games. Seikiro is also a few month away.

Thou shalt play Demon's Souls.

I somehow spaced Demon's Souls, and had also forgotten that I had a digital version of it from way back whenever it was free on PS Plus. Started it last night after trying to convince myself to play DS 2 (I'm at the fat ass Old Knights on Heide's Tower of Flame and the control just feels like shit after finishing DS 1 and 3), and you guys are right, it's great. Super responsive controls, good levels, awesome to play.


Mature's Make-up Artist
Jan 15, 2003
You have good taste, the souls franchise made me come back to modern gaming.
Don't know if you've finished bloodborne but that game might even trump souls. Anyway, you should play
Bborne first. Best souls title ever.
Demon's souls. This one took me by surprise in 2009 because it was a low key game with different mechanics than the dark souls games (world tendency mechanic is awesome!). I ended up importing two delux versions from the us when it was released.
Dark souls 2 - got a lot of shit for being non-soulsy but I don't agree. Though it is easier, i still put in 100+ hours to get all platinum trophies. Plays well and is definitely a worthy successor to 1.

The rest in your list are wannabes. Tried most of them but none match From's efforts. Nioh was too easy. The surge got boring. Lords of the fallen tried but quickly became too easy and a bit boring.
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Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
I can play bbrne now found my clothes and had the boss kill me. Would like to find another warp spot how much upgrade before its practical to fight first boss? Thank you guy who said to run past mob, its dumb you cant fight them good until u r strongeer maybe I am just getting decent at the game?


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Or whatever the word is, you know what I mean. I've always kind of dabbled in them off and on, then recently I finally "got" it with Dark Souls Remastered. Put 50 hours into it and beat it and damn those things can suck you in. I'm halfway or 2/3 through 3 now, and after that I'm thinking I'll go back to 2. Then probably Bloodborne. Can't wait for Shadows Die Twice.

Anyway, thoughts on the following, and others?

Dark Souls 1 - Best Game in the "Dark and Bloodborne" series, and one of the best games ever created. Has maybe the best DLC ever created. Tough choice between the DLC for this and Bloodborne.

2 - Gets a bad rap because it's the worst Souls game. Still better than 97% of the garbage released last gen. Solid game.

3 - Second best in Dark Souls series. Very close to being as good as part 1.

Bloodborne - Bloodborne is nearly a perfect game. The theme and art direction is on point. Gameplay is fast, technical, and requires skill. The only single gripe I have with Bloodborne is the limited choice of weapons, which leads to restrictions in the variety of builds you can use. So instead of playing it a few thousand hours, and never running out of builds; you may play a few hundred and feel done. Also I guess there's a second gripe. The PVP blows. This might not matter much to you.

Also, some people may be turned off by the difficulty. At first the game can be quite a challenge, but after your build starts coming together it gets easier. Bloodborne is fucking awesome. Play it!

Nioh - Just finished this a few weeks ago. Nioh is a very solid game, and one worth holding on to. The story and world building is not as strong as the Souls and Bloodborne games, HOWEVER, and this is a big however. The combat is so tight, and feels great. Lots of build options, and really just a wonderful experience with exception of the story. The story isn't that bad though, sometimes it's just a bit much. That combat though... hard for me to say, as Souls is my favorite series of all-time, Nioh has better combat. Like Bloodborne though, even to a higher degree, starting out is super rough. This game is brutal at first. Nioh is also a must play.

Demon's Souls... You forgot this one. Best game out of the entire series. Best atmosphere, coolest weapons, tons of build options. The bosses are a bit lacking, but still very cool. Not on an epic level like Orenstein and Smough, but have unique ways to beat them. Demon's Souls is probably my favorite game of all-time. Too bad for you the servers shut down a few months back. When it first came out, Demons Souls online captured some of my fondest gaming memories. PVP was great, co-op was a ton of fun... it was a beautiful game in its prime. Too bad most people missed it. Here's hoping the synchronized server shutdown in the USA, Japan, and Europe were part of a bigger plan to remaster the game.

I'd play in this order.

1. Dark Souls 1 - Since you already beat it
2. Demon's Souls
3. Nioh
4. Dark Souls 2 (Don't play this last, save a good game for last)
5. Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne
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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I can play bbrne now found my clothes and had the boss kill me. Would like to find another warp spot how much upgrade before its practical to fight first boss? Thank you guy who said to run past mob, its dumb you cant fight them good until u r strongeer maybe I am just getting decent at the game?

You mean the Cleric Beast? CB is a good boss to learn the game on, I would just keep trying until you beat him, not necessarily grinding more.

Best game out of the entire series. Best atmosphere, coolest weapons, tons of build options. The bosses are a bit lacking, but still very cool. Not on an epic level like Orenstein and Smough, but have unique ways to beat them. Demon's Souls is probably my favorite game of all-time. Too bad for you the servers shut down a few months back. When it first came out, Demons Souls online captured some of my fondest gaming memories. PVP was great, co-op was a ton of fun... it was a beautiful game in its prime. Too bad most people missed it. Here's hoping the synchronized server shutdown in the USA, Japan, and Europe were part of a bigger plan to remaster the game.

I'd play in this order.

1. Dark Souls 1 - Since you already beat it
2. Demon's Souls
3. Nioh
4. Dark Souls 2 (Don't play this last, save a good game for last)
5. Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne
I finished DS3 last week, and the second half, in particular, was really good, IMO. Good set of bosses, and once I had a solid pyromancer build together everything seemed really manageable but still properly challenging.

Now I'm playing through Demon's Souls. Very good, but a few rough edges, IMO. I'm about a third of the way, I think. Playing almost straight melee (other than a bow that I started using when the damn plague rats in 5-1 kept giving me plague) and it's so obvious how much easier much of it would be with a mage.

I like the way the levels are set up as smaller, discrete zones that feel so daunting at first then you learn them and getting around feels easy. Other than in the Valley of Defilement.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
You mean the Cleric Beast? CB is a good boss to learn the game on, I would just keep trying until you beat him, not necessarily grinding more.

I finished DS3 last week, and the second half, in particular, was really good, IMO. Good set of bosses, and once I had a solid pyromancer build together everything seemed really manageable but still properly challenging.

Now I'm playing through Demon's Souls. Very good, but a few rough edges, IMO. I'm about a third of the way, I think. Playing almost straight melee (other than a bow that I started using when the damn plague rats in 5-1 kept giving me plague) and it's so obvious how much easier much of it would be with a mage.

I like the way the levels are set up as smaller, discrete zones that feel so daunting at first then you learn them and getting around feels easy. Other than in the Valley of Defilement.

No magic is kinda crazy. It's always nice to have a sword buff like Light or Cursed weapon. Second Chance is also a must, especially with server shutdown.

I would say play through the game twice to get the full experience. If you haven't already, learn the difference between World, and Character tendency. Ideally you want to do a pure black world tendency one playthrough, and white the next. That way you can meet all the bosses and farm some pure bladestone shards.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
Well the cane/dads belt sucked anyhow and troubled kid wasnt very good either. Now I am the second option with the axe . Had the cleric to an eighth first try... Will hopefully be able to stop whining now. Was pissed I summoned an old hunter and ruined my game, Ill get the clothes again easy
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6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
The only single gripe I have with Bloodborne is the limited choice of weapons, which leads to restrictions in the variety of builds you can use. So instead of playing it a few thousand hours, and never running out of builds; you may play a few hundred and feel done.

That's a flattering statement. Could they just pump more weapons through game patches?


Mature's Make-up Artist
Jan 15, 2003
Now I'm playing through Demon's Souls. Very good, but a few rough edges, IMO. I'm about a third of the way, I think. Playing almost straight melee (other than a bow that I started using when the damn plague rats in 5-1 kept giving me plague) and it's so obvious how much easier much of it would be with a mage.

Have you figured out how world tendency works? Crazy awesome, wish they would bring that back in a game.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
some boss after turret man killed me.

I even had the church helper...I just get better and level up.

my dude is ready to party with the doll.

that blood starved cunt insta kills me when he gets down to his last third..ffffffkk
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Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
some boss after turret man killed me.

I even had the church helper...I just get better and level up.

my dude is ready to party with the doll.

that blood starved cunt insta kills me when he gets down to his last third..ffffffkk

Make sure you get 3 umbilical cords. Figure out how to get back to the very beginning of game. Aliens ��


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
No magic is kinda crazy. It's always nice to have a sword buff like Light or Cursed weapon. Second Chance is also a must, especially with server shutdown.

I would say play through the game twice to get the full experience. If you haven't already, learn the difference between World, and Character tendency. Ideally you want to do a pure black world tendency one playthrough, and white the next. That way you can meet all the bosses and farm some pure bladestone shards.

Have you figured out how world tendency works? Crazy awesome, wish they would bring that back in a game.

Finished the game last night. Only spells I learned were Heal, Cure (useless, I only took it over Poison Cloud because I was paranoid of 5-2), Flame Toss, Warding, and Death Cloud. I used Death Cloud on Doran but beat every other boss with melee.

Allant was a really good final boss. At first he's intimidating as hell, but when you learn his patterns he's no problem unless you get careless. Used the Meat Cleaver on him.

I know how tendency works for the most part. Seems like it's much harder to shift it now that the game's offline only. I wanted to shift it a few times to get a few of the events and to make Demonbrandt viable but I didn't really think of it until I had already killed most of the bosses, and I didn't die much in revived form, so I never got much shift.

Really good game, obviously. Kind of amazing how much From totally nailed on their very first try at it (modern, I mean, I'm excluding King's Field on purpose).
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Cheng's Errand Boy
Feb 1, 2006
My favorite series. But because of Dark Souls, gaming in general has been very bland and boring since then. No games or series brought me the thrill of Dark Souls ...

My personal ranking :

Dark Souls : 100% on PS3 and 360, a rare feat for me. A classic, in my top 3 easily.
Demon Souls : A fantastic game, but I prefer a game without a central hub, it breaks the "where am I" feeling ... A great start for a great series, an absolute "must play".
Dark Souls 3 : I had / have problems with many bosses, but the lore is so good ! I love the links with Dark Souls 1.
Dark Souls 2 : A very good game that corrected some problems of Dark Souls 1, but also creating some others. Curiously I really liked the disappearing ennemies, it helps when you want to move fast.
Bloodborne : I'm still trying to get into it, but it's a bit too fast-paced for me. But it's clearly a very good game !
Nioh : I found it a bit meh ... I'll try it again someday.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I've played an hour or two into Immortal Unchained so far, and it's better than I was expecting. It's trying to be Dark Souls with guns, and it's doing that okay so far. Seems like it'll be very difficult to keep things balanced as the game goes on, but so far it's fine. Bosses aren't real nuanced.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
Hitting a wall on the yharman shadows and undead giant. Killed 3x fireball with charged electric full axe swings another got to half and one a 1/4 asspimple only to 1/2 half, its so scary to be close then he 360s and I die. Too impatient! Maybe just dumb...Not as good at games and stuff, sad now. Sry 4 crapping the thread up.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Hitting a wall on the yharman shadows and undead giant. Killed 3x fireball with charged electric full axe swings another got to half and one a 1/4 asspimple only to 1/2 half, its so scary to be close then he 360s and I die. Too impatient! Maybe just dumb...Not as good at games and stuff, sad now. Sry 4 crapping the thread up.

I told you to add me on psn. I can help you. Im on the dlc. We could help eachother out. Unless you're one those guys with no mic. I'm not text chatting as we play.