OKAY! I put another 10 or so hours into Stranger of Paradise, figured I should be thorough.
It still completely sucks donkey balls. It's from the same dev team that made two of my, I dunno, top 10 or so favorite games of all time in Nioh and Nioh 2, and it's just complete and utter trash. I guess Squeenix's latter-day budgets generally mean zero QA, as is pretty clearly evidenced in this. Level design is beyond bad, copy-pasted rooms for miles and zero markers to tell where you've been or should go, and then completely pointless shortcuts that put a rest cube next to another fucking rest cube. The level design, more than anything, just consistently ruins the game, makes it completely unfun to play.
Difficulty balance, also terrible. SoP bases its difficulty curve on equipment, not player level, which makes the "recommended level" of missions a joke since you can level your gear to the mission's level in about three minutes if you can kill a couple guys. Then the rest of the level will be easy as shit, until you hit the boss, which will mash you very, very quickly, and you get set back to the surprisingly badly set checkpoints. And the bosses have at least two forms, with the second being very different than the first, so good luck learning the second form if you die on the first one a few times. Honestly, the difficulty on the bosses is just completely off, very easy to just blast through the main level than have zero chance on the boss.
So you can set the difficulty to Story Mode AKA you nutsac you. Makes almost every encounter retardedly easy, as it's supposed to I guess, but of course manages to rob the game of any sense of accomplishment and is just WILDLY off, in terms of balance, from the rest of the game. Like, you put the it on Story mode 'cause fuck this trash dev work, nothing else. And the levels aren't any better beforehand of course.
And also it runs like total shit. Performance mode on PS5 drops frames, absolutely cannot maintain 60 fps. Image quality mode or whatever seems to run at 30 fps pretty much, but seriously, Nioh 2 on PS4 Pro ran better.
So... SoP, which is made by the same team that made Nioh and Nioh 2, is one of the worst games I've played in a long time. I'm not sure if Sqeenix's tiny budget for it was mostly to blame, or just general incompetence from the devs, but it's really, really bad. I mean, like put the dev team out of business bad.
Was trying to get loose ends tied up before Elden Ring but this is just sad. To think that this is one of the few franchises Square apparently kept.
edit: from what I can tell, I'm about half way through the second-to-last level. Usually fucking grit the teeth and all that, but this is just so bad that I don't think I will.