RE4 Remake soon


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
The more I play it, the more I'm like "meh".

I'm really not enjoying it all that much. It's just too relentless for a Resi Evil game for me.


Shamrock Chatster
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2005
Any initial thoughts? The graphics are great, as you'd perhaps expect, but I'm not loving the gameplay so far. It's good, but I think I prefer the original... dunno that might change, I'm ony about half-way through so far.

Definitely not better than 8.
Really you don't think it was better than 8? I didn't hold 8 to much high praise, I am re playing with the DLC 3rd person perspective though.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
The more I play it, the more I'm like "meh".

I'm really not enjoying it all that much. It's just too relentless for a Resi Evil game for me.

Hardcore is what im on at the moment.

The gun gameplay is off is why. You shoot someone in the head and they don't react unless you do a certain amount of damage or get a critical. This works well for Resident Evil 2 remake cause zombies, not so much here where melee is a core mechanic. Hit detection is off as well especially on parasites and sometimes even normal enemies.Running is sluggish and then aiming has massive lag as well. Parrying is a cool mechanic but you can't do it to unarmed people?

The sway aiming mechanic where it focuses the cross trigger feels real out of place here when a plethora of enemies are surrounding you + take multiple shots to stun. The shotgun doesn't have that umpf either.

I do like the challenges and shooting gallery upgrades.

But yeah on my stream you could see enemies literally spawning out of thin air even though I cleared the area behind me completely lol. Feels kinda cheap.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Really you don't think it was better than 8? I didn't hold 8 to much high praise, I am re playing with the DLC 3rd person perspective though.
Initially 8 was annoying as when you start out for the first time I thought the difficulty of getting through the village until the lycans retreat was brutal. But once I over came that I really started to enjoy it, so much so I went back through the game about 5 times in a row.

I can't see myself doing that with this.

Like @ChuChu Flamingo says, it's really cheap, the hit detection is off (I'm playing on PS5 btw) and the action is far too relentless. Game feels more like a chore than anything. It's also annoying as fuck that you either use your ammo or you bin it - you can't save it in the storage area. WTF? I don't think I've played any Resi Evil game where you can't stockpile ammo in the storage areas, why change that now?

Sorry, don't see what the hype is around this at all. It's not that it's a bad game, it isn't, but it's definitely not the best of the bunch either. The original is a better game overall, and I prefer reMakes 2 & 3 over this.

Feels to me like Capcom tried too hard knowing how highly regarded the original RE:4 is held.


Shamrock Chatster
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2005
Initially 8 was annoying as when you start out for the first time I thought the difficulty of getting through the village until the lycans retreat was brutal. But once I over came that I really started to enjoy it, so much so I went back through the game about 5 times in a row.

I can't see myself doing that with this.

Like @ChuChu Flamingo says, it's really cheap, the hit detection is off (I'm playing on PS5 btw) and the action is far too relentless. Game feels more like a chore than anything. It's also annoying as fuck that you either use your ammo or you bin it - you can't save it in the storage area. WTF? I don't think I've played any Resi Evil game where you can't stockpile ammo in the storage areas, why change that now?

Sorry, don't see what the hype is around this at all. It's not that it's a bad game, it isn't, but it's definitely not the best of the bunch either. The original is a better game overall, and I prefer reMakes 2 & 3 over this.

Feels to me like Capcom tried too hard knowing how highly regarded the original RE:4 is held.
Thanks for the reply, will keep that In mind just played the demo.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
There's not much ammo in the castle, bloody water room got me a bit stuck


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
There's not much ammo in the castle, bloody water room got me a bit stuck
There doesn't appear to be that much ammo in the entire game. For the amount of enemies the game throws at you it's really miserly. Basically forcing you to learn the melee attack, which doesn't come off as well as it did in the original either.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm only playing on normal difficulty because I'm lazy AF, but some bits are tricky yeah

I still think the original is held too highly in regard nowadays tbh. It was great, at the time but it's a dated mess nowadays, the controls, graphics, filler sections which they seem to have got rid of. I quite like how it's been streamlined, and looking after Ashley is far less annoying. No pausing to switch weapons etc. Loads of improvements, and god the controls in the original, it's just tank controls from a different angle.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
May 7, 2018
That HD texture pack that was in the works for like a decade, where the guy found the real places in Spain where texture work was taken and redid it, THAT is the real remake.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
That HD texture pack that was in the works for like a decade, where the guy found the real places in Spain where texture work was taken and redid it, THAT is the real remake.
It's not though is it because the game still suffers from the same problems it did originally.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
May 7, 2018
It's not though is it because the game still suffers from the same problems it did originally.
If you're remaking a game whose entire combat system is bound by the idea that you can't move while aiming, and the first thing you do is let the player move while aiming, what are you remaking?

RE2 remake was so different that it justified its existence. It doesn't replace the original, it sits alongside it. 4 from what I played of the demo, is the original with better graphics and shittier gameplay. And the original doesn't look bad, especially with the HD patch. Mod the PC version if you want remappable keys and FOV.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
It's not. It's very different to the original actually. Just the same as RE2, there's reason enough for it to exist. Fuck pc gaming too


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
There is quite a bit of new stuff in here, but none of what I've seen seems to make the game any better.

Basically, for the most part, Capcom has added a new room here and there, and then packed them out with bullet sponges so you spunk your ammo up the wall before allowing you to continue. Whereby you begin thinking - where the fuck am I going to rearm myself?

While the controls have been updated, the 180 quick turn is broken because the camera doesn't rotate with you.

*sigh* the original Resi 4 may not have been perfect, or indeed, may no longer be perfect due to its age, but it was never as broken as this.

Any magazine or online review site that has given this perfect marks - I'd seriously question their ability to properly review anything.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm about to begin chapter 9 and it's been a fun romp. I like the fact all the annoying sections so far in the original are gone, Ashley isn't utterly pathetic and the controls are decent. I guess the lack of ammo, crafting and sidequests is all normal game fare nowadays. I'm not going to instantly replay it again .. because it's RE4 again. I played village a good 5 times too and restarted it straight after finishing just like I did with 4 back in the day. Village was better than the original RE4, and is better than this remake too. But then I'd take FPS over third person nowadays. Is Village perfect either? No. Just games though innit. I'd rather just go out for a nice meal than play videogames nowadays.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I have the feeling that if I play through it again I'll enjoy it a lot more, as the common enemies will be easier to dispatch with my upgraded weapons.

This was my experience with the original, I enjoyed it a lot more on the second and subsequent play throughs. Still, I definitely don't recall being as frustrated with the original, if at all, on that initial run as I do with this.

BTW, which bits in the original did you find annoying? Curious to know.

Yeah, 8 is defo the better game. Might put that back on next and do the third person mode.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Not annoying parts, but 4 was basically made up of a load of different attempts, there's sections such as the driller machine bit which could be anywhere in the game and wouldn't make any difference, it could have been a lot more streamlined. I'm liking that so far from this new one. I remember getting to the castle in the original and thinking fuck me, here we go - the place is bloody huge, let's go round on little carts everywhere just to get places - all gone now. I'm pretty sure the driller section will be gone. I can't think of many others at the moment due to it being a while.

That house with Louis where you just have to stay alive - sucks on both, just not fun.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Level design, or re-design of legacy areas, is a lot cleaner, but the expanded / new areas are mostly a waste of time, just added in to give you more reasons to blow your ammo.

I don't recall being able to buy the rocket launcher so early on in the original. Dispatching the first giant with one shot was woefully easy... but I guess I knew that part of the game was coming and couldn't be bothered to shoot his head and slash the thing on his back.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm playing it on normal because hardcore would have annoyed the fuck out of me. I'm a very casual gamer nowadays. Didn't buy the rocket launcher but didn't have to slash anything on his back either.

Notice the big cheese's eye is just a treasure now that you can sell.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Oooh, that's interesting. Didn't realise they'd changed that... cuz I blew him the fuck up. :D

Yeah, I was expecting to use it as a key, but it's just treasure.

Yup, playing on standard too. Fuck hardcore without major weapons upgrades.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Oh, no cable car section, no sniping the truck coming towards you, no escaping from a rolling boulder.

They've basically kept the most iconic bits you can think of and trimmed it down a bit

I doubt the salazar statue chasing you, or that section is there either.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Meh, I didn't mind most of those tbh... kinda missed kicking the cart down the hill in the grave yard too.

The statue thing was a bit naff.

Have you noticed some areas are a bit easier? When you cross the draw bridge to the tower - I'm sure there were several waves in the original, and the dogs in the garden felt easier to deal with. Only getting this in these latter parts of the game though.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm thinking we're missing a bit in the standard difficulty but it would have annoyed me a great deal first time on hardcore. I'm hoping I get to fight some knights but we shall see. Wondering if my favourite room with the blowy curtains is there too as that looked incredible on GC at the time.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed on the knight front. Make sure you have some flash grenades to help conserve ammo.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
This game is gonna give me a stroke I swear
Fuck playing on hardcore first time