PCE Super SD System 3 - Terraonion New Product (Dec 2017)


May 7, 2011
I don't have any issues with rgb on my end or audio. I don't understand what people are talking about. This is a great product and I haven't had any issues. I also use a custom made sony power supply. I will still never get over all the people bitching about wantin to use normal genesis 2 cable because removing the components from the cable is toooooooo haaaaaaarrrrrdd.
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
I don't have any issues with rgb on my end or audio. I don't understand what people are talking about. This is a great product and I haven't had any issues. I also use a custom made sony power supply. I will still never get over all the people bitching about wantin to use normal genesis 2 cable because removing the components from the cable is toooooooo haaaaaaarrrrrdd.

Nerds be nerds.... they complain about ANYTHING....

ZOMG... someone has created a device for a DEAD system... let's not say thank you... let's bitch....

Postage is slow... where is my shit...
The item won't work because I modded the shit out of my console...
Z'OMG... RGB aint perfect....

WELL... time for some of you fucks to grow up some....

NEXT time... invest your own money... and make something...



Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
Well, I think if you were experiencing the issues, you'd understand why folks are concerned. The community came together to help ID and fix the previous issues, and I'm confident they can do that again. There are enough of them--and they're varied--that it requires a concerted, collaborative effort. For reference, I'm experiencing problems on an unmodded, original device plugged straight into the TV. Alex and his team have done a lot of hard work and there are a lot of factors that make thoroughly testing it nigh impossible.


Chin's Bartender
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
It's worse that just RGB nerdism. It's guys being super anal about 2 or 3 games that have a bit of noise on solid colored screens (which is also stage dependent). It's not really worth jeopardizing a 3rd run of this product, and all future sales for a couple of these games.

If I were TO, I'd just continue selling the rev.2 boards, and just write a disclaimer on the sales page that there are "compatibility issues" with certain games as well as comp-video output. Many of these hobby products out there on the market have these compatibility problems that are mentioned up-front and people still clamber onto them.


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
It's worse that just RGB nerdism. It's guys being super anal about 2 or 3 games that have a bit of noise on solid colored screens (which is also stage dependent). It's not really worth jeopardizing a 3rd run of this product, and all future sales for a couple of these games.

If I were TO, I'd just continue selling the rev.2 boards, and just write a disclaimer on the sales page that there are "compatibility issues" with certain games as well as comp-video output. Many of these hobby products out there on the market have these compatibility problems that are mentioned up-front and people still clamber onto them.

That's not an accurate depiction of the problem. The audio buzz--which is something Alex said he's having his team work on--happens across all games. A number of people are seeing noise in more than just 2-3 games. All HD Retrovision cables use composite video as sync, so quite a few people can be impacted.

There are real problems here, but they are solvable. But don't whitewash it or blame it on the vocal minority.


Mar 29, 2018
That's not an accurate depiction of the problem. The audio buzz--which is something Alex said he's having his team work on--happens across all games. A number of people are seeing noise in more than just 2-3 games. All HD Retrovision cables use composite video as sync, so quite a few people can be impacted.

There are real problems here, but they are solvable. But don't whitewash it or blame it on the vocal minority.

Second this. The SD card buzz is a very real issue. It's especially bad in games that have a lot of mellow music like Dungeon Explorer 2, where the buzz can be heard against the music.
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
But don't whitewash it or blame it on the vocal minority.

You know... the thing about that is....

I don't give a flying FUCK... if you're a majority... or a minority...

I shall aportion any blame i fuckin' want too... wanna argue the point?


Chin's Bartender
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
That's not an accurate depiction of the problem. The audio buzz--which is something Alex said he's having his team work on--happens across all games. A number of people are seeing noise in more than just 2-3 games. All HD Retrovision cables use composite video as sync, so quite a few people can be impacted.

There are real problems here, but they are solvable. But don't whitewash it or blame it on the vocal minority.
It was stated they're working on a software solution for the audio-buzz. This most likely won't need a hardware revision.

Name me all the games people are complaining about.

You're saying the real problems are solvable, is it without doing another hardware revision? Because it sounds like that will break neosd and TO from continuing to supply this awesome product.


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
This was the comment I was referring to as whitewashing: "It's guys being super anal about 2 or 3 games that have a bit of noise on solid colored screens (which is also stage dependent)."

I'm saying that this thing has more problems than just those 2-3 games. We should be honest about those issues and not ignore them. Collaborate to find a way around them, because at its heart this is a great product.


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
It was stated they're working on a software solution for the audio-buzz. This most likely won't need a hardware revision.

Name me all the games people are complaining about.

You're saying the real problems are solvable, is it without doing another hardware revision? Because it sounds like that will break neosd and TO from continuing to supply this awesome product.

You bring up a good point: I've been taking it at face-value that it's more than 2-3 games based on others' comments. As I'm not experiencing the visual noise myself, I can't speak to those. Let's find out the scope of these issues. Can people post pictures of the visual interference on games besides Dungeon Explorer and Valis II?


Chin's Bartender
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
Still waiting on that list of games.
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
You know... the thing here is I look at Terraonion buliding a new site...

And I know what's going to happen... 24/7 bitching.... and Alex doesn't see that...

"Z'OMG... we must be nice to people..."

WELL... here's the thingy... I am waiting for the new Terraonion forum... and I will consider moving these threads out of here and delete this forum...

I will then start a new plan of actively finding the people who irritated me... and killing them off...

You never post outside these forums anyway so no mother fucker is going to miss you...



Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
You know... the thing here is I look at Terraonion buliding a new site...

And I know what's going to happen... 24/7 bitching.... and Alex doesn't see that...

"Z'OMG... we must be nice to people..."




There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
There are people who aren't having problems either. I had to get another cable, no problem. I've bought cables for my other systems so what's another?


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
There are people who aren't having problems either. I had to get another cable, no problem. I've bought cables for my other systems so what's another?

See, that might be another angle. I looked back and you couldn't remember where you got your cable from. Were you able to track down the eBay records to find out who provided it? Maybe we're barking up the wrong tree with PackAPunch cables.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
There are people who aren't having problems either. I had to get another cable, no problem. I've bought cables for my other systems so what's another?

Nets entitlement to bitch...

I am off a generation where I find a solution... and appreciate the big picture...

This new stream of "me me me"... type shit is pissing me off...

This is NOT facebook... This is NOT Twitter... This is NOT a democracy...

There is a logout button... use it if you're unhappy with how it is...

I will drive these fuckers to Alex's new forum... because here, on Ng.com... I will impose MY values on the forum... and NOT what the New generation of entitled gamers want to this place to be...



There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Retro-access scart, OSSC, Vizio 50"

Retro-access JP 21, xrgb3, Samsung 40"


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
Not to get too off topic, but the reason I have been coming to the NG forums for more than a decade has been less about participating and more about learning. I had no idea of the depth that some games had--how to melee for gems, health, and high scores in Shock Troopers, how to pull of some amazing moves in the fighting games, etc. I've come here regularly to bask in what the experts know. But I do appreciate that you've setup an area on the forum for Terra Onion tech discussions.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Nets entitlement to bitch...

I am off a generation where I find a solution... and appreciate the big picture...

This new stream of "me me me"... type shit is pissing me off...

This is NOT facebook... This is NOT Twitter... This is NOT a democracy...

There is a logout button... use it if you're unhappy with how it is...

I will drive these fuckers to Alex's new forum... because here, on Ng.com... I will impose MY values on the forum... and NOT what the New generation of entitled gamers want to this place to be...



The fact that the swarms of people bitching all have super low post counts adds to the annoyance. Remember the days of people paying tons of money to get some shitty SNES copier with floppy disks and low compatibility? And you were just stoked to have something that even DID THIS?! No, they probably don't because they're too young or - god, I dunno' what. Such a botched abortion of internet shooting itself in the foot the second it gets something cool. Nerds do this shit with movies too, nowhere is safe.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Not to get too off topic, but the reason I have been coming to the NG forums for more than a decade has been less about participating and more about learning. I had no idea of the depth that some games had--how to melee for gems, health, and high scores in Shock Troopers, how to pull of some amazing moves in the fighting games, etc. I've come here regularly to bask in what the experts know. But I do appreciate that you've setup an area on the forum for Terra Onion tech discussions.

How about you learn when one of the most irritable mods has you in his sights...

PFFT... lurking... learning...

The forum is here because it is kept alive about people who contribute and care...

Your post is invalid in it's argument... You might as well say "I would vote... but you know... I like watching the news and learning Politics... why should i bother to make my vote count"....


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
I didn't come here for a fight; I came here to try and figure out a solution to my audio buzz. Other people are having this and further issues. I will continue to look into solutions.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
I didn't come here for a fight; I came here to try and figure out a solution to my audio buzz. Other people are having this and further issues. I will continue to look into solutions.

You're on Ng.com... after your 13 years "lurking and learning"... did you not consider the possibility that ONE day... you might piss off the wrong guy?

AND... if you had in ANY way read the forum.. i am defo the wrong guy....

Looking for a fight? I don't think it'd be much of a fight to be honest... I've taken on the entire forum... I'm pretty sure I can handle a "lurking learning" AI machine...


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
There's never a good time to bug Rot but now is one of the poorer times. Rot and others see neosd stressed over the current situation and know he needs rest. Everyone is aware of the buzzing so let's await a response.

Some people have said they're going to flip the capacitor, let's here their results. I have made a thread for working setups.

I'd rather try to help in whatever way possible.


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 17, 2005
There's never a good time to bug Rot but now is one of the poorer times. Rot and others see neosd stressed over the current situation and know he needs rest. Everyone is aware of the buzzing so let's await a response.

Some people have said they're going to flip the capacitor, let's here their results. I have made a thread for working setups.

I'd rather try to help in whatever way possible.

Good points.

From your earlier comment, you said you're using retro accessories SCART cables. Are those plain ol' vanilla ones, or did you get the shielded ones?


Mar 29, 2018
Good points.

From your earlier comment, you said you're using retro accessories SCART cables. Are those plain ol' vanilla ones, or did you get the shielded ones?

I've tried 2 different Gen2 retro accessories SCART cables(one boosted sync the other just standard both shielded I believe), both produce buzz. I've also tried just a standard composite cable, also produced buzz.
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