offical wwe thread

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
It was on channel 550 at 7PM last Sunday night.

It looked HD, but the aspect ratio was screwed up for the entire show. If you ever had a 4:3 SDTV which let you squish the screen for anamorphic content, imagine that being done to an already anamorphic 16:9 format video on your 16:9 TV. It was still an amazing show to watch, but it was weird.

Thank you AS. I tried looking under the On Demand Section. Haven't ordered a PPV in a long, LONG time. They've got a replay tomorrow at 8PM. I doubt they let you record it so I'll try to take a piss during the Double J tag match.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I like Booker T on commentary in small doses. Like maybe one or two matches a show.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
If any of you guys DVR'd tonight's Lucha Underground, make sure to watch it.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Thank you AS. I tried looking under the On Demand Section. Haven't ordered a PPV in a long, LONG time. They've got a replay tomorrow at 8PM. I doubt they let you record it so I'll try to take a piss during the Double J tag match.

That match was actually good for what it was.

If you can't pause it-get a bed pan, lol.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
So Itami, Finn and Owens shirts sell out( you could only get them in size 5XL ) and Vince is saying the NXT roster is overrated

Stop hatin Vince


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Impact Results: 1-7-15

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to mostly in-ring results.

1 -- KURT ANGLE vs. MVP -- Street Fight

Angle and MVP continued to fight in their street clothes. No announcers on the air. Angle, his shirt untucked, took a boot from MVP as referee Brian Hebner tried to restore order. Mathews eventually spoke, noting they're in the balcony. Angle came back with a belly-to-belly back, but MVP countered with an armbar. Angle sold a knee injury, giving MVP a target to beat down Angle. More bleeping was required for an "M-V-P****" chant from the crowd.

MVP continued to work on Angle's knee before going for a cover now down to a white tanktop undershirt. MVP wanted a powerbomb, but Angle rolled through and teased an anklelock targeting MVP's dress shoes. MVP countered with a neck vice, but Angle fought out as his dress shirt flew around. MVP went for a corner boot, but Angle ducked and nailed a suplex for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Angle at 11:24. Hard to take a match seriously when wrestlers are exchanging wrestling holds in their street clothes (as opposed to "athletic" street wear like Dean Ambrose). It was a problem at the end of Impact's run on Spike and it was present here again. Just have a fight, but don't ring a bell, protect the match setting. The lighting was good, though, making the "match" pop out with the Lakers Lighting putting the focus on the ring.


Just as the bell was going to sound, Jeff Hardy's music played. Out came Matt and Jeff Hardy dressed in street clothes. Which, apparently does not disqualify them from wrestling. Mathews sent the show to break with a teaser for why the Hardys came out here.

On the other side of the break, the bell sounded for the match. The Wolves quickly took the champs to the floor, then delivered four consecutive suicide dives. Davey and Eddie, who were sporting cat-claw bodypaint on their chests, howled toward the crowd before going to work on Storm back in the ring. Storm eventually took control on Davey as TNA cut to a ringside shot of the Hardys watching the action.

Eddie hot-tagged into the match, but Abyss cut him off from behind. Davey got another tag and combined with Eddie for a foot stomp to Storm's exposed chest for a two count. The extra heels ran interference from the outside, then randomly wandered into the ring, so the Hardys hit the ring to take out Manik and Sanada. With the ref distracted, Jeff got into a tug-of-war with Abyss over a cowbell. Jeff lost his balance and smacked into Eddie. Storm capitalized with Last Call to Eddie for the pin and the win.

Post-match, Jeff was so concerned about inadvertently costing The Wolves the Tag Titles that he smiled and hugged a fan ringside. Davey sold frustration in the ring while glaring toward the Hardys.

WINNERS: Storm & Abyss at 6:14 to retain the Tag Titles. The usual Impact booking where the ref loses control and outside involvement determines the outcome of the match.

3 -- X Division champion LOW KI vs. AUSTIN ARIES -- X Division Title match

As the wrestlers felt each other out, Mathews and Taz offered the generalized talking points about the X Division being about "no limits." Mathews then mixed in a Ring of Honor and WWE reference in back-to-back sentences, noting Aries's ROH Title reigns and Taz interviewing WWE Hall of Famer Edge on his first podcast. Since there was no issue in-play, the announcers settled for "evaluating" the match as the wrestlers exchanged control.

Aries teased a brainbuster, but Ki slipped out onto Aries's back and slapped on a standing submission. Aries fell to the mat, then reached out for the bottom rope to get a break. Mathews introduced the WWE word "abeyance" in reference to the X Division Title being held up last year when Aries gave up the title to go after the TNA Title. Ki went for a top-rope move, but Aries crotched him and delivered a brainbuster for the pin and the win. Mathews sounded like he was calling the end of a filler WWE Superstars with little excitement for the title change.

WINNER: Aries at 7:09 to capture the X Division Title. Could have meant so much more if they established a back-story to the match, had Aries talk about the importance of the title beforehand, and gone with a new marketing approach to wrestlers in the X Division instead of the same marketing approach lumping X Division wrestlers together as interchangeable "flippy-floppy guys."

4 -- KNOCKOUTS BATTLE ROYAL -- Knockouts Title match

Quick eliminations, then Jessie hopped on the ring apron to try to help out the Beautiful People, but he got knocked off the ring apron. The BP were eliminated, then it came down to Taryn and Havok. Taryn eliminated the former KO champion, then celebrated with the title belt.

But, Havok jumped her from behind and beat down the champ. Suddenly, the lights went out and Amazing/Awesome Kong (Kharma in WWE) was standing in the ring. Kong and Havok went face-to-face as the crowd popped. Refs jumped in the ring to separate the two giants of the Knockouts division. Kong suddenly took out one of the refs before posing for the crowd. Will there be any consequences for Kong's actions attacking a ref? Of course, Angle resigned his post, so there is currently not an authority figure.

WINNER: Taryn at 5:04 to retain the KO Title.

5 -- TNA World Hvt. champion BOBBY ROODE vs. BOBBY LASHLEY -- TNA World Title match

Back-and-forth early on as the wrestlers battled for control. TNA took focus off the match to cut to an inset video of MVP and Kenny King returning to the building. They were joined by two men in masks to hide their identities. A lone security guy said they're not allowed in the building, so MVP and Co. beat the man down and they entered the building. Impact cut to break with Mathews wondering who the men are.

Back from break, Lashley was standing over Roode on the floor. Lashley then brought Roode back into the ring to wear him down. Lashley went for Ten Punches in the corner, but Roode came back with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Lashley responded with Roode's own Roode Bomb finisher, but Roode kicked out.

Lashley wanted a spear, but Roode moved and Lashley ate the corner turnbuckle pad. Roode nailed Lashley's own spear finisher, but Lashley kicked out again. Suddenly, the ringside cameraman turned around to face the entrance ramp right in front of the hard camera. On-cue, MVP, King, and the two masked man walked down to ringside. In the ring, Roode went for the Roode Bomb and connected. Roode covered, but Lashley kicked out. The crowd was distracted by the extra men at ringside, but re-engaged for Roode applying a cross-face submission on Lashley.

Suddenly, King yanked the ref out of the ring and roughed him up. No DQ was rendered (as pointed out by Michael Cupach). And, since the timekeeper has power to ring the bell without a ref, as established in the opening "match," there should have been a bell. Kurt Angle then ran down to ringside to fight King, but he was beat down by MVP, King, and the masked men. Meanwhile, a match was going on.

Suddenly, Low Ki and Samoa Joe unmasked as MVP's hired goons. Eric Young hit the ring with a chair and chased off the heels. But, he turned around to jab Roode in the gut and bash the chair over Roode's back. Mathews noted EY's friendship with Roode is apparently out the window. EY chucked the ref back into the ring, Lashley came to his feet, and Lashley delivered a spear to Roode. Lashley pinned Roode for the win.

Post-match, Joe celebrated with MVP as EY kind of freaked out. Apparently he went off the deep-end with his storyline wife, ODB, going to ROH? Joe posed on the ring steps as text flashed on the bottom of the screen noting "this program was recorded live and broadcast with a delay." The show closed with a shot of Lashley looking around trying to process events. Mathews wondered aloud what's going to happen next Friday night.

WINNER: Lashley at 19:58 to capture the TNA World Title. The title match and title change was secondary to what TNA wanted to do at the end of the match with the multiple heel turns and new MVP stable.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I don't get Destination America, so I didn't see this- WTF?! All those heel turns for no reason (especially the EY one), that's just nuts. TNA is starting its new lease on life even worse than it ended the old one, sounds like.

I don't get how hard it is to see that MVP, Lashley, Roode, and Aries are where the money is. You use pretty much any combination of those guys to feud over the top title, and leave out the ridiculous, endless heel/face turns. Christ.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I'll bite on Steve's list. Kind of falls along the same lines as when I asked about everyone's favorite wrestlers, it's interesting to see who people here actually really like and what you all really think of folks (edit: holy shit this is pretty long, thus I broke it into two posts):


Enzo/Big Cass - I don't like them. They're almost entirely built around the gimmick, not talent, as far as I see. Cass would probably be okay on his own, Enzo would be awful.
Dillinger/Jordan - ?
Blake/Matthews - ?
Vaude Villains - Unique gimmick, but won't get over at all in WWE. Both good workers, but still, that gimmick is a death sentence on the big show. I think they won't ever get called up.
Lucha Dragons - Cara was back on Raw this week, but Kalisto is clearly the star here. Great moveset. Hard to say how he'll do at WWE- could get the push that failed with Cara, could be the new Rey like Steve said, could get pushed aside since he's too much like Neville.
Baron Corbin - Great look, I don't like anything else. The countdown thing is bad, agreed. Greener than goose shit, as SCSA would say. I dunno, he might be okay in a few years, but right now all he has is size and a look- very awkward. I wouldn't count on much.
Bull Dempsey - a little TOO old-school for my tastes. Boring, honestly, he won't get over. Won't have to worry about coming up.
Neville - his size is what worries me- he's freaking tiny. Amazing moveset, this is who I think should be the next Rey, though in all honesty, I would try to get him over as a heel, since fans haven't seen that as much. Bring up a small, underdog-looking guy, and then have that guy not only be crazy-good but also cheat like a motherfucker, be arrogant as hell. And win matches. He'd get over and draw heat, I think. Overall, I think he's really good, one of the two top guys in NXT along with Sami Zayn.
Zayn - super talent, no doubt. Great on the mic. No complaints. I wouldn't say he's better than Bryan, though. I would have a hard time picking the winner there. The two of them are unique cases, IMO; they're the two guys who the fans sort of have said "these are our guys." Fans love them more than anyone else by an order of magnitude because they weren't supposed to succeed in WWE, and fans feel like it was fan support that made that success happen (to whatever degree that's true). I'll be curious to see how much room there is for a second case of that on the main roster when Zayn comes up.
Owens - another great worker who also is an excellent heel (though showed that he can be a great face if need be, too). I think odds are good he'll leapfrog much of the NXT roster and follow, at worst, Zayn, Neville, Itami, and Balor among the men onto the main roster (not counting the women).
CJ Parker - Eh, big guy with a decent look. Too many of those, still.
Breeze - Good worker, hate the gimmick. 2015 Rick Martel with selfies is not getting over on the main roster. Also too small for Vince and Hunter once you factor in that Neville, Itami, and Balor will all be in the mix for slots, too.
Banks - good worker, good heel or face. Should be useful on the main roster.
Charlotte - the best diva on either roster, NXT or main (yes, even better than Paige, I admit it). Excellent worker, amazing ring presence. Her stature doesn't hurt, either- she's convincing kicking ass. Bring her up, put the Divas title on her, and let her crush AJ's record.
Becky Lynch - ?
Bayley - plays her character well, decent worker, but underwhelms me. Reminds me of Emma, in that I think she'll be forgotten by fans and bookers alike when she comes up.
Finn - dynamite presence/performer. Good worker. His size could hold him back. Split him up from Itami so he can be his own guy.
Hideo - Ditto- let him work on his own. Great worker, obviously. Again, the size thing (I don't mind it, but c'mon, you know Vince and Hunter do). He's also going to have a harder time with promos, etc. I'd bring him up and let him run over The Ascension, just like in NXT.


Usos - yep, boring. Stop trying to sell them based on Trinity and Total Divas. Better yet, turn them heel (who am I kidding, they'd be terrible heels).
Dust Bros - WTF? Two very solid workers, and they get wasted, horribly. I really liked Cody when he did the mask gimmick and the paper bags and all that. Cody was thiiiiis close to a top-title push, and now, this.
Cesaro - great talent, and... huh? Glad he's doing something. Turn him face, for the love.
Titus - Why is he still employed, other than that he's supposedly good friends with Hunter?
R-Truth - good soldier with a terrible gimmick and hardly any moveset.
Big Show - why is he still pushed as a top-tier guy? Retire. Seriously. He was The Giant in WCW what, 20 years ago?
Cena - his ring work has improved, and he can cut a really good promo when he wants to, but what can you say. Time to pass the torch soon.
Brock - Headed back to UFC, apparently right after the Rumble. Might be nice to have a champ who actually works more than 4 times a year. Was great as an unstoppable monster, but why not make that guy be Mark Henry instead? Or (a non-fucked up) Ryback? Or whoever?
New Day - the worst gimmick of the past 5 years in WWE, impossible to take seriously. I like Kofi and Big E, can't stand Xavier Woods, so disband this mess and send XW back down and turn Kofi and E heel.
Fandango - The fuck? Johnny Curtis can actually wrestle. Poor guy, getting this clusterfuck of a gimmick. Fucking Vince.
Jack Swagger - I like him as a face, actually. Pretty good worker, stop serving him up to Rusev when no one else is around to take the hit.
Rusev - Huge upside. A little too old-school in some ways, but I think he's got a real solid world title run in him in the near future (feud him with Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan and I'd love that shit). Plus, Lana. LANA.
Justin Gabriel - enhancement talent.
Last edited:


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Tyson Kidd - good worker. Surprisingly good heel. Glad he's not Nattie's purse anymore.
Ascension - Awful. At least having them be heels and openly mock Demolition and Road Warriors is a little better than trying to be faces and be like those teams. Still, terrible. I'd use them as jobbers.
Paige - wasted. You don't get talent like that very often, and what do they do with it? Jesus.
Bellas - gotten better, especially Nicole. Brie is a terrible actress. Nikki I don't mind as Divas champ until Charlotte or whoever can take it off her, she has a convincing power offense for a woman.
Ziggler - best bumper around. Great heel, less great as a face, but still good. Why the hell is there such a glass ceiling for him? Deserves a legit shot with the top belt.
Rollins - easily the best heel in the company, and also draws the most heat. Much improved on the mic. Great moveset, which he's actually toned down significantly since the heelturn. I think he comes out of the Rumble with the belt so that Reigns can take it off of him at WM.
Wyatt - started off great, than slowed way down. Needs something to freshen up the character... Like, stop talking so much, or altogether, I dunno. I like his ring work, great finisher. Amazing to think he was Husky Harris.
Rowan - WTF? First he was an inbred retard, now he's a genius (no, he's not, they haven't mentioned that, notice?), now he just hates bullies? Green as shit, but improving. Shouldn't have split from Harper so fast. Don't get me wrong, I'll enjoy seeing him and Harper go 15 min at WM, but he needed more time.
Harper - best big man worker in WWE right now. Gimmick is... blah. I like his "YAAAAAAAH!" right in the opponent's face, but he just seems like a Bray-ripoff to me, most of the time. Lot of potential to be a monster heel.
Ambrose - another that's dangerously close to being fucked-up by the writers. You take a guy who gets super over with the fans, gets to the top of the card, so then you job him to everyone. Okay. Plays a great character, good worker, most intense in the business, refocus him and make the WM main Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose for the title (c'mon, that would be awesome).
Reigns - so boring. A few good moves, terrible on the mic. Still seems hand-picked to follow Cena as the torchbearer. I don't think he'll dominate as consistently as Cena did, at least- he's just not that good or as charismatic. He'll need Rollins, or Ambrose, or Bryan, or Zayn, or all of the above.
Kane - still plays the character well, but yeah, boring. One of the best big men ever, though. Amazing longevity.
Orton - make him a tweener! Please, please, please. This isn't hard. RKO anyone, face, heel, doesn't matter. Lone wolf. Good worker who can be boring.
Barrett - really had something when he broke in, was a good heel and also good hard-hitting style. Seemed like he was going to get a title run. New gimmick is pretty over, at least. I still like his in-ring style.
Bo Dallas - I really like his gimmick. Apparently he's on the outs, though, so it doesn't seem likely that he'll get much of a push anytime soon. Mediocre worker.
Axel - Blah. Solid worker, zero workable gimmicks. When even Heyman can't save a guy, that's bad.
Miz - he was actually a really good champion- believable, his work was good, very vicious heel. I still like him, at least as a heel. Bad face.
Mizdow - great at playing the hand he's dealt. Good worker. Current gimmick is hilarious, he's amazing at it. Hope he breaks away from it smoothly and is successful as a singles face.
Los Matadores - ugh. Terrible gimmick, boring workers. Minibull is the best part of the act.
Ryback - great look. Bad on the mic, boring in the ring much of the time. Maybe could still be salvaged?
Sheamus - no one on the roster is more in need of a turn. Good worker though, and a friend of Hunter's.
Ryder - how is he still employed? I guess they need someone to have squashed every now and then.


Cole - he'd be serviceable as lead if he wasn't produced to give away false finishes and say dumb shit all the time. He's gotten better.
JBL - he'd be the best of the three if he'd stay heel all the time instead of 75% of the time, and then go full babyface the rest of the time ("you really gotta give it up for Daniel Bryan!"). He's clearly smart and pretty funny, to boot.
Lawler - retire. Please. Awful. Always has been, at least he had decent chemistry with JR.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Lemme take a crack at this..going to cut it in two as well.


Enzo/Big Cass -Just an entrance. I could see them using Cass since he's huge and have Enzo as the mouthpiece that takes a few bumps.
Dillinger/Jordan - No idea
Blake/Matthews - Nope
Vaudvillains - I love them. I wish they'd go back to their old theme music and finisher. Best comedy act in a LONG time.
Lucha Dragons - Kalisto is going to have a future. Some of his flips was amazing. It's great to see him getting some time to shine. Hope they won't pass up on him and keep trying to push Sin Cara.
Baron Corbin - Somebody said he's like if they asked a 10 year old to come up with a bad ass character and the kid had Sons of Anarchy on a loop in the same room. I can't judge a guy that only has three minute matches and he SUCKS on the mic, worse then Reigns.
Bull Dempsey - Kinda boring, reminds me of the shorter, stocker wrestlers you'd see in the 40s with a limited moveset.
Neville - Awesome to watch. Like others said, I'm worried that his size might hurt him in the "Land of the Giants" If they go the Mighty Mouse route gimmick with him, I'd just run to New Japan..NOW!
Zayn -Love him. He looks like he's having so much fun and the audience loves him back. So glad he got his time to shine on the last PPV. I only started to watch his old El Generico matches and they where a lot of fun.
Owens - Bam-Bam 2015. This guy is a monster. I was marking out like crazy when he turned on Sami at the PPV. I can not wait to see them tare the roof off in the future. I hope he gets a shot on the main stage.
CJ Parker - Can't tell. He comes out, annoys the crowd with his signs and usually gets squashed.
Breeze - I like the new Rick the Model for the next generation. He's such a prick that you love to hate and his finisher, "Super Model Kick" duh, is funny as hell.
Banks - Great stuff with her and Char on the PPV. So much better then the other Diva's on the main roster.
Charlotte - Best Diva in NXT. Really took Paige's spot and she's put on some matches that can rival the guys.
Becky Lynch - Thank Christ they dropped the whole Irish clog dancing they had her do the first few times out. Hopefully she can turn things around.
Bayley - Super cute. She's like a female version of Sami. She goes out and has a lot of fun and the crowd eats it up. Love that they have those giant tube men dancing when she comes out.
Finn and Hideo. Split them up and let them both have time to shine solo. I just want to see them go against each other to rip the house down. Keep the whole body paint for special occasions, not just during TV spots. This is just me, but I really don't like the diving foot stomp. Just looks painful to be on the other end of it. I'm more of a Frog Splash man myself.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003

Usos - U-So the same fucking match every goddamn time. But the kids eat them up just chanting back with them.
Dust Bros - Goldy has just gotten better with age and his bro is a lot better. It sucks the tag division's so stale and they keep doing the same match. Bring back the Shattered Dreams!
Cesaro - PUSH THIS MAN. Goddamn it. What the hell did they do? He had the loudest pop when he slammed Big Show at WM30 then they put him with Heyman and it killed everything. Make him a face. He's got the stuff.
Titus - Feel bad for the guy. He could be a monster but they have him go around like an idiot.
R-Truth - I keep forgetting he's still with the company. I only see him when it's a squash match and he doesn't even get an entrance most times.
Big Show - Retire. Save your body. My god. He just drags down EVERYTHING. You can't work with a guy that big. Just stop for your health. Stop flipping back and forth, nobody cares anymore.
Cena - Meh. I hate how he goes between his super serious and jokey grade school comic promos. His work in the ring's fine but my god, let somebody else have time in the limelight.
Brock - Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya. My god, the man looks like he's melting whenever he's in the ring.
New Day - Fucking dumb. The worst thing I've ever seen. I thought the whole "New Day" was a hint that Smackdown was moving, not this shit.
Fandango - Stupid gimmick shit that should have died in the 90's with the rest of it. Oh, they changed his song so people won't sing along, fuck that.
Jack Swagger - "We the People" is more over then he is.
Rusev - THE monster heel. Glad their letting him speak very rarely and let lovely Lana do the grunt work. My god. PLEASE, bring back her solo entrance. Mmmm..legs...
Justin Gabriel - Forget he's even there.
Tyson Kidd - Hope he'll make a good team with Cesaro and mix up the stale tag division.
Ascension -Feel so bad for them. They where monsters in NXT and now they've got them making fun of older, better tag teams. Drop the war paint and just let them do what they did in NXT.
Paige - Now that AJ's gone, she's my favorite Diva. Beautiful to look and and beautiful in the ring...but she's being wasted. They have her go around as a special guest ref when her, Natty and Char should be at the top. (Cute butt too!)
Ziggler - Still love the guy. He takes bumps like a champ. That's how you sell. I like him no matter what side he's on. Hope he'll get the main strap one day.
Rollins - Best heel in the company now. My god, they hate him. But we love him back. Great moves, cash that fucker in!
Wyatt - Could be so much better. I loved him as a monster then Cena brushed him off like nothing and now he just does dangerous matches with Ambrose. It sucks WWE's stuck in PG land, I want to see them go HARDCORE into the dark arts hit.
Rowan - Soo..we're supposed to like this guy just because he's got a lamb mask and he decided to back Cena? Don't care for him.
Harper - The best "BIG MAN" in the company. He does stuff a guy his size shouldn't. They gotta make him a pure monster again.
Ambrose -I agree I'd love to see an all out Shield battle at WM, even if it's not for the title, but Ro would still win..ugg. I love the little things he does. Like when he goes between the ropes and comes back in for a clothesline. And the flip he does over the ropes. I hope they get him out of dangerous matches and let him be himself. Creative is going to kill him.
Reigns - I liked him in The Shield but now knowing that they want him to be the new poster boy just pisses me off. He's got a VERY limited moveset, Ambrose and Rollins blow him out of the water and his work on the mic FUCKING SUCKS. Oh, he got acting lessons! Didn't work. Keep him as the strong, silent type that just goes in and wrecks shit. I hate it that there's SO MANY PEOPLE BETTER THEN HE IS, but Vinny Mack just seems to want to throw him the keys to the kingdom.
Kane - Still love the guy. Great to see him still kicking even his his new suit and tie gimmick. Concessions Kane's still my favorite version.
Orton - He started becoming the best part of RAW then they made him shoot a movie. Some of his matches can be very much the same but you've gotta love that RKO!
Barrett - I love the guy. Heel or Face. Glad he got the IC title back, it sucked to see him get injured and I hope he's gotta good run this time.
Bo Dallas - Feel bad for the guy. I loved him in NXT because he was a guy you loved to hate but their not using him right on the main roster. Hopefully after he comes back from his injury they'll make him more of a dick that he was in NXT.
Axel - Can't believe he's Mr. Perfect's son. Don't care for him.
Miz - Good comedy, mid card heel.
Mizdow - Love him, doesn't matter the gimmick. He's super over and I'd love to see him break away from the Miz and go face while he's building up a following.
Los Matadores -The midget is the best part. Can't tell them apart, their just there to fill the void of a shitty tag roster.
Ryback - It's hard to judge him. I liked when they let him talk and showed his leg injury and talked about being cut, then he acted like a dick when Punk called him out when he dumped him on the side of the table. He needs some work, but I'm glad their finally stopping to chant, "GOLDBERG!!" at him.
Sheamus -The brass love this guy. He's on both sides of the new pinball machine with his goofy face. Every match with him feels the same. I'd like to see him make a heel turn when he comes back to spice things up. It's old.
Ryder - I gotta support the guy since he's a fellow Long Islander, but it's hard too. They just use the guy for Superstars, you'll never see the guy on Raw unless it's for a squash match with Rusev.
Bella's. T&A. I mute the TV because both of their songs SUCK. BREEEEEE MOOOODEEE!! ugg. All of their matches are piss breaks.


Three men can't even make half of Jim Ross. They all suck. I hate that their not allowed to just call the fucking matches, instead they have to shill the network, plug whatever main event is coming up that evening or try to push the story along.

Cole. NEVER liked the guy. I thought he was just a Todd Pettengill look-a-like when he came in. Remember when JR came back as a heel and fought with Cole and we where supposed to feel bad and boo JR? Yeah. Fuck him. Just don't like the sound of his voice, never did.

King. Just retire. I feel so bad that he keeps getting sick and you can tell listening to him, his heart isn't in it anymore. The good times with him and JR are long gone. I'll miss hearing him but it's just not the same anymore.

Booker. Loved him when he does the pre-show on the network, "SHUCKY DUCKY!!" but I can only listen to him for so long. He screws up everything and he just shouts EVERYTHING.

JBL. The guy's a fucking bully and a dick. (Watch ECW One Night Stand how he beats up The Blue Meanie) Another guy I just don't like, but since he's Vince's golfing buddy I guess we're stuck with him.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2009

Enzo/Big Cass - Potential
Dillinger/Jordan - Who?
Blake/Matthews - " "
Vaudvillains - Little too gimmicky for me but I like Aiden English/ the Cesaro looking guy more
Lucha Dragons - Hate... lucha... anything
Baron Corbin - lame
Bull Dempsey - Feel like he's only around because he's Bill DeMotts illegitimate son
Neville - Special talent, shame he can't stay in NXT forever
Zayn - I don't personally like him, but when it comes to connecting with the crowd he has the 'it" factor similar to AmDrag.
Owens - Monster in NXT, if they allow him to be himself on the main roster he could be a legit bad-ass.
CJ Parker - Trent Baretta look-alike, aka Who?
Breeze - Love him and trained by Lance Storm so he know how to work, I'd love to see him mix it up with Bryan
Banks - Sara Del Rey has the NXT divas in top shape, could be exciting
Finn and Hideo - Gonna be a helluva feud when these two split up! Finn has the stuff to main event Wrestlemania and should sooner rather than later. I really hope Hideos WWE career is closer to Tajiri than Funaki.

I agree with Moon Jump on most of his WWE post so I'll just add:


Vince- The sooner Vince is out of the picture, the better.
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003

Usos: Good workers, but only good as a team. No value as individuals without severe storyline work.
Dust Bros: Was good, but now being de-pushed.
Cesaro: Bring back the giant swing already and let the crowd decide.
Titus: Good talker, has improved as a worker. Still older than most. Good fan interactions outside the arena (even when he was a heel).
R-Truth: Who the hell is R Truth???? Signed, the creative and booking teams.
Big Show: Attraction only. I tune out of every match he works
Cena: Most wrongly maligned worker by "smart" marks. Decent worker, boring character and move set limited by the corp for safety and money. Heat magnet.
New Day: Should have gone with the original idea for a new black militant/advancement cause. Still hope that they turn heel and do so.
Jack Swagger:
Rusev: Drop the anti-american schtick already. Can generate heat as monster heel.
Justin Gabriel: Great worker
Tyson Kidd: Gerat Worker, Great heel. If I had a wrestling company, I'd build an entire division around him.
Ascension: Looks like the higher ups want them to fail. Why the crappy lighting entrance on the big stage? Making a mockery of the these two guys.
Paige: Great worker. Hair swinging headbutr is best (realistic) offensive strike of any diva.
Bellas: Phhhhttttt. Best heels are now worst heels. Make them look/dress like each other and bring back twin magic.
Ziggler: I swear to god when I saw him at a house show, his face hit the ring post and he lost a tooth. I know it wasn't real, but damn, I thought it was for a second.
Rollins: Good talker, better worker.
Rowan: Better as a bodyguard until he can develop a persona or more ring skillz.
Harper: 100x times better than Skinner. His chant is one of the most bone chilling (and unique) in the wwe.
Ambrose: Best talker in wrestling history. Has been constrained and overproduced by wwe management. Just let the man write his own material. He is more creative than all the Hollywood script writers in stanford.
Kane: Good at working a gimmick. I find him boring in the ring (like big show)
Orton: Has the talent to put on 5 star match after 5 star match. Has never delivered. If he wasn't the son of Cowboy Bob he would be shuttling between ROH and NJPW.
Barrett: Needs consistency in gimmick. Bullhammer sucks. Needs to work strong style.
Bo Dallas: Great Heel (watch his NXT work). Forgotten
Axel: Wasted Talent (by management). Give him a feud with Dolph Ziggler over stealing his father's gimmick.
Miz: Better worker than people give him credit for.
Mizdow: Spent 10 years in developmental been fired at least twice. Still here. Perseverance and hard work.
Los Matadores: Proposed Gimmick (cocky Spaniards) turned into bullfighters by WWE out of touch management. Perfect example of everything that is wrong with the company.
Ryback: Better heel than the cameras ever captured.
Sheamus: Surpised they haven't shaved his head bald and turned him into a hooligan.
Ryder: Give him something to do already. Send him to NXT and have him work with (or even feud) with Enzo/Cass.


Cole: Works his ass off. Needs a break
JBL: Talks inside baseball too much.
Lawler: Was always annoyed with his heel gimmick (which maybe means it was a success).
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I finally finished watching all of Wrestle Kingdom 9. Holy fuck, I think that main event might be the best match I've ever seen.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
I don't think Hunter is that big on size like Vince is if at all and I say this based on the fact that there's taller guys in Japan they could have went after who's as close to a name as Hideo and then there's Finn who got a shirt right off the bat( and sold out in damn near a day ) and has his name in the op. There's also Neville who've we've all agreed that on the main roster he'd get maybe the US title and never get past that glass ceiling


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
But still, replace Sin Cara with Neville and you have a major upgrade.

Or better yet, have him work under the Sin Cara mask.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I don't think Hunter has the same fascination with big men that Vince does- yes, he's the guy who has been willing to hire Neville, Zayn, KENTA, Balor, and who gave the American Wolves a tryout, at least. But I do think that there's still a glass ceiling for smaller guys, and, unfortunately, Daniel Bryan's injury may have helped reinforce it.

When they started pushing the narrative that Ziggler is "small"- that showed something, I think. C'mon, the guy is 6 foot tall. Bryan is shorter than that, and guys like Neville, Itami, and Balor are shorter than Bryan, aren't they?

Zayn isn't built like much, but at least he's not so short.

The Ascension call-up doesn't speak well to the size issue, IMO.

edit: lol, Ziggler's Wikipedia page lists him as a "former" pro wrestler best known for his time at WWE.

edit: Lawler is officially off the Raw announce team. New lineups are Cole, JBL, and Booker on Raw; and Cole, Lawler, and Byron Saxton on SD.
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Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Watched the Wrestle Kingdom 9 show last night. Cost 35 bucks, god I miss having the "hot" cable box but my god it was so worth it and I hope it'll factor in so GFW will air more amazing shows from Japan. I'm totally down for a blu-ray of it. If they get the JR voice over then that's an instant purchase. It was great hearing him again. He couldn't keep up with a lot of the faster matches but Striker filled the void and did an alright job, much better if they had Cole do it. Can't wait to see more. (The HD wasn't stretched when I watched it, but it was still letterboxed like I was watching a movie.)

I really think there's somebody inside the main roster that just wants to bury HHH's up and coming guys from NXT. They keep getting saddled with shitty angles and matches. It's like their just out to make them look bad to the point you want them to go back to NXT to just do what they where doing before. They build cheap heat from The Ascension by having them poke fun at Demolition and The Road Warriors when they don't have the skills to back up the talk. They turned Bo into an evil dick into a running joke and the whole thing with Neville becoming Mighty Mouse is fucking ridiculous. Sami's gonna be fed to the lions when he comes up.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
If I'm booking it, Sin Cara (in a new outfit) wins the Royal Rumble. He hits a famouser and a zig zag or two on the last opponent before throwing him out.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TMZ announces that on WWE RAW tonight that they will make it official: Macho Man Randy Savage will be in the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame class.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Why TMZ can't always get the news right about wrestling

NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- Video of TNA wrestler Jeff Hardy falling and getting knocked unconscious during what appears to be a cage match gone awry is going viral under the guise it was a real accident and not part of the event's scripted timeline
Hardy was fighting an opponent at the Manhattan Center on Friday during a TNA Impact event when he fell while climbing to the top of a fenced "cage" encompassing the ring.

As TMZ reported on Saturday, "The famous wrestler climbed to the top of a cage during a match at the Manhattan Center ... but when he was knocked off by an opponent -- sources say the fall didn't go as planned."

The problem with TMZ's sources and fellow wrestler's statements of concern, is it appears the fall went exactly as planned, and had no business being reported as real news, even by gossip standards.

"TMZ probably doesn't actually watch Impact, so here are a couple of things to make you feel better," Uprox points out.

"It might actually be impossible for someone to accidentally hit the ring steps in TNA. TNA is all about their ring steps spots. They love them. They do 'em all the time. It's also impossible to plan a spot where you swing out on an open cage door and fall to the floor, but expect to not hit the steps that'd be positioned directly under the door ... TNA is headed to the UK at the end of the month and Jeff isn't legally allowed to travel with them, so they have to come up with a reason for Jeff to get 'injured' right before they leave. Otherwise, fans in the UK might wonder where he is. 'He fell off a cage and hurt his brain' is more fantastic and easier to explain than 'he can't wrestle here because crimes.'"

The crime in question is a 2009 drug conviction according to Wrestling News Source.

The scam was eventually identified and debunked, but not before weekend desks at legitimate news outlets such as USA Today and Bleacher Report picked up the story and reported it as real.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
But still, replace Sin Cara with Neville and you have a major upgrade.

Or better yet, have him work under the Sin Cara mask.
I get it, Sin Cara is hurt and you wanna can him. Even while hurt Sin Cara is a better wrestler (and strong too) than at least 80% of the roster NXT/WWE. Just 'cause the guy doesn't talk much doesn't mean he should be replaced. He's been hurting for a while now and to the untrained eye you'll never notice but you can if you pay attention. He should take some time off but leave his mask alone.

Ignorant shit people spit out is all kinds of crazy. For a luchador his mask is sacred.