WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-30-24
Results courtesy of
PWTorch.com (complete link to Keller's real-time report).
As the cage lowered, Cole said it’s an environment like no other. Belair came out first, dancing and twirling her braid. Then Naomi, Iyo, Bayley, and finally Ripley. Then Liv and Rodrigues came out followed LeRae, Stratton, and Jax. As Tiffany came out, Cole said this is her first cage match ever. As Stratton smiled and said over and over that it was “Tiffy time” and point at her wrist, Jax seemed to grow tired of it and told her that was enough. Cole and Graves talked about each wrestler’s motivations and back story.
The bell rang 16:00 into the hour to start the match with Jax vs. Bayley. Jax took Bayley down early, but Bayley made an early spirited comeback. Bayley took Jax down wtih a huracanrana and then whipped Jax with a leather part of her outfit. Jax wrested it from her and whipped Bayley with it. The crowd counted down with Bayley down in the corner.
Naomi entered second for her team. Cole noted it’s her first WarGames. She pulled out a keno stick and a toilet lid from under the ring. She whipped Jax with the kendo stick first. She choked Jax, but Jax powered backwards into the corner to break it. Bayley recovered and worked with Naomi. Jax made a comeback with a kendo stick. (It makes sense they gave the babyfaces a rare advantage now that we see Jax was the first heel, since it’s not as sympathetic for her as a heel to be outnumbered due to her stature.) Naomi put the toilet seat over Jax’s head and then rubbed her ass in Jax’s face. Graves said he doesn’t personally find that as offensive as when it was Rikishi doing it. Cole said he bet Jax did. Naomi and Bayley backdropped Jax and Jax tucked just in time.
The countdown clock reached zero and Tiffany looked ready to come out of the cage on the stage, but LeRae snuck past her. Tiffany threw a fit. Jax bashed Bayley with a chair. LeRae brought a chair in her for her, too. Naomi and Bayley. LeRae put Bayley on two chairs and did a springboard moonsault.
Belair came out next to give the faces the advantage and threw a trash can at Jax right away, then brought a fire extinguisher into the ring. Cole listed all the apparatus brought into the ring to that point. Belair added a table to the mix. LeRae jabbed the end of the table into Naomi’s gut. Fans chanted, “We want tables!” Belair blocked a Poison Rana and catapulted her into the corner top turnbuckle. Belair kicked a chair that Jax was holdiing into Jax. Naomi and Belair mounted Jax in the corner and punched away at her.
Tiffany entered next. She was very eager as she ran ringside and pulled a trash can and lid out from under the ring; Cole said Belair has to wonder if Jade Cargil’s attacker is actually on her team. Tiffany went on a flurrh of offense. She catapulted Bayley into a Jax lariat. Jax and Tiffany celebrated together.
Iyo Sky entered next. She looked under the ring for something. She did a lap the long way and found a purple and gold trash can (Minnesota Viking colors). She harnessed the trash can to her shoulder and climbed the side of the cage from the outside. Cole said the last time she did something like this, it was one of the top Survivor Series moments in history. LeRae met her on the top. LeRae tried to drag Sky into the ring upside down. Sky went for a sunset bomb, but LeRae held on instead of going down. (I don’t blame her.) Sky landed a missile dropkick followed by a kip up.
Tiffany and Sky battled and each showed off some athleticism. Sky bashed Tiffany in the back with a chair. Jax hit Sky from behind to take control. Bayley hit Jax on the back with a kendo stick.
Raquel entered next. She looked for something under the ring, but then just entered the ring and began tossing wrestlers around. Bayley and Belair double-teamed Raquel. Jax hit them from behind. Jax and Raquel high-fived.
Ripley was the last to enter for her team. Fans chanted “Mami!” She tried to shove a table into the ring. Raquel tried to block it, but Ripley shoved the table into her to knock her down. Naomi springboarded off the top rope with a double Rear View to Jax and Raquel, knocking her down. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Ripley broke the toilet seat over the back of Raquel. The action picked up as everyone stood and began fighting. Naomi bulldogged Raquel onto the toilet seat on the mat. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!” (I see what they did there.)
Raquel looked at her watch as fans counted down for the last time in the match. Liv looked nervous and hesitant. Cole said she looked “scared to death.” Liv turned to leave. Fans booed. She quickly returned with a baseball bat. Cole said that brought back bad memories for Ripley.
At 28:00, Liv entered the ring and the announcement was made that the match officially began. Liv swung the bat, but Rhea ducked. She set up a Rip Tide, but Jax hit Rhea from behind. Liv, LeRae, and Jax triple-teamed Ripley. Liv bashed a vulnerable Rhea in the belly over and over with the bat. Graves said it’s all perfectly legal. She bashed Rhea across her back twice. LeRae dragged her to a corner. The heels tried to handcuff her to the corner, but Belair stopped it. Sky landed a missile dropkick on Jax. Tiffany dropkicked Sky. Each wrestler took turns hitting moves one after another on an opponent ending with Jax giving Bayley a Samoan Drop for a near fall.
Everyone was down and slow to get up. Siy and Tiffany climbed opposite ends of the cage. Cole said if they escape, they forfeit, so they’re looking at something else. Sky put the trash can over her head and torso and then landed an Over the Moonsault onto a crowd mid-ring. Meanwhile, Tiffany landed. Swanton on another crowd in the other ring. Cole said Sky was “carving out a legacy inside the WarGames structure.” A “This is awesome!” chant rang out. Tiffany revealed she had the Money in the Bank briefcase. Cole wondered who she’s cash in on. Both Liv and Jax were out on their backs. Raquel yelled at her. Sky sprayed everyone with a fire extinguisher. Everyone backed away. Graves said she might have just saved either Liv or Jax from losing her title. Raquel ended up handcuffed to the corner.
Fans chanted “We Want Tables!” as Tiffany set up a table. Jax ralled against Velair and landed a legdrop for a two count, broken up by Belair and Bayley. Bayley and Sky stood up and had a faceoff as Cole talked about bad feelings in the past between them. Jax clotheslined them both. Jax whipped Belair with her braid and then put her facedown on a table in the corner. Jax then set up an Annhilator. Naomi joined Belair in powerbombing Jax through the table. Naomi made the cover, but Morgan broke up the cover with a baseball bat swing. She hit Sky with the bat. Belair blocked the bat and then chased Liv into the other ring with a chair. Raquel kicked the chair into Belair. Liv gave Bayley an Oblivion with a chair, but Ripley yanked Liv off of her during the ref’s count.
Ripley set up a Rip Ride, but Raquel broke it up. Liv gave Ripley a Code Breaker on a chair. Ripley had pulled her protective mask off. Liv put her on a table, but Ripley stood and met her on the top rope. They kicked each other. Ripley delivered a Rip Tide on off the top rope on Liv through the table below for the win.
WINNERS: Ripley & Belair & Naomi & Sky & Bayley in 39:00.
(No major development in terms of a turn, a falling out, or a cash-in, but plenty of crowd-pleasing action and big spots. For a match criticized for seeming thrown together, there were plenty of personal issues they successfully played off of throughout. Some of the spots felt on the verge of having a higher-than-comfortable risk factor, but they either pulled them off well enough or bailed on them. All in all, giving Rhea the win over Liv makes sense.)