offical wwe thread


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
They've now won the tag titles in ROH, TNA (3X), NJPW (2 different sets), and WWE.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Crown Jewel PLE Results: 11-2-24

Results courtesy of (complete link to Keller's real-time report).

(1) THE NEW BLOODLINE (Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu w/Tonga Loa) vs. ROMAN REIGNS & JIMMY USO & JEY USO

As the New Bloodline made their entrance, Cole noted that Solo has had success as a leader by treating everyone in his group with respect, unlike Roman. Graves said Solo cannot understand why Roman and the Usos don’t accept him as their tribal chief. They went briefly to Cole and Graves at ringside who said they had been there for three days. Graves said, “The kingdom has been rocking.” He introduced the Saudi Arabian commentators at a desk next to them, Jude Al-Dajani and Faisal Mughaisib. Cole and Graves discussed how Roman and Jimmy came out together, but not Jey. Graves said Jey Uso recently won a singles title, which made Jey realize what he’s capable of on his own and that has affected his mentality. Graves said Reigns ruled WWE with an iron fist. Cole said he felt he had to be in charge. He called him a narcissist and had his power ripped away from him. He asked Graves if it bothers Reigns that Jey demanded respect and equal treatment. Graves said it does. Graves said had Roman just accepted Solo as the new Tribal Chief and fallen in line, there would be no “uncivil war.” Cole said Solo said his older brothers Jey and Jimmy need to start calling him their tribal chief rather than their brother. Graves said Reigns understands he night not enjoy the dynamic with Jimmy and Jey he once did, but he needs them to take out the new Bloodline. Jey made his separate ring entrance and received a huge ovation. Cole noted this is the first time Jimmy and Jey have teamed in a year and a half when they defeated Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa at Money in the Bank, which earned Jey a shot at Reigns’s Universal Title a month later. He said that’s when Jimmy turned on Jey and cost him the championship. Graves said Jey was willing to put that behind him because Jimmy is his brother.

Jey told Roman he wanted to start and Roman agreed. Cole said it was a good time. The bell rang 20 minutes into the hour. (That was a long ring entrance segment, but the announcers covered a lot of ground in terms of setting the stage and talking about the dynamic between teammates and opponents, with a pretty strong negative tinge when it came to framing Roman’s past.) Jey got in early offense against TamaJey tagged in Jimmy. Cole said, “Just like old times.” They gave Tama a stereo elbowdrop. Graves said it feels great to see them working together, but the truth is neither of them are the same human being as they were before last time they teamed. Jacob tagged in and the Usos worked together to get the better of him. They clotheslined Tama over the top rope. Solo entered, but when the Usos turned around, he bailed out. Solo regrouped with Tama and Fatu. “Wake up!” he told his teammates.

After Jey took Tama down and applied an armbar, fans chanted, “We want Roman!” Roman nodded and held out his hand. Jey tagged in Jimmy instead. “What was that all about?” asked Cole. Graves said it’s Jey’s reminder to Roman that he doesn’t call the shots anymore. Roman wasn’t happy. Jimmy wasn’t, either. Jimmy told Jey should’ve tagged in Roman. As Roman glared at Jey, Tama attacked Jimmy and took control.

The New Bloodline eventually took control of Jey for an extended stretch. As Jey tried to fight back at 11:00, Cole noted that Reigns hadn’t been tagged in yet. Graves talked about Solo being around Reigns and learning from him. Cole listed Solo’s wins against A.J. Styles, Sheamus, Sami Zayn, John Cena, Kevin Owens, and Rey Mysterio. Reigns played to the crowd and got them fired up as Jey made a comeback and leaped and tagged in Roman at 12:00. He and Solo circled each other. They exchanged punches. Reigns knocked Solo down first and then landed a uranage. Reigns raised his arm and fans cheered. He signaled for a Superman Punch as Solo stood. He leaped, but Solo caught him for a Samoan Drop, but Reigns slipped free and then he took Solo down with a Superman Punch (which showed light). Reigns set up a spear, but Solo kicked him in the chest and then a Samoan Spike. Jimmy was so late with the save and so inept, the ref had to stop his count at two despite Solo clearing having Reigns covered and Reigns made no effort to lift a shoulder. It looked terrible. Cole said, “I swear to god, I thought Solo Sikoa had Reigns beat there.” (How do you not lift your shoulder if you’re Reigns there?)

Jacob attacked Jimmy. Jiummy superkicked Jacob and then Solo. He then dove through the ropes with a dive, but Jacob caught him and headbutted him (which showed light). Back in the ring, Reigns hit a Superman Punch on Solo (which also showed some light). Reigns played to the crowd, then yanked Tama into the ring, which knocked the referee down. Reigns superkicked Tonga Loa off the ring apron. Jacob headbutted Roman and then hit Reigns with a spinning elbow to the chest (now that landed hard). He followed with a top rope moonsault. He dove through the ropes and hit the Usos. Everyone including the ref was down. Solo was the first to his feet in the ring and he eyed Reigns as the ref was slowly standing. Solo gave Reigns two Samoan Spikes for a three count.

WINNERS: Solo & Fatu & Tama in 16:00.

-The New Bloodline attacked Reigns afterward. Graves said this could have been avoided has Roman just fallen in line. After leaving Roman at ringside, they ganged up on Jey. Sami Zayn’s music played and he walked out. Solo smiled and waved him into the ring. Cole said the last time they saw Sami, he was having a conversation with Solo. Solo talked to Sami and appeared to ask if he was with them. Fans chanted “Sami Uso!” Solo told them to be quiet. Sami looked over at Jey, who had a chair wrapped around his neck. He then turned and offered a hug to Solo, but then suplexed Solo. The Bloodline attacked Sami. Jimmy and Jey came to Sami’s aid. Reigns made it back into the ring, also. Solo was trapped mid-ring. Fans sang “Olé!” Reigns and Sami charged at Solo from opposite corners. Solo ducked and Sami took out Reigns with a Helluva kick. Jimmy expressed frustration with Sami. Jey stepped between them. Sami left the ring and Jimmy checked on Roman, who sat up and looked around, wondering what happened.

(Not the cleanest of matches in terms of execution, but what will be remembered is Jacob looking fierce, Jey not tagging in Roman at first, and Solo pinning Roman clean to end the match, and then of course Sami choosing sides.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Crown Jewel PLE Results: 11-2-24


Sky & Sane came out first. Graves said they need the win more than anyone as they were once on top of the mountain, but haven’t had that level of success lately. As Jackson & Legend came out, Cole said this is their first main roster PLE match. As Green and Niven came out, Graves accused Cole of having a schoolyard crush on Green because of how nasty his comments were about her outfit. When Belair and Cargill came out, Graves said Jade seemed more interested in Instagram photos than getting prepared for a title change. He made an issue of them coming out to separate music. Cole said they came to the ring together once each of their themes played. The bell rang 56 minutes into the hour.

Belair got in some early offense. Legend dropped Jackson onto the back of Green a minute later. When Lash and Jade tagged in, Cole said that was the confrontation they were waiting for. Jade took Lash down with a kick to the chest and then played to the crowd. Niven leaped off the top rope and landed on both of them. Cole said he had no clue who was legal as Chelsea entered the ring. Chelsea teased a top rope move to the floor, thought better of it, stepped down, and leaped off the ring instead. Niven caught her. Kairi then leaped off the top rope onto both Chelsea and Niven. Iyo then landed a moonsault onto them off the top rope to ringside. Jackson launched off of Lash’s shoulders onto a crowd at ringside. Belair clotheslined Legend over the top rope and both tumbled to ringside. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” With everyone down at ringside at 9:00, they replayed the series of big spots.

Jade and Chelsea entered the ring. Jade gave Chelsea her Jaded, but Kairi and Iyo broke up the cover. Sky gave Belair a German suplex into. a bridge that didn’t go well and she lost her grip. Legend and Jackson double-teamed Sky with a sitout powerbomb. Graves called it the best move he’s ever seen. Chelsea and Niven took control, but Niven mistakenly landed a swing splash out of the corner on Chelsea. Jade lifted Niven onto her shoulders and then Belair leaped off the top rope and clotheslined her to the mat with a Doomsday Device for the win.

WINNERS: Cargill & Belair in 11:00 to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles.

(What you’d expect here with non-stop action and a sense of chaos throughout much of it, some of which wasn’t the smoothest. The crowd ate it up and especially warmed to Chelsea.)


Reed came out first. When Seth made his entrance, Reed charged at him on the ramp 18 minutes into the second hour. They fought back and forth on the up and then back down the ramp to ringside. Reed threw Seth into the time keeper’s area onto a desk chair. Reed then threw Seth into the ringside steps. Graves asked if the bell even rang yet. Reed threw Seth into the ring and the ref called for the bell 21 minutes into the hour. Reed hit a Tsunami. Seth moved out of the path of a second Tsunami. He landed a Stomp for a two count. Cole said Reed made an error when he didn’t go for the cover after the first Tsunami.

Cole and Graves talked about Reed needing to beat someone of Seth’s level to get to the top. Graves noted that at the Performance Center, there was a sign that said you are there to take someone’s spot. Cole said he Pearce wanted to suspend Reed, but he was selling tickets and “making us money here at WWE and it’s hard to take him out of the spotlight.” (I’m not a fan of saying the person in charge of keeping order in WWE would make an exception because the guy is making WWE money. The job of the G.M. should ostensibly be keeping order and being fair, not maximizing profits by looking away from unsanctioned violence and egregious actions. The framing should be that Pearce wanted to suspend Reed, but Seth begged him not to so he could get revenge on him in the ring.)

Seth showed signs of life at 5:00 with some chops and then turned a powerbomb attempt into a leapping DDT. Both were down and slow to get up. Seth landed a top rope frog splash a minute later, but Reed kicked out at one. Reed superplexed Seth off the top rope a minute later for a two count. When Reed climbed to the top rope a minute later, Seth rolled to the floor. Reed pursued him and threw him into the announce desk. He then picked up the ringside steps, but Seth clipped his knee. Reed fell onto the steps. Seth stomped his head into the steps. Reed beat the ten count and crawled back into the ring where Seth landed another stomp. Sreth landed a stomp off the top rope for a three count. Reed was bleeding from his forehead afterward.

As Seth celebrated at ringside, Reed stood. Seth looked at him in amazement. Cole said Seth couldn’t believe Reed was back on his feet. Reed said he wanted more and waved Seth to re-enter the ring. Seth kept moving up the ramp, but he said he knows where to find him if he wants to come at him again. He said the same thing will happen.

WINNER: Seth in 12:00.

(Good intense match including the three minute pre-bell brawl. It made sense for Seth to get the win here to keep him positioned as a top star, but Reed certainly came out of this feud looking stronger than he was going in despite ultimately losing, given even more of a boost by framing Reed standing up after the match as a sign of strength and resilience. I don’t think they intended for Reed to be a top-top act, but rather than just him a boost to the top of the second tier as a credible heel gatekeeper coming out of this feud that kept Seth occupied for a couple months before whatever is next for him.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Crown Jewel PLE Results: 11-2-24

(4) NIA JAX vs. LIV MORGAN (w/Dominik Mysterio, Raquel Rodriguez) – Women’s World Champion vs. WWE Women’s Champion with the Crown Jewel Women’s Title at stake

When Jax came out, Cole said she has been nearly unstoppable since her return to WWE rings. After Liv’s introduction, Cole said five years ago, Natalya and Lacey Evans competed in the first-ever women’s match in Saudi Arabia. The bell rang 46 minutes into the hour. Liv went on the attack early, but Jax headbutted her to thwart that initial momentum. Liv tried to run, but Jax grabbed her by her hair and yanked her down. She then splashed her in the corner. Jax smiled and whipped Liv into the corner. When she charged, Liv moved. Liv went on the attack and worked over Jax’s leg. Graves said Liv is tired of all the noise that she’s only champion because of Dom. When Liv scored a two count, Cole called it a near upset, and Graves took issue with that framing. Jax came back with a Samoan Drop and scored a two count at 3:00.

Liv avoided a charging Jax in the corner, so Jax went shoulder-first into the ringpost. Liv stomped on Jax’s back, but Jax hoisted Liv onto her shoulders and climbed to the second rope and then landed a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Jax rammed Liv into the mat over and over. Fans chanted, “Let’s Go, Morgan!” Jax put Liv on the top rope. Liv landed a sunset flip out of the corner. Both were down and slow to get up. Tiffany ran out to her music. Cole wondered if she was going to cash in. She eagerly gave the ref the briefcase, but Jax confronted her. Tiffany backed away and tried to explain he5rself. Jax said, “It’s not the time.” Liv leaped at Jax, but Jax hit her with a forearm. Jax told Tiffany to leave. Tiffany left. Graves said it’s Tiffany prerogative when to cash in.

Jax gave Liv a Samoan Drop, but Liv leveraged Jax’s shoulders down. Tiffany ran back to the ring. Fans chanted, “Yes! Yes!” Jax slammed Liv for a two count. Tiffany stood on the ring apron. Raquel yanked Tiffany down. Jax leaned through the ropes and grabbed Raquel but her hair. Raquel yanked her down. Liv then caught Jax with a Code Breaker for a near fall. Fans booed as Raquel walked toward Tiffany. Liv joined Tiffany in confronting her. Jax charged into all three of them and then threw Liv back into the ring. She landed a legdrop and then dragged Liv to the corner and set up an Annihilator. Dom slid the MITB briefcase into the ring. With the ref distracted by that, Raquel shoved Jax off the top rope. Liv then hit the Oblivion for the three count. Liv sat up and looked emotional as Dom applauded.

WINNER: Liv in 9:00 to win the Crown Jewel Title.

(The cash-in teases weren’t great in that no one felt all that vulnerable.)


Cole and Graves talked about KO’s recent mental state. Cole said KO hasn’t won a singles title in years. Graves said something broke inside of KO and he’s not sure what’s wrong with him. KO attacked Orton with a chair as he posed to his music in the ring. KO beat up Orton at ringside. Orton fought back and slammed KO onto the announce desk and then rammed him into the announce desk. KO tried to use a chair against Orton, so the ref yanked it away from him. KO gave the referee a Stunner. Cole said the match hasn’t even started and KO has gone completely nuts. Graves said that’ll cost him. WWE agents and another referee came to ringside and called off the match. Graves said Orton and KO were still fighting anyway.

Orton picked up a chair. Agent Shawn Daivari yanked it away from Orton. kicked Daiviari and threw him into the ringpost. He gave KO a draping DDT. G.M.s Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce came out and yelled at Orton to stop. Orton gave Pearce an RKO. Cole called it absolute insanity. Orton threw KO into the crowd. Called it “the WWE fanbase” rather than the “WWE Universe.” Owens got the better of Orton and smashed him with a case. KO then climbed up stairs and leaped off with a flying elbowdrop, sending Orton through a table. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!” Both were down and slow to get up.

WINNER: Match never officially started.

(I’m never a fan of not delivering on an official match when one is advertised, but I don’t think this is the worst case offense since they delivered so much violence that fit the nature of the feud. It didn’t feel like a copout to avoid delivering an actual match or a finish, but rather a way to convey the mindsets of KO and Orton. This also explains why this show had more matches than usual lately, since they weren’t going to go as long with this.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Crown Jewel PLE Results: 11-2-24

(6) L.A. KNIGHT vs. CARMELO HAYES vs. ANDRADE – U.S. Title match

As Carmelo came out first, Cole said he has the “It-factor” to become a top star in WWE. As Andrade came out, Cole hyped the special Wednesday episode of NXT from the arena once known as “ECW Arena.” The bell rang 24 minutes into the hour. Knight stepped back as Carmelo and Andrade fired away at each other. Knight then stepped in and punched both of them repeatedly. They stereo superkicked Knight to knock him to the floor, and then went back at each other. Carmelo landed a springboard clothesline, sending Andrade rolling to ringside. Knight tripped Carmelo and yanked him to ringside and rammed his head into the ringside table. Graves said if Knight kept that up, he’d make him look like the Dwayne Wade statue. Knight DDT’d Carmelo in the ring; Andrade broke up the cover. Andrade caught Carmelo on a middle-rope springboard and turned it into an inverted Spanish fly. Andrade played to the crowd and received polite applause.

Andrade leaped off the top rope backward onto Knight at ringside. The crowd chanted “This is awesome!” Carmelo landed a running flip dive onto Andrade at ringside. Back in the ring, Knight avoided Carmelo and went for his BFT. Carmelo blocked it. Andrade joined in the right. Carmelo slammed Knight onto Andrade and covered both and scored a two count at 4:00. Andrade gave Carmelo a Destroyer. Andrade landed a moonsault on Knight. Carmelo broke up the cover. All three were slow to get up.

Carmelo chopped Andrade’s chest. Andrade countered Carmelo’s top rope move and scored a two count. Knight recovered and leaped off the top rope springboard-style with elbows onto both Andrade and Carmelo. He covered both with separate arms and got a two count on both. As Andrade set up Carmelo on the top rope, Knight leaped to the top rope. He had his obligatory botched spot as he boots slipped and he crotched himself. That wasn’t a planned spot. Knight recovered and suplexed Andrade off the top rope. Cole said it’s hot and humid in the arena and the ropes are slippery. Hayes then landed a top rope Nothing but Net legdrop to the back of Knight’s neck for a two count, broken up by Andrade. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Carmelo sat up and couldn’t believe he didn’t get the pin there. Knight caught Carmelo in the midst of giving Andrade a facebuster and gave him a BFT for the win.

WINNER: Knight in 9:00 to win the U.S. Title.

(Good action and a crowd-pleasing finish. The show continues to feature matches within a minute or two of being ten minutes other than the opener, so the pace is brisk.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Crown Jewel PLE Results: 11-2-24

(7) CODY RHODES vs. GUNTHER – Undisputed WWE Champion vs. WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the Men’s Crown Jewel Title

Gunther came out first, then Cody. Fans sang “Ole!” enthusiastically. The bell rang 48 minutes into the hour. Cole talked critically about Gunther skirting the responsibility that comes with being a champion in WWE, making media appearances and interacting with fans. Not unexpectedly, they built slowly for the first four minutes, trading mat holds. They rose and circled each other and played to the crowd before engaging in a collar-and-elbow hook-up. Cody blocked a Gunther chop and punched away at him. Cody went for a bionic elbow, but Gunther chopped him and then smiled.

They battled back and forth as the pace picked up. Cody leaped through the ropes, but Gunther caught him and drove him back-first into the ring apron. Gunther rolled into the ring as the ref began counting Cody. Cody rolled in to beat the count, but Gunther stayed on offense. Graves said Gunther was relentless. When Cody tried to bodyslam Gunther, his back gave out. Cody eventually made a comeback. Gunther countered and climbed to the top rope. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Cody superplexed Gunther at 14:00. Cody landed a Cody Cutter a minute later and scored a two count. Fans popped for the spot. Cody kicked Gunther between the legs as he held his legs, but Gunther came right back with a Boston Crab. Cody powered out of it.

Gunther applied a sleeper a minute later. Cody broke free and landed a Cross Rhodes. Both were down and slow to get up at 19:00. Another “This is awesome!” chant broke out. Cole called it a critical moment in the match. Gunther stood first and dropkicked Cody. He followed with a powerbomb into a pin attempt for a two count. Graves said Gunther was showing frustration for the first time in the match. Cody fired up a minute later and fired away at Gunther and then took him down with a back suplex. Gunther caught Cody as he charged with a clothesline. Cody came right back with a Cross Rhodes for a two count. Again, both were down and slow to get up at 22:00.

Cody leaped off the top rope for a super Cody Cutter, but Gunther caught him in a sleeper. Cody, though, leveraged Gunther’s shoulders down for a three count. Graves said that’s how Bret Hart beat Roddy Piper to capture the Intercontinental Title. As Cody celebreated, Gunther stood and shook his hand and congratulated him, but pointed his finger at him as if to say next time would be different.

They went to a wide shot of the ring as Levesque and two men and two women from Saudi Arabia presented Cody with the belt. Cole said the belts will stay in Saudi Arabia at the WWE Experience in a vault. He said the champions will be presented a huge ring “like a Super Bowl ring” they can wear and show off. Liv joined Cody for a photo op with Levesque and the Saudi Arabians in the ring.

WINNER: Cody in 24:00 to capture the Men’s Crown Jewel Championship.

(\Well, that’s the safest and, in some ways, most obvious finish – a leverage three-count when the eventual loser looks to be on the verge of victory. Graves comparing it to Piper, as adverse to doing jobs as anyone most of his career, is indicative of how it’s a finisher that’s seen as doing minimal “damage” to the loser. The match was as you’d expect with these two, with a deliberate, slow build and then the pace picking up with big spots and counter moves leading to the climax.)


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
How the fuck could they call cody an undisputed champion coming into that match when he was wrestling another champion for yet another championship


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
NXT outdrew AEW Dynamite in terms of total viewership and the key 18-49 demo rating last night. AEW Dynamite aired as usual on TBS at 8 ET on TBS while NXT aired on The CW on Wednesday night instead of its usual Tuesday night slot.

NXT emanated from the former “ECW Arena,” now known as 2300 Arena, and featured nostalgic ECW content including a reworked opening theme using the original ECW TV show music from the 1990s and guest appearances from a number of well-known ECW wrestlers from the original era. That was enough to give NXT the edge over a typical Dynamite episode.

AEW Dynamite averaged 523,000 viewers, down from 628,000 the prior week. The last ten weeks, excluding when Dynamite aired on Tuesday night last month, it has averaged 656,000 viewers, so they were 133,000 below that last night.

NXT drew an average of 619,000, up from 588,000 the prior week but below the 702,000 the week before that. It aired a day later than usual, but had a special theme to help offset that. The prior ten weeks averaged 687,000, so they about 70,000 below that.

In the key demo, AEW Dynamite drew a 0.16 rating. The prior ten weeks, excluding the Tuesday episode, averaged 0.21.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-26-24

Results courtesy of (complete link to Keller's report).

(1) PRIVATE PARTY (Marq Quen.& Isiah Kassidy) vs. MALAKAI BLACK & BRODY KING vs. THE OUTRUNNERS (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) vs. THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) – AEW Tag Team Title match

The Outrunners got a nice pop for their ring entrance. Black & Brody got in early offense. The crowd popped for The Outrunner’s flurry of offense.

Late in the match, Caster acted heelish toward the fans. Bowens, who’s from the area, took exception. Bowens gave Kassidy the Arrival, but Caster didn’t follow up with the Mic Drop. Private Party then landed Gin & Juice on Caster for the win. Private Party celebrated with the fans in the stands.

WINNERS: Private Party in 14:00 to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles.

(Exactly the match you’d expect with these four teams. This was the most dissension yet between Bowens and Caster. Who will break up first, The Acclaimed or New Day?


A video package recapped the set-up for this match. MJF insulted the crowd and said the fans like Roderick because he’s white trash like them. He when he’s not wrestling in AEW (he insulted the company), he’s making millions shooting movies. He said meanwhile, his mother is shooting his father.

MJF took it to Strong at ringside early. He powerbombed him onto the ring apron early in the match. Back in the ring, MJF worked over Strong’s arm to mitigate his ability to chop him. He grounded him a few minutes in. A “Let’s Go Roddy! / MJF!” dueling chant broke out.

Strong hit MJF with a wrecking ball kick. He dropped him back-first on the ringside barricade. MJF made a comeback in the ring, but Strong caught him gloating and gave him a backbreaker off the second rope.

MJF and Strong battled back and forth, trading brief stretches of offense. Strong caught MJF with End of Heartache for a two count. Strong followed with more moves including a gut buster and a running kick to the face. MJF countered with a brainbuster suplex. Both were down and slow to get up. They went to a wide shot of the arena.

When Strong draped his arm over MJF’s chest, MJF applied his Salt of the Earth armbar for the tapout win. Nigel said Strong tapped out so quickly, he must’ve broken his finger.

WINNER: MJF in 12:00.

-Afterward, MJF brought a chair into the ring. he put Strong’s wrist in it. Excalibur said he was going to try to permanently incapacitate him. MJF stomped the chair. Cole’s music played and he ran out. MJF fled the scene. Kyle O’Reilly, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett joined in. O’Reilly shoved Cole down. The announcers said O’Reilly blames Cole for Strong being in the crosshairs of MJF. Bennett and Taven seemed surprised by O’Reilly’s outburst. Cole looked stunned.

(The match itself wasn’t all that memorable, but okay for this stage of the story they’re telling, assuming you can accept they’re still telling a story about MJF and Undisputed Era. The O’Reilly twist adds a new dimension.)


A video package previewed this match. Mercedes told the camera after ring introductions, “That’s right, I’m putting the Boss in Boston, baby.” The bell rang 47 minutes into the first hour. Mercedes went on early offense. She mounted Statlander and punched away at her.

Statlander made a comeback and press slammed Mercedes. She followed with a standing moonsault press for a two count at 2:00. They battled on the ring apron next. Mercedes countered a suplex attempt with a head scissors to the floor. She followed up with a Meteora. She landed running double knees into Statlander against the ringside steps.

Mercedes tried to score a pin by grabbing the bottom rope for leverage. When the ref stopped the count because of it, she stood and screamed in the face of the ref. She followed up with a chokeslam onto her knee for a two count, then let out more screams after Statlander kicked out.

At 8:00, Statlander countered a Mercedes and slammed her to the mat and powerbombed her into the corner turnbuckle. The ref checked to see if Mercedes could stand. Mercedes came back with a crucifix bomb and then tried for a submission. Statlander stood her up, but Mercedes countered into a backstabber for a two count.

Statlander kipped up but immediately Mercedes landed a Meteora off the second rope for a near fall. She threw a fit after the kickout. Statlander hit a discus lariat a minute later for a near fall at 12:00. Statlander landed Saturday Night Fever for a near fall next.

Mercedes rallied next. She launched off the top rope, but Statlander caught her and drove her to the mat. Excalibur announced they had a new champion as the ref was counting, so therefore Mercedes inevitably kicked out at two. Statlander positioned Mercedes on the mat for a top rope move. She went for a 450, but Mercedes moved.

Mercedes leaped off the top rope with a splash on Statlander’s knees from behind, then rolled her over and scored a two count.

Mercedes slapped Statlander and trash-talked her. Statlander countered into a backslide, but Mercedes rolled her up. Mercedes lifted Statlander, but Statlander countered and set u a tombstone. Mercedes bit her leg and then sent Statlander throat-first into the middle rope and scored a three count.

Mercedes was exhausted on the floor and hugged her belts and declared that she is the best. The ringside doctor checked on Statlander and helped her to the back.

WINNER: Mercedes in 20:00.

(Good match which showed some of Mercedes’ strengths as an in-ring performer, which is good since he character work has been below part since her arrival.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-26-24


The bell rang to start the match 13 minutes into the hour. Excalibur talked about White’s winning streak against Hangman until their last match. Hangman took over offense with methodical offense early. Excalibur said the tone of the match is different than expected.

White made a comeback at 6:00 and landed a running uppercut in the corner. Hangman fought back and took Jay off the top rope with a fallaway slam for a two count. White came back with a top rope superplex a minute later for a two count. A scattered “Cowboy Shit” almost started from a crowd that wasn’t reacting much to the match otherwise. White worked over Hangman’s leg. Nigel said that could weaken his ability to do an effective Buckshot Lariat.

White scored a two count with a German suplex into a bridge. With both down, Excalibur hyped a new era starting on Jan. 1 with Dynamite airing on both TBS and Max. They battled on the ring apron. White suplexed Hangman on the edge of the ring apron. White clutched his left ankle, but then pursued Hangman and delivered a snap suplex on the ramp. White rolled into the ring to break the ref’s count. A “Let’s Go Switchblade! / Cowboy Shit” dueling chant broke out.

White went for a suplex on the stage, but White’s left leg gave way. Hangman shoved White into the ringside barricade. Hangman clutched his knee as White clutched his ankle.

Hangman applied an anklelock on White in the ring. White escaped, but Hangman set up a Buckshot. White moved and then gave Hangman a Dragon Screw in the ropes. White landed a uranage for a near fall at 17:00.

Hangman caught White with an anklelock. White reversed on the mat into his own leglock. Hangman crawled to the bottom rope to force a break. White released the hold. Nigel called the match “a game of strategy” and noted Gordon Solie called pro wrestling a “human game of chess.”

Hangman surprised White with a sudden Dead Eye. He delivered a second one for a near fall at 19:00. Hangman pulled himself into position for a Buckshot, but White blocked it and setup a Blade Runner. Hangman blocked that. White rolled up Hangman, but Hangman went for an anklelock. White quickly countered with a Blade Runner for the win.

White smiled and flashed five fingers at him. Excalibur said the one win Hangman had over White has a big asterisk next to it. Hangman got up, bug-eyed mad at the outcome as White gloated from the ramp.

Hangman attacked White on the stage afterward. Christopher Daniels ran out and told Hangman to stop. Hangman hit him. Excalibur said that could results in fines and perhaps suspensions.

WINNER: White in 21:00.

(The action was good throughout, but built slowly. The crowd didn’t really seem to be invested much emotionally, but didn’t seem bored, either. Their interest picked up as the match progressed. Each wrestler selling a leg injury was a key theme of the match.)


Ospreay made his entrance first. Fletcher came out wearing a crown and new ring gear that looked pretty high end. They had a staredown mid-ring as they removed their ring outfits. Fans sang “Olé!” Calls joined in on commentary 41 minutes into the hour.

Fletcher got in some offense at ringside, then taunted the crowd. He set up the ringside steps and whopped Ospreay toward them. Ospreay somersaulted over them and then leaped off the steps with a huracanrana. Callis said he never said Ospreay wasn’t a great athlete, but he thinks Fletcher is ready. Callis said he’s never liked kids, but if he had one, he’d want him to look exactly like Fletcher. “What a stud!” he said.

Ospreay and Fletcher battled on the ring apron and then to ringside. Fletcher took control and methodically worked over Ospreay in the ring. Callis said Fletcher has prepared all year for this eventuality. Ospreay attempted a comeback, but collapsed and grabbed his neck and shoulder. Fletcher then went on the attack and scored a near fall.

Ospreay made a comeback and landed a sky twister dive off the top turnbuckle onto Fletcher on the floor. Ospreay threw Fletcher into the ring and landed a leaping elbow strike.

Ospreay chopped Fletcher’s chest. Fletcher countered with a superkick to the chin. Ospreay lifted Fletcher and landed a sitout powerbomb for a two count at 11:00. Ospreay went for a Hidden Blade, but Fletcher blocked it. Ospreay went for a Oscutter, but Fletcher countered mid-air and high leaping sitout powerbombed Ospreay for a near fall. Schiavone said fans were going “bananas” after that sequence and chanting “AEW!”

Ospreay pulled Fletcher over the top rope with his legs and then landed a piledriver. Both were down and slow to get up at ringside. When Fletcher leaped into the ring at the count of nine, Ospreay landed a dropkick and then scored a two count. Both were slow to get up. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Fletcher ducked a Hidden Blade and went for a powerbomb. Ospreay slipped free and hit a Spanish Fly. He charged, but Fletcher clotheslined him.

Ospreay landed a non-Hidden Blade. Both men were down. The fans loudly chanted, “AEW! AEW!” Nigel said, “Where the best wrestle, and two of them are in the middle of the ring right now.” Schiavone said this has been the show-stealer so far.

Ospreay stood and set up an Oscutter, but Fletcher knocked him off balance on the top rope. Ospreay back-elbowed Fletcher. Fletcher kicked him and went for a suplex. Ospreay turenmd it into a leaping powerbomb attempt, but he shifted into a Styles Clash for a near fall. Ospreay hit Fletcher with a Hidden Blade for a dramatic near fall at 18:00. Fans chanted “Fight forever!”

Ospreay went for a move on the ring apron, but Fletcher countered and delivered a tombstone off the ring apron onto the ringside steps. They cut to a fan with his hands held up to his head wide-eyed. “You sick f—!” chanted the crowd.

Back in the ring, Ospreay delivered a Grimstone piledriver for a near fall. Fletcher smiled and clapped, figuring he still had Ospreay where he wanted him. Fletch set up another move, but Ospreay leveraged his shoulders down for a near fall.

Fletcher held Ospreay’s numb left arm and smiled as Ospreay flailed. he then clotheslined him onto his head. He leaned Ospreay in the corner and charged with a running kick. He followed with a top rope brainbuster suplex onto the to turnbuckle for the clean win.

WINNER: Fletcher in 24:00.

-Mark Davis came out and checked on Ospreay. As Callis and Fletcher walked away, Fletcher yelled, “You two deserve each other.”

(Great match and great finish. If you’re going to get behind elevating someone, giving them that kind of win makes a real statement. You could argue whether Ospreay should be losing if the plan is to build around him, but there’s a lot they can do to build rematches off of that match down the line.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-26-24

(6) JACK PERRY vs. DANIEL GARCIA – TNT Title match

A video package aired before the match with Garcia wearing headphones and walking around the city as a voicemail from his mom played where she talked about being proud of him and him doing things the right way. Garcia then made his ring entrance followed by Perry. The bell rang 21 minutes into the third hour.

When Garcia pushed Perry into the corner of the ring, Perry shoved him in the face and dropped to ringside. Garcia attacked Perry aggressively a minute later and knocked him over the ringside barricade into the crowd. Then he dragged him back over the barricade.

Perry made a comeback by DDT’ing Garcia off the ring apron to the floor at 4:00. Perry threw Garcia into the ringside barricade. Back in the ring, Perry continued to beat down Garcia until Garcia landed a Saito suplex to slow Perry. Perry came back with a snare trap. Garcia crawled over to the bottom rope. Perry then dropped Garcia onto the edge of the ring apron. Perry walked over to Menard and asked how he could do what he did to him. Menard stood. Perry powerbombed Garcia through a table at ringside. Nigel said he heard Garcia’s mother scream at ringside.

Garcia beat the countout and made a spirited comeback. He kicked away at Perry in the corner. Schiavone said that sometimes emotions can serve you well. Garcia butterfly suplexed Perry into the corner. Perry fought back and drove Garcia into the middle turnbuckle lawn dart style. He slammed Garcia to the mat and scored a near fall at 13:00.

Perry dropped to ringside and grabbed his TNT Title belt. Excalibur said Perr would retain the belt if he lost by DQ for using it. Perry dropped the belt in front of Garcia and then invited him to hit him with it. Gacia picxked up the belt and wound up, but stopped short. As the ref dropped the belt off outside the ring, Perry gave Garcia a low blow and then a knee strike for a near fall.

Perry set up a knee strike, but Garcia collapsed. Garcia surprised Perry with a jack knife cover for a near fall. Garcia landed a leaping leg-capture piledriver for a near fall.

Perry slapped away at Garcia. Garcia absorbed them and then chopped away at Perry with intensity. Perry smiled and approached Garcia wit his arms extended. Garcia seized the opening with a piledriver. Garcia then put Perry in a sharpshooter mid-ring. Perry tried to reach the bottom rope, but Garcia pulled him back to the center and cinched on the hold. Perry tapped. The crowd popped. “What a moment in AEW history,” said Schiavone.

WINNER: Garcia in 18:00 to capture the TNT Title.

(Really good match with two of the young stars of AEW’s second tier. Garcia’s win was tainted a bit by Perry leaving himself vulnerable as part of his mind games, but the fans loved it when Garcia took advantage of it and seized the opportunity.)

(7) KONOSUKE TAKESHITA vs. RICOCHET – AEW International Championship match

After a video package, Ricochet made his entrance. Then Callis accompanied Takeshita. Excalibur said he can’t wait for Jim Ross to join them later, in particular because it means Callis won’t be with them on commentary. Callis then joined them on commentary and he called Takeshita “the best bell-to-bell wrestlers on the planet.” The bell rang 44 minutes into the hour.

Takeshita got the majority of the offense in during the first nine minutes. Ricochet ten rallied. He landed a flying clothesline. He ducked a charging Takeshita and then sent Takeshita to ringside with an enzuigiri. He followed with a running backflip corkscrew dive over the top rope onto Takeshita. He threw Takeshita back into the ring and then landed a springboard 450 for a near fall.

Callis stood up and took off his headset and walked to the ring. He yelled encouragement to Takeshita. “F— off, Callis!” chanted the crowd. Takeshita surprised Ricochet with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall at 12:00.

Takeshita took Ricochet off the top rope with a German suplex leading to a near fall. Takeshita charged with a running knee for a two count at 15:00. He stomped away at Ricochet and then landed a leaping senton. When Takeshita leaped to the top rope, Ricochet took him down with a huracanrana and a poison rana. He then leaped off the top rope with a shooting star press for a near fall. Callis teased leaping onto the ring apron to break up the cover.

Takeshita came back with a leaping package piledriver for a near fall. Ricochet came back and landed a lift-and-drop enzuigiri for a two count. Ricochet made a labored climb to the top rope. Takeshita rose and knocked Ricochet off balance and then drove a knee into his back. He followed with a top rope Jackhammer for the clean win.

WINNER: Takeshita in 20:00 to retain the International Title.

(Another really good match. By this point it felt a bit like being served a third or fourth course that was just a bit too similar to the prior courses, though, even if they were all very good. A clean win for Takeshita was welcome here, not because Ricochet isn’t at his level necessarily, but that it was an affirmation that an AEW wrestler who fans have wanted to climb the card and get a better push was given a clean win over a WWE upper-mid-carder with more mainstream name value. That’s better use of Ricochet than booking him to be better than Takeshita.)

(8) “SWERVE” STRICKLAND (w/Prince Nana) vs. BOBBY LASHLEY (w/MVP, Shelton Benjamin)

A video preview aired for this match. Swerve came out first with Nana. Jim Ross joined in on commentary. He talked about how he signed Lashley to his first pro wrestling contract and they were lucky he didn’t go right into MMA given his strong amateur background. Lashley came out next with Shelton and MVP. The bell rang 12 minutes into the hour.

Lashley took early control with his power. He settled into a chinlock on the mat at 2:00. Swerve caught a charging Lashley with boots tot he face. Swerve had to deal with a pestering MVP at ringside, giving Lashley an opening. Nana walked over and yelled at MVP and Shelton. Lashley then charged and knocked Swerve into the side of the ring.

Shelton swiped at Swerve’s boot as he ran the ropes. The ref saw him and ordered him to the back. Lashley, meanwhile, went on the attack on Swerve, tossing him into the ringside barricade. Lashley positioned the steps at ringside for a running powerslam, but Swerve slipped free and shoved Lashley into the ringside steps. Swerve rammed Lashley into the ringside steps over and over, then played to the crowd.

Swerve went for a DDT on the ring apron, although the announcers talked about how Lashley tried to avoid it and might’ve put himself in more peril. As Lashley stumbled backwards toward the Spanish announce desk, Swerve leaped off the ringside steps and double-stomped Lashley through the table.

As Swerve stalked Lashley in the ring, fans chanted, “Swerve’s house!” Swerve landed a House Call. He leaped off the top rope with a Swerve Stomp for a near fall at 10:00. MVP went over to check on Lashley. Swerve spun MVP around and stared at him. Lashley got up and tossed Swerve aside and then speared Swerve through the ringside barricade. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!”

Lashley then hit a spear in the ring. “That should do it,” said Ross, matter-of-factly. Lashley then applied a Hurt Lock mid-ring. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Lashley in 12:00.

(So while Takeshita got the clean win over one former WWE wrestler, newly signed Lashley gets a clean win over Swerve, a recent AEW Champion. Interesting booking decision, but the other choices had downsides – a tainted finish or having Swerve beat Lashley and define Lashley down right as he entered as a big signing. This finish can’t be fairly evaluated until we see where Lashley’s journey takes him over the next six months relative to Swerve’s. The match itself was a change of pace from the prior four – not a “better match,” but a needed change of pace and style.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW Full Gear PPV Results: 11-26-24

(9) JON MOXLEY vs. ORANGE CASSIDY – AEW World Title match

After a video preview, Moxley got out of a pick-up truck in the parking garage with Marina Shafir, Claudio Castagnoli, and Pac. Ross said he admires that they travel around in a truck like he did growing up in Oklahoma. Mox made his way through a tunnel with Shafir by his side. Mox made his way to the ring through the crowd. Ross asked, “What the hell does he want to change?” Schiavone said he feels he built AEW from the ground up and it’s now not the AEW he remembers. Cassidy came out next.

As ring introductions took place, Cassidy jump-started the match with an Orange Punch. The ref rewarded Cassidy by calling for the bell. Cassidy knocked Mox to the floor and leaped over the top rope. Cassidy mounted Mox on the announce desk and punched away at him. Then he bit his forehead. Fans roared. Mox raked Cassidy’s eyes and then dropped him crotch-first over the ringside barricade. He then fought with him in the crowd.

Mox stayed in control at ringside. Nigel said this is a completely different Moxley. Schiavone he’s unlike anyone they’ve seen in AEW. A “Let’s Go Moxley / Freshly Squeezed!” dueling chant broke out. Excalibur said they’re both AEW originals. Ross said he loves that term. Mox threw Cassidy into the ring. He was bleeding from his forehead.

The ref checked on an increasingly bloody Cassidy at ringside. Shafir kicked him when the ref returned to the ring. Back in the ring, Mox bit into Cassidy’s forehead. Ross called it “disgusting.” Fans chanted, “You sick f—!” Mox gave Cassidy a Gotch-style piledriver and then went back to striking Cassidy on the mat.

As Mox beat up Cassidy at ringside, his body was smeared with Cassidy’s blood. Nigel said it was difficult to watch. Back in the ring, Mox kicked away at Cassidy. Cassidy began to show some life. Mox stayed with the attack, though. Schiavone noted that Cassidy has 176 wins in AEW, the most of anyone, and if he were to get 177 tonight, it’d be his biggest win yet.

Cassidy went forehead-to-forehead with Mox and punched away at him. Mox raked Cassidy’s back with his fingernails slowly and viciously. Cassidy returned the back rake. Fans cheered. When he leaped at Mox, Mox knocked him out of mid-air with an elbow to the ribs followed by a two count. Mox captured Cassidy’s head with his legs, then applied a guillotine.

Mox put Cassidy on the top rope and looked to set up a leaping piledriver. Cassidy shoved him off and then speared Mox. Cassidy DDT’d Moxley and kipped up. He charged, but Mox countered with a cutter. They stood mid-ring and exchanged slaps. Cassidy asked Mox to bring it on. Mox did. Cassidy put his hands in his front pockets and slo-mo kicked Mox. The crowd yelled along with each kick. Cassidy landed an Orange Punch after ducking Mox’s retaliatory lariat attempt. He charged and rolled up Mox for a very near fall. Cassidy kipped up and hit an Orange Punch followed by Beach Break for a near fall.

Claudio and Pac walked to ringside. “Like thieves in broad daylight,” said Nigel. Rocky Romero, Kyle O’Reilly, and Tomohiro Ishii came out to offset Claudio and Pac. Romero leaped onto the other four at ringside. Shafir entered the ring with the case. Willow Nightingale charged into the ring and speared Shafir. Cassidy then picked up the case. The ref was watching Shafir and Willow as Cassidy swung the case at Mox. Cassidy scored a very near fall that the crowd popped for.

Cassidy stood over Mox as Mox struggled to stand. Mox grabbed the ref. Wheeler entered the ring and delivered a Busaiku knee. Mox then hit Death Rider for the win. Nigel said it was Yuta’s ultimate payback after Cassidy beat him on Dynamite last Wednesday. Mox grabbed his briefcase and yelled at the camera as his music played.

WINNER: Moxley to retain the AEW World Title.

(Good thing they did clean finishes throughout the earlier key matches. The blood and the brawling style worked here in part because the undercard didn’t have that type of content. Good match that the crowd ate up.)

-Mox held Cassidy as Yuta poured a green disinfectant over Cassidy’s face. Cassidy wretched and dropped to ringside. “Hangman” Page came out with a chair and jabbed Yuta with it. He then looked at Mox who looked wide-eyed at him. Christian Cage then ran in and gave Mox an Unprettier. Christian asked Hangman for the metal case with the contract. Hangman hesitated, but then handed it to him. Hangman walked up the ramp. Christian posed with the case, Jay White entered and gave Christian a Blade Runner. Claudio attacked White from behind. Pac joined in stomping away at him.

-They showed Mox and his crew returning to their pick-up truck just in time for a car to smash into the pick-up. “Who was driving that car?” asked Excalibur. Mox and his crew got in a white SUV that they commandeered and sped off. Darby got out of the car and yelled for Mox’s crew and then smashed the hood of the wrecked pick-up with is skateboard.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-30-24

Results courtesy of (complete link to Keller's real-time report).


As the cage lowered, Cole said it’s an environment like no other. Belair came out first, dancing and twirling her braid. Then Naomi, Iyo, Bayley, and finally Ripley. Then Liv and Rodrigues came out followed LeRae, Stratton, and Jax. As Tiffany came out, Cole said this is her first cage match ever. As Stratton smiled and said over and over that it was “Tiffy time” and point at her wrist, Jax seemed to grow tired of it and told her that was enough. Cole and Graves talked about each wrestler’s motivations and back story.

The bell rang 16:00 into the hour to start the match with Jax vs. Bayley. Jax took Bayley down early, but Bayley made an early spirited comeback. Bayley took Jax down wtih a huracanrana and then whipped Jax with a leather part of her outfit. Jax wrested it from her and whipped Bayley with it. The crowd counted down with Bayley down in the corner.

Naomi entered second for her team. Cole noted it’s her first WarGames. She pulled out a keno stick and a toilet lid from under the ring. She whipped Jax with the kendo stick first. She choked Jax, but Jax powered backwards into the corner to break it. Bayley recovered and worked with Naomi. Jax made a comeback with a kendo stick. (It makes sense they gave the babyfaces a rare advantage now that we see Jax was the first heel, since it’s not as sympathetic for her as a heel to be outnumbered due to her stature.) Naomi put the toilet seat over Jax’s head and then rubbed her ass in Jax’s face. Graves said he doesn’t personally find that as offensive as when it was Rikishi doing it. Cole said he bet Jax did. Naomi and Bayley backdropped Jax and Jax tucked just in time.

The countdown clock reached zero and Tiffany looked ready to come out of the cage on the stage, but LeRae snuck past her. Tiffany threw a fit. Jax bashed Bayley with a chair. LeRae brought a chair in her for her, too. Naomi and Bayley. LeRae put Bayley on two chairs and did a springboard moonsault.

Belair came out next to give the faces the advantage and threw a trash can at Jax right away, then brought a fire extinguisher into the ring. Cole listed all the apparatus brought into the ring to that point. Belair added a table to the mix. LeRae jabbed the end of the table into Naomi’s gut. Fans chanted, “We want tables!” Belair blocked a Poison Rana and catapulted her into the corner top turnbuckle. Belair kicked a chair that Jax was holdiing into Jax. Naomi and Belair mounted Jax in the corner and punched away at her.

Tiffany entered next. She was very eager as she ran ringside and pulled a trash can and lid out from under the ring; Cole said Belair has to wonder if Jade Cargil’s attacker is actually on her team. Tiffany went on a flurrh of offense. She catapulted Bayley into a Jax lariat. Jax and Tiffany celebrated together.

Iyo Sky entered next. She looked under the ring for something. She did a lap the long way and found a purple and gold trash can (Minnesota Viking colors). She harnessed the trash can to her shoulder and climbed the side of the cage from the outside. Cole said the last time she did something like this, it was one of the top Survivor Series moments in history. LeRae met her on the top. LeRae tried to drag Sky into the ring upside down. Sky went for a sunset bomb, but LeRae held on instead of going down. (I don’t blame her.) Sky landed a missile dropkick followed by a kip up.

Tiffany and Sky battled and each showed off some athleticism. Sky bashed Tiffany in the back with a chair. Jax hit Sky from behind to take control. Bayley hit Jax on the back with a kendo stick.

Raquel entered next. She looked for something under the ring, but then just entered the ring and began tossing wrestlers around. Bayley and Belair double-teamed Raquel. Jax hit them from behind. Jax and Raquel high-fived.

Ripley was the last to enter for her team. Fans chanted “Mami!” She tried to shove a table into the ring. Raquel tried to block it, but Ripley shoved the table into her to knock her down. Naomi springboarded off the top rope with a double Rear View to Jax and Raquel, knocking her down. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Ripley broke the toilet seat over the back of Raquel. The action picked up as everyone stood and began fighting. Naomi bulldogged Raquel onto the toilet seat on the mat. Fans chanted, “Holy shit!” (I see what they did there.)

Raquel looked at her watch as fans counted down for the last time in the match. Liv looked nervous and hesitant. Cole said she looked “scared to death.” Liv turned to leave. Fans booed. She quickly returned with a baseball bat. Cole said that brought back bad memories for Ripley.

At 28:00, Liv entered the ring and the announcement was made that the match officially began. Liv swung the bat, but Rhea ducked. She set up a Rip Tide, but Jax hit Rhea from behind. Liv, LeRae, and Jax triple-teamed Ripley. Liv bashed a vulnerable Rhea in the belly over and over with the bat. Graves said it’s all perfectly legal. She bashed Rhea across her back twice. LeRae dragged her to a corner. The heels tried to handcuff her to the corner, but Belair stopped it. Sky landed a missile dropkick on Jax. Tiffany dropkicked Sky. Each wrestler took turns hitting moves one after another on an opponent ending with Jax giving Bayley a Samoan Drop for a near fall.

Everyone was down and slow to get up. Siy and Tiffany climbed opposite ends of the cage. Cole said if they escape, they forfeit, so they’re looking at something else. Sky put the trash can over her head and torso and then landed an Over the Moonsault onto a crowd mid-ring. Meanwhile, Tiffany landed. Swanton on another crowd in the other ring. Cole said Sky was “carving out a legacy inside the WarGames structure.” A “This is awesome!” chant rang out. Tiffany revealed she had the Money in the Bank briefcase. Cole wondered who she’s cash in on. Both Liv and Jax were out on their backs. Raquel yelled at her. Sky sprayed everyone with a fire extinguisher. Everyone backed away. Graves said she might have just saved either Liv or Jax from losing her title. Raquel ended up handcuffed to the corner.

Fans chanted “We Want Tables!” as Tiffany set up a table. Jax ralled against Velair and landed a legdrop for a two count, broken up by Belair and Bayley. Bayley and Sky stood up and had a faceoff as Cole talked about bad feelings in the past between them. Jax clotheslined them both. Jax whipped Belair with her braid and then put her facedown on a table in the corner. Jax then set up an Annhilator. Naomi joined Belair in powerbombing Jax through the table. Naomi made the cover, but Morgan broke up the cover with a baseball bat swing. She hit Sky with the bat. Belair blocked the bat and then chased Liv into the other ring with a chair. Raquel kicked the chair into Belair. Liv gave Bayley an Oblivion with a chair, but Ripley yanked Liv off of her during the ref’s count.

Ripley set up a Rip Ride, but Raquel broke it up. Liv gave Ripley a Code Breaker on a chair. Ripley had pulled her protective mask off. Liv put her on a table, but Ripley stood and met her on the top rope. They kicked each other. Ripley delivered a Rip Tide on off the top rope on Liv through the table below for the win.

WINNERS: Ripley & Belair & Naomi & Sky & Bayley in 39:00.

(No major development in terms of a turn, a falling out, or a cash-in, but plenty of crowd-pleasing action and big spots. For a match criticized for seeming thrown together, there were plenty of personal issues they successfully played off of throughout. Some of the spots felt on the verge of having a higher-than-comfortable risk factor, but they either pulled them off well enough or bailed on them. All in all, giving Rhea the win over Liv makes sense.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-30-24

(2) L.A. KNIGHT vs. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA – U.S. Title match

Nakamura’s ring entrance took place with his more sinister entrance theme remix. Knight came out second. The bell rang 9 minutes into the second hour. Graves reiterated that Nakamura took time off after not being happy with his place in WWE and meditated on it and unlocked something new. Cole asked Graves what happened with Nakamura before. Graves said he doesn’t know, but said he was one of his all-time favorites and he studied him for years. Graves said the current Nakamura is at the level of the best they’ve seen. Cole called it a must-win for Nakamura. Graves agreed that his time away and his reboot would be a waste of time if he didn’t win.Nakamura got in early offense. Nakamura cut off Knight’s comeback with a spinning back elbow and a basement dropkick for a two count.

Graves said Nakamura is calm during battle, it’s almost unnerving. Knight dropped Nakamura over the top rope. He followed with a torture rack into a Burning Hammer for a near fall. Knight leaped at Nakamura in the corner and of course slipped a bit. Cole said that’s an example of Knight not being at his best, a sign that Nakamura is in his head. Graves agreed. Nakamura kicked Knight in the back of his head in the corner and then set up a flapjack suplex for a near fall at 7:00.

Knight came back and landed a top rope elbowdrop. He played to the crowd. Graves questioned Knight’s strategy not to seize the moment. Nakamura rolled between the two rings. Nakamura tried to suplex Knight, but Knight blocked it. Nakamura raked his eyes and then slammed Knight’s head backwards into the steel bridge between the rings. Nakamura then charged with a Kinsasha for the win. Cole said Knight didn’t look right from the start of the match and said Nakamura did get in his head.

WINNER: Nakamura in 9:00 to capture the U.S. Title.

( I actually think this is a really solid rebooting of Nakamura, giving a backstory to why we should view him in a more threatening way than before his hiatus. His new look and new music helped with that. He does seem like he’s in a different more sinister place. The building up of Nakamura strayed into sounding like they were burying Knight at times.)

(3) BRON BREAKKER vs. LUDWIG KAISER vs. SHEAMUS – Intercontinental Title match

When Sheamus came out, Cole said this could be Sheamus’s last chance at the evasive IC Title reign he’s been seeking his whole career. Kaiser came out second. Cole said he’s been on the cusp of stardom and pointed out his match against L.A. Knight back in September as a statement match. Graves said he’s an underrated in-ring competitor and the personification of Eur0pean elegance. Breakker came out last.

The bell rang 33 minutes into the hour. Cole said the IC Title has always been the title you win on your way to a world championship. Sheamus landed an early back-breaker on Breakker. Kaiser hit Sheamus from behind and then dropkicked Sheamus in the corner. He gloated and fans booed. Kaiser wedged a chair in the corner. When he turned around, Sheamus and Breakker were waiting for him. They double-teamed him. Sheamus set up the forearms to Kaiser’s chest, but Breakker hit Sheamus. Cole said Sheamus “got a little comfy there” and Breakker made him pay. Kaiser intercepted a charging Breakker with a slidekick and then he got a running start and dropkicked Sheamus into the ringside steps. Breakker leaped at Kaiser and knocked him down hard with a shoulder tackle at ringside. He suplexed Kaiser on the ringside mat. Breakker looked at the replay on the big screen and smiled.

Fans chanted “Let’s go, Sheamus!” Breakker tackled Sheamus to the mat at ringside. Graves asked how many times Cole has seen a wrestler double-leg takedown Sheamus like that. Breakker took it to Sheamus in the ring, then did some push-ups to show off. Fans booed. Sheamus powerslammed Breakker and made a cover. Kaiser broke it up.

As Sheamus and Kaiser battled next to the announce desk, Breakker leaped off the ring apron and clotheslined them both. Fans chanted, “Let’s Go, Breakker!” Breakker threw Sheamus over the ringside barricade, then turned to Kaiser. He pressed him above his head. Kaiser raked his eyes and then dropped him on the ringside steps. As Kaiser felt good about himself, Sheamus rose behind him and bashed him in the chest with his forearms over and over. Sheamus then grabbed Breakker and bashed him. He celebrated with some fans in the crowd. Sheamus leaped off the ringside barricade and clotheslined both Breakker and Kaiser. He slapped hands with fans.

Sheamus and Breakker squared off mid-ring. Sheamus crotched Breakker on the top rope and then delivered a Celtic Cross off the top rope and scored a near fall at 10:00. Breakker caught Sheamus with a Frankensteiner. He barked and went for a spear. Sheamus side-stepped him and shoved him into a chair wedged in the corner and then hit a Brogue Kick. As the ref was counting, Kaiser yanked Breakker out of the ring to interrupt what looked like a sure win. Sheamus shot Kaiser a death stare and then went after him. Kaiser hit him over and over with a shillelagh. Graves said he’s never seen that side of him before.

Back in the ring, Sheamus kneed Kaiser in the head as he was swinging the shillelagh at him leading to a near fall. “What does Sheamus have to do to win the gold!” exclaimed Cole. With everyone down, fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Kaiser gave Sheamus a rolling senton. Sheamus lifted Kaiser, but his ribs gave out. Kaiser drove Sheamus into the mat. Breakker speared Kaiser out of nowhere. Breakker then waited for Sheamus to stand and then speared him for the win.

Breakker looked like he hurt himself on the finishing move and grabbed his jaw. He could barely stand as the ref tried to raise his arm. He seemed to get better a few seconds later, so apparently he was just selling being tossed into the chair in the corner a minute earlier.

WINNER: Breakker in 14:00 to retain the IC Title.

(They fit a lot into that 14 minutes. That was hard-hitting and fast-paced. Sheamus’s quest to finally win the IC Title has worked as a talking point to add drama to his matches, and Kaiser as the rising star looking to secure being perceived at the next level is also a good talking point. Breakker, though, looked like a star.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-30-24

(4) GUNTHER vs. DAMIEN PRIEST – World Hvt. Title match

Priest made his entrance first. Then Gunther, as Cole cited the length of his various title reigns. The bell rang 3 minutes into the third hour. Priest shoulder tackled Priest early and sold his left shoulder as the match progressed. As he rubbed it, Gunther charged and kicked him. Graves said it’s a smart decision. Gunther shoved Priest shoulder-first into the ringpost and then whopped him into the barricade at ringside.

Gunther methodically worked over Priest and grounded him on the mat. As he pulled his arms backwards, Priest cried out in pain. Cole said, “We’re watching a surgeon at work.” They stood and exchanged big swings. Priest landed a high kick. Both were down and slow to get up. Cole said if Priest loses, he goes back to the middle. Priest landed a leaping elbow at Gunther in the corner and then landed a flatliner. He bridged for a two count.

Gunther went for a sleeper. Priest blocked it and set up a Razor’s Edge. Gunther blocked it. Priest caught Gunther suddenly with a triangle choke. Priest went for a Razor’s Edge again but his shoulder gave out. Gunther went for a sleeper. He then hit a powerbomb. Gunther made his way to the top rope. Priest got up and knocked him off balance. He then gave Gunther a top rope huracanrana followed by a Razor’s Edge for a near fall. Priest set up a South of Heaven, but his shoulder gave out.

Gunther took Priest to the mat and applied a Kimura. He really torqued it and then wrapped his legs around his head. Priest slipped his head out and crawled over to the bottom rope to force a break. Graves said damage was done. Cole said Gunther showed a sense of frustration setting in and maybe he’s lost his edge. A “Let’s Go Gunther / Let’s Go Priest” dueling chant broke out.

Gunther landed a short-arm clothesline. He got fired up. Priest fended him off and then climbed to the top rope. Gunther knocked him off balance and then went for a superplex. Priest resisted and shoved Gunther to the mat, but Priest fell backwards to the mat. The ref checked on him. Priest yelled, “Give me a second, give me a second!” Graves said he thought he heard Priest say it came out of socket. Finn Balor then leaped off the ringside steps with a double-stomp as the ref checked on Gunther in the ring. Gunther kicked Balor and threw Priest into the ring and then delivered a powerbomb followed by a sleeper mid-ring. The ref determined Priest had passed out and called for the bell.

WINNER: Gunther in 19:00 to retain the World Hvt. Title.

(Solid match built totally around the early shoulder issue with Priest. It’s noteworthy that they “protected” Priest from a clean loss under the guise of trying to add heat to the feud with Balor. I’d have preferred a clean win for Gunther and then something with Balor post-match.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-30-24


The New Bloodline came out together. Cole said that wasn’t an accident and was a show of solidarity. Tama Tonga made his way to the ring first as the others got into their cage on the stage. He got into the cage by climbing over it. Sami Zayn came out first for his team. Cole said he’s 2-0 in WarGames. He noted he’s a home country favorite in Canada, although from the other side of the country in Montreal. Jimmy Uso came second. Punk came out third. He taunted the other team inside the cage. Cole said he’s always controversial. Graves said he’s poking the bear. Sami eyed Punk as if trying to read him and indicate they’re teammates and going to war together. Roman Reigns then made his entrance. After they locked themselves in the cage, Jey Uso made his entrance through the crowd.

The bell rang 48 minutes into the hour. Bronson Reed entered second and brought chairs into the ring. Reed and Tama double-teamed Jey and bashed him with chairs. When Jimmy entered, the Usos took over against both heels. Tonga Loa appeared ready to enter third for his team, but Solo called an audible and waved Jacob Fatu to enter instead. “God knows what this man is going to be able to do inside of this cage,” said Cole. As Fatu showed off his athleticism, Graves said he has all that ability and none of the morals.

When the countdown clock reached zero, the door opened and Punk started to exit, but Reigns blocked him and Sami left the cage instead. Punk glared at him. Reigns looked down and in control. Sami charged into the ring and attacked Loa. He then went after Reed. Fans sang “Olé.” Everyone took turns getting in some shots until the countdown clock reached zero.

Tonga Loa was next out the heels got the advantage. Then when the countdown clock reached zero, the door opened and Reigns began to leave, but Punk pushed right past him. “He just embarrassed the original Tribal Chief,” Cole said. Punk stood on the steps, looked back at Reigns, who glared at him, and then pulled a red tool box out of from under the ring. He bashed the heels with it. When he hit Fatu with a bulldog onto the tool box, Fatu popped up. “How the hell is Fatu on his feet?!” exclaimed Cole. Fatu went on the attack.

Solo was the last to enter, giving the five-on-four advantage to the New Bloodline. The heels battered the four babyfaces and they locked the door with a chain. Roman was the last to be released and he couldn’t get in the door. He decided instead to climb the cage as the five heels watched. When he got to the top, Reed went after him, but Reigns knocked him off and he crotched the top rope. Solo met Reigns on the top rope and bashed him into the cage. Reigns leaped onto the crowd below.

With all ten in, Cole said the match officially began. Reigns and Punk had a staredown. Heyman walked out in a regular suit and red tie. He yelled through the cage and insisted they work together so they could win. Each team of five stood in opposite rings. Then they paired off and fought. The Usos landed a stereo splash. Reigns ducked a Solo Spike and then went for a spear, but he speared Punk. (What’re the odds!?!) Solo then gave Reigns a Samoan Spike for a near fall.

Solo and Reed set up a table. Reigns gave Fatu a low blow and then speared Solo. Reed superkicked Reigns and put him on the table. Reed climbed to the top of the cage and stood on the platform and held onto the chain and then leaped off with a Tusunami. Punk, though, at the last second pulled Reigns away and Reed crashed through the table. A loud “C.M. Punk!” chant rang out for 15 seconds. Reigns stood up and offered his hand to Punk. Punk grabbed it. As Reigns pulled him up, Fatu attacked Reigns. Reigns landed a Superman Punch in response. Solo hit a Solo Spike. The Usos hit Solo with a double superkick. The Usos gave their 1D finisher to Fatu at 36:00.

Jey set up a table. Jey put Fatu on the table. Loa and Tama interened. Sami gave Tama a Blue Thunder Bomb. Jey then looked down at Fatu from the top rope, but then decided to climb to the top of the cage. Everyone else was down selling during this time. Jimmy leaped and landed the Uso Splash. Sami didn’t go for the cover, but instead helped the Usos stand. Fans chanted, “This is awesome!” They moved into the other ring. Sami helped Punk up. Jey told Jimmy, “Let’s finish this shit.” Solo stood and he was surrounded. Fans chanted, “You f—ed up!” Reigns had some words for Solo as he stepped toward him. Solo started a Solo Spike, but he got superkicked by the Usos and then Sami delivered a Helluva Kick. Punk gave Solo a GTS. Reigns let out a yell and speared Solo and scored a three count.

Sami, the Usos, Reigns, and Punk lingered in victory. As Punk walked toward Reigns, they cut to replays of key moments in the match. Back live, Sami told Roman that they won the match with Punk on their side. “That’s all I’m saying,” he said. Punk and Reigns looked at each other. Reigns offered a handshake. Punk took a second and then shook his hand. They all raised their arms.

Punk went to ringside and hugged Heyman. He said when he wants his favor, he’ll come ask. Heyman said, “It’s yours.” Heyman hugged the others as they left. Reigns then walked down the steps and put his hand up against the side of Heyman’s head briefly. Heyman looked relieved and happy as Reigns then walked away.

WINNERS: The OG Bloodline in 39:00.

(While there were some big spots, most of the drama was around the order of who entered and the tension with Reigns and Punk. Overall, on the lower side of news, but that’s fine because they have a plan obviously and now wasn’t the time to move it forward.)


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
tits jericho vs zack ryder for the ROH World title at Final Battle?

god damn, just shut it down


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Jade Cargill still sucks and I'm kind of liking how Bianca Belair has done a that doesn't work for me brother on her.

Also Tony Khan should just burn his money.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
As we close out 2024 lets look back at some of the wrestlers we lost this year;
* Sid Vicious aged 63
* Ole Anderson, aged 81
* Virgil, aged 72.
* Wild Samoan Afa, aged 80
* Wild Samoan Sika, aged 79
* Kevin Sullivan, aged 74
* Paul "The Butcher" Vachon, aged 86
* Akebono, Sumo Champion and he faced the Big Show at Wrestlemania 21, aged 54
* "Ice Train" Harold Hogue, aged 58
* Rey Misterio Sr., uncle of WWE's Rey Mysterio, aged 66
* The "Macedonian Madman" Chris Markoff, aged 85
* Former NWA Champion Jax Dane, aged 48
Others lost this year include; Liger Rivera, James Castle, Scott Henson, Tony Jones, Asahi, Francisco Ciatso, Bad Bones, Villano V and Yutaka Yoshie.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
4 matches, three hours. Terry booed like the dumpster fire he is, guess we're getting piss bottle/Reigns and Cena/Rhodes at WM, but Gunther/Punk (and or maybe goddamn Logan Paul) and then Brakker vs, shit, anyone, just get to Brakker/Gunther pls), too many commas pal...

Show was good enough. Gunther and Bron and Rhea are where their RAW money is.

Who gets to carry Rock's Vas bottle when he jobs to Roman at WM? ( It's Gewirtz, sorry that's easy.)
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Zero chance of me ever watching WWE weekly TV again now that both main shows are going to three hours full time.

Not that I'm missing anything. Trotting out Hulk fucking Hogan pretty much shows you what this company is about now. Won't be long before Trump is showing up at every PPV event and they all become de facto Trump rallies like every recent UFC PPV has degenerated into.
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Well, AEW did sell out their last show on TV: :tickled:

Attendance: WrestleTix reported before showtime that 1,573 tickets had been distributed out of 1,579 available, so essentially a sellout. While the arena has a capacity of 4,500 spectators when configured for concerts, some of those would have obstructed views with a ring centered on the floor.