Ninja Gaiden II for NeoGeo


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Dont worry, i remind him all the time about it. Lol

He says someday it will be dumped.

Shou knows what hes doing, he will get it when the time is right.

Now is a good time.


Galford's Armourer
Jan 20, 2006
Oh God dammit. If it went as far as having location tests, it means that at least at one point it must've been completed, or at least partially so. So frustrating we were SO CLOSE to getting it. GAH!

Well then it was definitely at least playable at one point. This is going to drive some people mad.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
This is so frustrating! If the enemies dealt too much damage, isn't that easy to fix? There must have been more to the story. Maybe they mean the enemies were too aggressive, requiring further reprogramming of the AI.

I'm guessing it's a pacing issue like Sengoku 3 where the henchmen take too long to die. It's an easy fix to make it flow better.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
Guys at this point, don't even bother saying you will chip in $$$ for it as it's not about the money...there are other variables at work here.
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Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 18, 2004
what better place than here?
what better time than now?

I can't agree more. I'd love to play this game, and I'm sure those who worked so hard on it would love for it to be out there. I would love to at least see a YouTube playthrough of it just to see what it was like.


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Oct 9, 2012
what better place than here?
what better time than now?

I can't agree more. I'd love to play this game, and I'm sure those who worked so hard on it would love for it to be out there. I would love to at least see a YouTube playthrough of it just to see what it was like.

I think what xsq means is...



Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 18, 2004
Dont worry, i remind him all the time about it. Lol

He says someday it will be dumped.

Shou knows what hes doing, he will get it when the time is right.

If you speak to Shou can you ask him if he's dumped Galaxy Force (not part ll), Vertexer, and Warlocks of the Fates? And if so, would he be willing to upload a playthrough on YouTube if not releasing the ROMs? Dying to at least see a good quality video of these games.Thank you.


Marked Wolf
Jun 17, 2014
This certainly is amazing to see, but I'm not optimistic that we'll ever see this released. It is rather frustrating to think about the other unreleased prototypes that are being kept under wraps for various reasons, especially with collectors unwilling to dump the Roms.


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Oct 9, 2012
I've heard if we harass the owners of said games endlessly, they will indeed dump the roms and release them for free. They just need to know how selfish they are being.


Marked Wolf
Jun 17, 2014
Sure... Give me a list of names, I have a few severed cat heads I can put in a boxes and place on doorsteps. Let em know we mean business..


Morden's Lackey
Mar 1, 2005
It's great to hear this news. If someone can arrange continues to be complete, I will be one who donate to make it success :)

I thought it has people who can do this project :)

Very nice !!


SouthTown StreetSweeper
10 Year Member
Apr 28, 2010
so, what's up?

shoutime is such a stressed man that is not able to get some time to dump such an important game for the neogeo community? or sell the dump or whatever? ;)

Talking in a general way, why people with unreleased dumps don't make a crowdfunding to get a lot of money for the dump? i know, maybe is not a money question, but everytime we talk about unreleased games we can not understand why some people get them for themselves and they don't care about a big amount of money, let alone they would still be able to play the game and to be the first person they had it, and more important, the worldwide public gratefulness and recognition. The community would love them, media would talk wonders 'bout them. They would enter in gaming history, even in books. The satisfaction of a well done job. Games are meant to be played. Not to be "frozen data in a hard disk". Their creators would love to see them being enjoyed, is the final goal of a game.

Or if they prefer to be hidden in their own cave and remain private and lonely wolf, they would have big bucks.

i still don't get the way some people act, or better said, don't act.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I understand how the copyright holders might take issue with using one of the crowdfunding sites. But this community is tight enough where a trusted member could just collect paypal paymemts for the release.


Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
so, what's up?

shoutime is such a stressed man that is not able to get some time to dump such an important game for the neogeo community? or sell the dump or whatever? ;)

Talking in a general way, why people with unreleased dumps don't make a crowdfunding to get a lot of money for the dump? i know, maybe is not a money question, but everytime we talk about unreleased games we can not understand why some people get them for themselves and they don't care about a big amount of money, let alone they would still be able to play the game and to be the first person they had it, and more important, the worldwide public gratefulness and recognition. The community would love them, media would talk wonders 'bout them. They would enter in gaming history, even in books. The satisfaction of a well done job. Games are meant to be played. Not to be "frozen data in a hard disk". Their creators would love to see them being enjoyed, is the final goal of a game.

Or if they prefer to be hidden in their own cave and remain private and lonely wolf, they would have big bucks.

i still don't get the way some people act, or better said, don't act.

Its not about money, and its not in anyone's possession yet. From what I understand there isnt even a cart. Its source code that would need to be compiled.

When unreleased games or protos are "hoarded" or kept from the public. Its usually so it can be used as trade bait for some other protos. Not saying there arn't hoarders out there who just want to stroke their ego, but so many people have this need for instant gratification. Not thinking about the bigger picture.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
When unreleased games or protos are "hoarded" or kept from the public. Its usually so it can be used as trade bait for some other protos. . . Not thinking about the bigger picture.

Sounds like a game that will always end in a stalemate.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
Amazing how its almost 30 years old and were atill discovering shit about the Neo. This system is crazy.


SouthTown StreetSweeper
10 Year Member
Apr 28, 2010
Oh hey distropia - you been gone for some time! How are you man?
Oh, hi mate! I've had a baby and is *the* time-consuming task. Now she's at primary school, i come back to the scene, at last! ;)

I remember the times when an unreleased game appeared eventually. BangBangBusters, Ironclad, the promise never accomplished of Treasure Of The Caribbean. Lately things are stalled in that sense. I can barely guess what will be the hopes of a high end collector. Years pass, nothing new, no goals to reach as you have everything even the unreleased... what now?

Even NGDevTeam metalsluggish game is getting a life to see the light.
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