Nicotine? Pouches, lozenges, etc. What say you?


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Or, are you still a smoker? What's your poison? I've recently started with lozenges:

Love these damn things. But my wife bought me some pouches to try out I haven't had yet.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
I smoke mid tier hand rolled cigars semi-regularly. Rockys, Olivas, stuff like that. I enjoy maintaining a humidor, the rituals, relaxation and focus.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Wish the packs would still look the same here. They print disgusting stuff on them for years in the EU. Doesn't help to quit either.
Kudos for the good old silver Zippo.

Oh man, I've seen some of those - crazy. I'm sure the US will not be far behind with that garbage. Smoking just doesn't agree with me at this age.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Peter Stokkabye Danish Export tobacco. Super high quality, clean and less than buying regular packs.

Watch out for those nicotine pouches, they’re super potent and addictive. Plus mostly associated with dude bro douche bags.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Peter Stokkabye Danish Export tobacco. Super high quality, clean and less than buying regular packs.

Watch out for those nicotine pouches, they’re super potent and addictive. Plus mostly associated with dude bro douche bags.

Man the lozenges I've been using are 6mg (breaking them in half), and I'm probably at about 12-15mg a day now. I can totally see how these are super addictive. But I do like having them right before I need to lock in on work or something.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I went from pack a day, to vaporizer, to cherry nicotine lozenges. I actually like the lozenges the best. I keep a bottle around in case I drink and get the urge. I got drunk once after having quit for nearly 10 years, and was addicted for like a year after that. Had to quit all over again.


Camel Slug
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
Vaping has been effectively killed in my state at the end of the month, legislature passed so that only FDA approved vapes can be sold after December 31st. Between disposable vapes and Zyn/On I've managed to cut down tremendously on how much I smoke. Unfortunate that when I finally found a flavor and brand that I could actually use instead of a cigarette they decide to outlaw them.

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Vaping has been effectively killed in my state at the end of the month, legislature passed so that only FDA approved vapes can be sold after December 31st. Between disposable vapes and Zyn/On I've managed to cut down tremendously on how much I smoke. Unfortunate that when I finally found a flavor and brand that I could actually use instead of a cigarette they decide to outlaw them.
Dude, im sure the internet can easily supply you. Coke comes through the mail. Why the fuck not flavored nicotine from a few states over?


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Vaping has been effectively killed in my state at the end of the month, legislature passed so that only FDA approved vapes can be sold after December 31st. Between disposable vapes and Zyn/On I've managed to cut down tremendously on how much I smoke. Unfortunate that when I finally found a flavor and brand that I could actually use instead of a cigarette they decide to outlaw them.
That happened here but all the stores still seem to have a ton, not sure exactly what’s going on or what the loopholes are.

I‘ve tried vaping a few times but it’s never stuck, even had a couple rigs. Closest one that worked was just a JUUL but I ended up using it way more than actually smoking since it was so convenient and you can do it indoors.


Psycho Soldier
20 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Dude, im sure the internet can easily supply you. Coke comes through the mail. Why the fuck not flavored nicotine from a few states over?
Not really. Websites are notified in some way and refuse to ship to certain states. I found it harder to order nicotine through the mail than pot seeds from NA and Europe. This is when it was illegal to grow marijuana in Ohio. It's kinda ridiculous.

Big tobacco is working hard to make sure they get all the munny and keep people addicted to tobacco.

I am speaking specifically about flavored nicotine such as menthol or flavored vape products.


Camel Slug
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
Dude, im sure the internet can easily supply you. Coke comes through the mail. Why the fuck not flavored nicotine from a few states over?

Online retailers won't ship to states or cities/counties that have banned it, the list of places that have banned it is pretty long. Also federal law prohibits using the Postal Service for delivery of vape products, and technically other carriers like Fed Ex or UPS aren't supposed to either. Most reputable online places aren't going to jeopardize their entire business over some fag like me ordering a box of creamsicle disposables.

After January 1st all that can be sold here are FDA approved products. What's an FDA approved vape? A tobacco-only flavored disposable that just ironically are all manufactured by one of the big four tobacco companies. It has zero to do with children's health and all to do with political grift, lobbying, and corporate vampirism. States get paid over $100,000,000 annually every year as part of the Master Settlement Agreement (from back when states sued tobacco companies on behalf of their Medicare programs back in the 90's). Their operating budgets are based on getting this cash every year, but the cash is dependent on tobacco sales. Vapes and other products are eating into their bottom line, which is reducing the states' payoffs as well, so we can't have that happening.

Why did those annoying "Truth" anti-smoking ads suddenly pivot 180 and immediately change to anti-vaping as soon as the government classified vapes as a nicotine delivery device? Because tobacco companies are who funds those Truth ads, courtesy of the Master Settlement Agreement.


Hardened Shock Trooper
Noob of the Year
Dec 23, 2023
I've quit several times over the years but the last time seemed to really take, to the point where I can hang out with an old smoker friend once in awhile, drink and smoke all night and not crave one the next day. Used to be the kiss of death for me, not sure what happened there.

These days I just enjoy smoking the occasional cigar but toward the end of my smoking career I would buy big bags of pipe cut tobacco, This Daughters and Ryan Perique blend was my favorite. It was distinct and strong. American Spirit had a Perique blend but I didn't care for it.



I'm gunna nut!
20 Year Member
10 Year Member
15 Year Member
1 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Regular cigarettes, those heated tobacco things when I'm in Japan (IQOS, Plume etc), usually when on holiday. I'm pretty weak at the knees for a smoke if I'm out drinking though but can take it or leave it.

$70aud for a pack of Marlboro's is one hell of an incentive, no wonder everyones smoking under the counter chinese 'Double Happiness' here :keke:


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
$70aud for a pack of Marlboro's is one hell of an incentive
Holy fuck. I knew they were expensive there but god damn.

That‘s what I pay for a carton (10 packs) worth of tobacco and tubes.


I'm gunna nut!
20 Year Member
10 Year Member
15 Year Member
1 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Holy fuck. I knew they were expensive there but god damn.

That‘s what I pay for a carton (10 packs) worth of tobacco and tubes.
Don't I know it, this is legit the worst country in the world if you like tobacco. They'd rather gangs firebomb each others dodgy tobacco stores every week than lower prices lol I swear the government makes money out of this somehow, why else risk creating black markets out of legal products.