Dude, im sure the internet can easily supply you. Coke comes through the mail. Why the fuck not flavored nicotine from a few states over?
Online retailers won't ship to states or cities/counties that have banned it, the list of places that have banned it is pretty long. Also federal law prohibits using the Postal Service for delivery of vape products, and technically other carriers like Fed Ex or UPS aren't supposed to either. Most reputable online places aren't going to jeopardize their entire business over some fag like me ordering a box of creamsicle disposables.
After January 1st all that can be sold here are FDA approved products. What's an FDA approved vape? A tobacco-only flavored disposable that just ironically are all manufactured by one of the big four tobacco companies. It has zero to do with children's health and all to do with political grift, lobbying, and corporate vampirism. States get paid over $100,000,000 annually every year as part of the Master Settlement Agreement (from back when states sued tobacco companies on behalf of their Medicare programs back in the 90's). Their operating budgets are based on getting this cash every year, but the cash is dependent on tobacco sales. Vapes and other products are eating into their bottom line, which is reducing the states' payoffs as well, so we can't have that happening.
Why did those annoying "Truth" anti-smoking ads suddenly pivot 180 and immediately change to anti-vaping as soon as the government classified vapes as a nicotine delivery device? Because tobacco companies are who funds those Truth ads, courtesy of the Master Settlement Agreement.