NGF: The Definitive Poll

How do you feel about NGF?

  • Total voters


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Soilwork, I'll just have to agree to disagree with you on this. I think if you take it for what it was back in the day, as a stunt, it's not the end of the world. I suppose there is a bunch of Fender guiter fans out there on a forum somewhere who moan and complain everytime a band smashs up their equipment after a gig too. Rabid fans witnessing the destruction of their fantasy is never a good mix. :D

Nobody is saying it's the end of the world. People are just saying they don't like it, and are citing it as just one of the reasons they don't like the duo.

Most people don't really care when a band smashes up some beater guitar they're playing for the night, anyway.

But, yeah, agree to disagree.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
You have any close friends that were super sweet that died too young? Lemme know, I wanna tell you about him or her... something horrible.

Because, I'm sure you will be fine with that... right? No, you wouldn't be? Well, now you've got me REALLY confused.

I have lost friends at a young age and yeah it sucked. Im sorry for your loss.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
I have lost friends at a young age and yeah it sucked. Im sorry for your loss.

What if Dion was there before they died, and made fun of it. Not behind their back, but to their face? You have to understand why a great many of us hate those dick holes. Sorry for your loss to prove a point, but I feel it's a point that is unforgivable. :(


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
What if Dion was there before they died, and made fun of it. Not behind their back, but to their face? You have to understand why a great many of us hate those dick holes. Sorry for your loss to prove a point, but I feel it's a point that is unforgivable. :(

It's a CUNT act no doubt about it but I too said some deplorable shit to people when I was younger too. I reget a lot of what I said and did but people do get older, wiser etc.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
The voting is already drastically different from the previous poll.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Not voting is the "I don't give a shit" third option.

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
You'll never keep all your customers happy (especially when it comes to a hobby like the neo) and 1 upset customer can drown out the many happy ones easily.

[sarcasm]I know, right? 'Cause we all know how funny dying young from cystic fibrosis is. It's amazing anyone took offense to that. Some people just can't take a joke.[/sarcasm]


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
for all this noob talk and not feeling like you should vote-

Im newer than most. Im caught up on the history. but since i wasn't there for it here is why i dont like them since i've been here:

its how they carry themselves. Everything they say is talking down to you. they are never wrong and if you disagree, even politely, you are never right. its all about tooting their own horns and sticking their noses in the air at you. I just watched Dion admit to paypal fraud and think that it was ok the other day in chat (and i have the transcripts). Its those ridiculous sigs at the bottom with the top 5 scammers and 4 and 5 being 'exonerated'. who exonerated them? they did. you dont exonerate yourself! others do! i still dont see how they could even say something so dumb. they feed on the negative energy they get. they are just worthless and do not add anything of value to this community.

did you see the Kilimanjaro video? they fucking freaked the sign! so vandalism and on top of that Kilimanjaro is now worthless.

cocky pricks.

(couldn't find the right video, but cock rocket also fits).

Not voting is the "I don't give a shit" third option.



Over Top Auto Mechanic
10 Year Member
Oct 19, 2008
for all this noob talk and not feeling like you should vote-

Im newer than most. Im caught up on the history. but since i wasn't there for it here is why i dont like them since i've been here:

its how they carry themselves. Everything they say is talking down to you. they are never wrong and if you disagree, even politely, you are never right. its all about tooting their own horns and sticking their noses in the air at you. I just watched Dion admit to paypal fraud and think that it was ok the other day in chat (and i have the transcripts). Its those ridiculous sigs at the bottom with the top 5 scammers and 4 and 5 being 'exonerated'. who exonerated them? they did. you dont exonerate yourself! others do! i still dont see how they could even say something so dumb. they feed on the negative energy they get. they are just worthless and do not add anything of value to this community.

did you see the Kilimanjaro video? they fucking freaked the sign! so vandalism and on top of that Kilimanjaro is now worthless.


Do you have the link for the video?


Over Top Auto Mechanic
10 Year Member
Oct 19, 2008
not for the exact part i want. thats why i said 'i couldnt find the right video, but cock rocket also fits'

Man in these days, we better start backing up all these videos/pics / posts from the neogeo forums.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I've only been on these forums since 2001, but I used to chat with Bonuskun and Jigen way before that, so I'm pretty familiar with what was going on back then.

That was a long time ago. I'm a big "forgive and forget" kind of guy. They did a lot of things I don't particularly care for back in the day, especially concerning Clint, but that was a long time ago. That being said, I do believe both Dion and Chris could be huge assets to the Neo community at large if they put the past behind them and contributed to the community as a whole. It would be a rocky road for sure, but I do honestly think they have a lot to offer.

That being said, the douchebaggery I've seen coming from NGF is the same shit that I used to read all those years ago when I first entered the scene, and it doesn't look like they've changed a bit. The arrogance and spinning half truths (or outright lies) into self serving bullshit is what bothers me the most.

I don't mean that as an attack on either Dion or Chris, just my observations and feelings. I'd personally prefer for NGF to lose the narcissism, apologize for the past, and move forward from there, I just don't see that happening.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
I do believe both Dion and Chris could be huge assets to the Neo community at large if they put the past behind them and contributed to the community as a whole. It would be a rocky road for sure, but I do honestly think they have a lot to offer.

That being said, the douchebaggery I've seen coming from NGF is the same shit that I used to read all those years ago when I first entered the scene, and it doesn't look like they've changed a bit. The arrogance and spinning half truths (or outright lies) into self serving bullshit is what bothers me the most.

I don't mean that as an attack on either Dion or Chris, just my observations and feelings. I'd personally prefer for NGF to lose the narcissism, apologize for the past, and move forward from there, I just don't see that happening.

The best thing NGF could do for the community is dump what ever licenses they still have to a legitimate company, take down their geo-cities style website, sell off the remaining SNK stock, footage, artwork whatever, and disappear from gaming forums for good.

Seriously, RETIRE already.

Its like Dion is holding all this SNK shwag hostage, come take pictures with dion and chris, see our cell animation/insert film collection, pretend you like us so you can see our SNK crap or this stuff will never see the light of day again.

Its sad.
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
10 Year Member
Feb 5, 2010
At the prices of what their ebay listings are, I doubt that their remaining SNK stuff would be sold anytime soon.


Gai's Trainer
10 Year Member
Mar 6, 2012
I am hoping NGF are reading this thread and learning a few things about their community perception. Perception is everything.

They need to work hard to turn it around.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2009
I voted to like them, I've always enjoyed some of the insight Chris has provided. Like a Michael Moore documentary; I don't have to like his message to appreciate the information he provides.

I feel they have a lot to contribute behind the wall of schtick and with more positive contributions they could be a real asset, but I'm also a realist.
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Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Do they have a lot to offer? Oh yes, yes they do. Do they actually offer it? Fuck no. Saying that they COULD offer something is like saying who would win in a fight: Ali or Tyson. Just like that argument, it's simply not going to happen, so why bother talking about it.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
$1000 metal slug neo geo cd.

that is all i have to say about that.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I am hoping NGF are reading this thread and learning a few things about their community perception. Perception is everything.

They need to work hard to turn it around.

High hopes, but the reality is that they don't care about perception. At one point Dion said, long ago, that there's no bad advertising. To be talked about is to be thought about. And so all this discussion is good for them, even if it's negative. New people see the talk, they look and see the pics of treasures, and they send emails asking how much, how did you get that, and can I be your friend.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Fat chance anyone around here would willingly agree to ignoring NGF. :lolz:


Hardened Shock Trooper
Jul 16, 2003
I voted for liking them but it is questionable. It's not like I know them in real life. I have talked to Dion once or twice on the phone. I had one or two deals with him. One that I could have came out way ahead on if I could have lived with it, expecially with values being what they are today,

They had KOF 2001 one listed on their site for sale for some amount less than the Neostore, I thnk like $100 less. For all I knew one of them bought it and just didn't like it. I contacted Dion and bought it. A couple of days later I received a US KOF 2000. Better game, much higher value today... Anyway, I emailed Dion about the mistake and he said he wasn't worried, just pay him $300 sometime to cover the rest of what it was worth. Now, 10 or more years have past and the emails and accounts are gone from lack of use. People definitely informed me that I didn't owe Dion anything, just keep the game. Imagine having kept that game I spent $200 on a shelf until now... Anyway, principle of it and not wanting to pay another $300 toward a game I had played a lot already... Also being honest enough that I would have felt like a thief to keep it... I arranged to send it back and exchange it for something else. Which Dion did come through on.

In reflection, Dion basically handed at least a couple thousand dollars when he sent, me the KOF 2000. I'm not sure he knew it. They surely weren't selling that high back in 2002 or so.

My story wasn't really a story about being scammed or stolen from... I suppose I was inconvenienced a bit at the time. NGF was listing SNKP games for sale that they didn't have.

I shot Dion a cordial email after recent return post. Either he didn't remember the deal, wasn't going to talk about it, or that wasn't Dion that answered me.

I haven't had an actual Neo since around 2005 or so. It was fun. This site has been interesting to follow.

KOF 13 is fantastic. Any of you guys pick it up with the soundtrack? /thread derail.