Graphic Design for an Imaginary MVS NG/arcade console

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Apr 12, 2020
Did these a fair bit back, as branding for five case designs:

Screen Shot 2020-05-24 at 7.53.15 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2020-05-24 at 7.54.26 PM.jpg

Apart from some 3D noodling, I haven't much else to show yet. Been busy.

Apr 12, 2020
Since I don't have precise measurements, slot positions on a 6-slot MVS case are provisional:Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 4.17.27 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 4.11.23 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 4.11.10 PM.jpg

I think this approaches the overall design language I'm pursuing.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I don't get why it goes 1 2 4 6.

You're not supposed to show something unless you've done something.

Don't tell us you're going to make a console, just make it and then you can tell us

Apr 12, 2020
I don't get why it goes 1 2 4 6.

Number of slots on MVS PCBs.

You're not supposed to show something unless you've done something.

Design is doing.

Don't tell us you're going to make a console, just make it and then you can tell us

I recall I said I was going to design one, not make one.

If someone wants to front me measurements, the making becomes actually feasible, but that would be a minimum first step. Otherwise, this is what I do.


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
Waste of space, put another 6 slot on the back and the unit on a motorized lazy Susan.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Scott, Where's the fuckin wife pics already?


Sieger's Squire
Jun 24, 2009
You didn't create shit. Others are out there making bad ass consolized systems. You made a render of a toaster.

Apr 12, 2020
Doooooooo I really need to recap things I've said here? Nobody else seems to be doing it, but when in the neo geo forums ... ok:

My name is Scott.
  • I am an artist and a designer.
  • I am here to learn about the Neo Geo.
  • I am designing some cases for MVS PCBs.
  • I do not own any Neo Geo hardware at this time, though this may change.
  • I have never encountered the hardware in the real world, and have only recently played some of the games in emulation.
  • I have little to no interest in the AES; it's not an arcade machine.
  • I live in Alaska, but have lived all over the world.
  • Designing is doing.
  • I am also interested in vintage UNIX hardware, evolutionary biology, evo-devo, tabletop, and social media site development, but that's not important.
  • My wife is none of your business. She's cool. You are not.
  • A statement of fact cannot be insolent.

Incidentally, if anyone who has the materials wants to make something I've designed, I'd love to see photos of the work-in-progress.

Meanwhile, I am limited as to what I can actually make myself. Apparently, MVS PCBs don't grow on trees—not up here anyway—and I lack some key ingredients.

You didn't create shit. Others are out there making bad ass consolized systems. You made a render of a toaster.

1. Really? Which is your favorite? We can talk about them instead if you like. Would putting you at the center of the conversation be more to your liking?

2. It's a screenshot, not a render. If it were a render I'd have used shaders and not used a screenshot.

3. It's an update of what I'm working on, not a promise, not a product, not something you can buy, but you could make it yourself if you chose to. And indeed, if you own any of the hardware, you would be ahead in the process, as I have only been able to receive a limited amount of information here.

Otherwise, your objection appears whiny and entitled to me. I think the best benefit to ignoring me may be for your blood pressure.


Sieger's Squire
Jun 24, 2009
Damn dude. You're bad ass. I have commissioned 2 consolized systems. The guy making them has amazing talent and I'll share them when they are ready.

They are not Neo Geo related so I won't be posting them in this section of the forum. Kinda like you shouldn't have posted your toaster here. There is a creative section you should visit.

P.S What's up with these wife pics? She got a fansonly?

Apr 12, 2020
Damn dude. You're bad ass. I have commissioned 2 consolized systems. The guy making them has amazing talent and I'll share them when they are ready.

I've shit in -40 weather. I guarantee none of you people will ever have anything on that.

Anyway, I genuinely would look forward to seeing them. (Does tagging work here? Do user tags get passed into notifications? If so, tag me.)

They are not Neo Geo related so I won't be posting them in this section of the forum. Kinda like you shouldn't have posted your toaster here. There is a creative section you should visit.

Again: it is Neo Geo related. The cases are meant to house MVS PCBs.

For very specific reasons I would not consider it fan art. Design functions on a practically informed basis. Do you know what the box in the wireframe in the first screenshot is? That bit of geometry has the same dimensions as a MV-6F PCB: 470 x 380 x 60.

P.S What's up with these wife pics? She got a fansonly?

I don't apologize for having an objectively awesome wife.

So, are we all picking up what I'm putting down yet? I can do another recap if needed.


Sieger's Squire
Jun 24, 2009
I've never seen a tagging feature, but I can PM you when the systems are ready. I'll probably post them in the arcade section.

I'm not calling what you're doing fan art. There is a ton of cool practical shit in that section. Maybe someone will be inspired to bring your really sharp really heavy console to life.

Apr 12, 2020
I've never seen a tagging feature, but I can PM you when the systems are ready. I'll probably post them in the arcade section.

I'm not calling what you're doing fan art. There is a ton of cool practical shit in that section. Maybe someone will be inspired to bring your really sharp really heavy console to life.

I'll check it out.

I do want to say I'm also not necessarily opposed to that being me as well—I'd really like to learn to weld, and this would be a good reason to learn.

I just need more information before I can go much further and get tangible. Stainless steel is costly and really difficult to work.

But I think it would be worthwhile. It has a gorgeous look. (Maybe I should work on some shaders, show what that might look like. I did some for aluminum once, in Maya, years back. Steel would probably similar.)

max 330 mega

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Just wanted to say, having spent 5 months working on a tug boat on the Yukon River, there are no neo geos out there. Just drunk villagers and bears. The bears were probably drunk too.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
i am now subscribed to this thread. please let me know when pre-order is available. i'm willing to pay in advance and wait over 5 years. limited updates throughout the process, is okay.
Last edited:

Dr. Meat

NEST Puppet
10 Year Member
Aug 19, 2012
I'll check it out.

I do want to say I'm also not necessarily opposed to that being me as well—I'd really like to learn to weld, and this would be a good reason to learn.

I just need more information before I can go much further and get tangible. Stainless steel is costly and really difficult to work.

But I think it would be worthwhile. It has a gorgeous look. (Maybe I should work on some shaders, show what that might look like. I did some for aluminum once, in Maya, years back. Steel would probably similar.)

Maybe you should go to the garage and actually cut some material. Your 3D doodles don't make sense from a material standpoint. If you want to make something learn to make them then design for your materials and skillset. Dumping in the cold isn't doing anything to advance your abilities.

Then why not post this... in the Creative section?

Also this. Probably intimidating because there's people who've actually made things there.

Apr 12, 2020
Maybe you should go to the garage and actually cut some material. Your 3D doodles don't make sense from a material standpoint. If you want to make something learn to make them then design for your materials and skillset. Dumping in the cold isn't doing anything to advance your abilities.

That means dealing with your crap is relatively trivial. It was just an insult, no offense was intended.

I thought I was clear about what I needed, but let me unpack that more:

  1. Working this material is unfamiliar to me. And it is difficult and EXPENSIVE. Therefore I will require better info than I currently have, if I want to proceed. Precision isn't just ideal, it's the minimum needed to proceed.

    From an absolutely practical standpoint, I can't proceed without better information. My process demands a paper/digital approach, which means I'm not going to touch an acetylene torch or my wallet until I know exactly where I'm going.

  2. I cannot just "go to the garage and cut some material" — stainless steel isn't wood. I have no shop gear for cutting metal at this scale, which means I am obliged to pay for shop time to get it done, which leads us back to 1.

    Now, could I do this in wood? Yes. Am I? No. (See design notes above for details.)

  3. This is part of a larger process. And I'm sharing. Is that a problem? Now, is that my problem?

    Your challenge to me is uninformed and slightly frustrating because "just go do it" misses the fact there's often a process involved, and that I need to start somewhere. Some of you appear to find that personally irritating, which, frankly, is bizarre, unless you are exclusively used to having things handed to you whole and complete without any trace of sweat on it. I wish I lived in that world, but I generally have to start somewhere.

    Again, I am here to learn about the Neo Geo.

  4. I also never promised to make this for another reason: the cost. The price of steel isn't cheap or trivial, but if this is something others are better suited or prepared for, they should go for it.

    I won't promise to make anything if it turns out I can't afford to make it.

Also this. Probably intimidating because there's people who've actually made things there.

Or I deemed it less appropriate, given that:

Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 12.10.54 PM.jpg

If I were making fan art, I probably would have posted it there. But this isn't fan art, as I said above.

Also, as I have stated, the fact that I have minimal to no prior experience with your hobby should suggest something about the concept of "fan" and my status thereof.

There are things I'm definitely a fan of. The Neo Geo hasn't been one of them—because my experience differed from yours. To me it's indistinguishable from most other forms of arcade entertainment, which itself was limited because of my own upbringing.

It was mere light and noise from an expensive, darkened room. At the time when it was new, I was just not interested in it, partly because I was "playing" with big iron and doing cutting edge stuff with 3D graphics. (And not to put too fine a point on it, I was staring at a CRT for 10+ hours a day—coming home usually meant I wanted to do other things instead.)

And, paradoxically, I was too old for that sort of entertainment. Had I participated then, it would not have held my attention.

But something happened: I got even older, and the old 2D artistry of electronic entertainment had mystery and appeal.

Any pics of Maya?

You're in luck.
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