Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves


A Great Place to Store Your Dildo Collection
Jul 15, 2015
Deluxe editions are for suckers anyway. If you have xbox, you can still by a standard physical or digital copy. And you know that whatever "exclusive" game-related content is in the deluxe edition will be made available via some digital download eventually anyway. They won't leave that extra money on the table. So all you're missing out on with the deluxe release is a bunch of goob shit like a tin and art book. You'll look at it once, and then it'll take up space and collect dust.


Genbu's Turtle Keeper
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Deluxe editions are for suckers anyway. If you have xbox, you can still by a standard physical or digital copy. And you know that whatever "exclusive" game-related content is in the deluxe edition will be made available via some digital download eventually anyway. They won't leave that extra money on the table. So all you're missing out on with the deluxe release is a bunch of goob shit like a tin and art book. You'll look at it once, and then it'll take up space and collect dust.
The irony in this post lmfao

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
lol it's dead bro why don't you own a 5
Well, it's going to be dead with that attitude. It's still a valid platform where many game. Many of you have abandoned your Xbox accounts from back in the 360 days and earlier, but mine's still going.

I think opening the platform up to PC's is where they went wrong. Sure, the Xbox One generation didn't go the best, but there were still many popular exclusive franchises that could have kept people coming back if they had remained exclusive. The Series X is a well-designed system with a snappy, easy to use UI.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
I want deluxe special ultra trinket edition for Switch, tho. Where does that leave me?

South of Southtown, that’s where.

They don’t care about what I, or any other Rick Stroud fan want.


…and boy, are we worse off for it. Never missed Ben Herman and Playmore so much in my LIFE.



Science will find a way!,
20 Year Member
Mar 4, 2001
I’m back on the PC train. I went all out for my last PC and I can’t wait for this to drop so kids half my age can curbstomp me. :) I need to build another fight stick.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Well, it's going to be dead with that attitude. It's still a valid platform where many game. Many of you have abandoned your Xbox accounts from back in the 360 days and earlier, but mine's still going.

I think opening the platform up to PC's is where they went wrong. Sure, the Xbox One generation didn't go the best, but there were still many popular exclusive franchises that could have kept people coming back if they had remained exclusive. The Series X is a well-designed system with a snappy, easy to use UI.
lol Xbox


Amano's Drinking Buddy
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I think opening the platform up to PC's is where they went wrong. Sure, the Xbox One generation didn't go the best, but there were still many popular exclusive franchises that could have kept people coming back if they had remained exclusive. The Series X is a well-designed system with a snappy, easy to use UI.
Couldn't the same be said these days for the PS5, though? Despite having many excellent exclusives, third-party publishers like Square aren't seeing an ROI for keeping their biggest titles locked to PS5 either in the short or long term and even Sony has been trickling out their exclusive games on PC for the last few years with some games like Ghost of Tsushima seeing a HUGE boost in sales and popularity.

The modern gaming landscape is less about platform exclusivity and more about just choosing the platform you like the best and playing all of your games on it. This paradigm shift also has the added benefit of cross-play, which has been an absolute boon for any 2 or more player online game, including fighting games.

I'm glad the era of exclusivity is more or less at an end. I mean, if MS really wanted to, they could relaunch the Xbox with their army of huge publishers like Zenimax and Activision, and keep every single game exclusive to their platform, but they realize that in 2025 that would mean a very quick death to their gaming brand.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Couldn't the same be said these days for the PS5, though? Despite having many excellent exclusives, third-party publishers like Square aren't seeing an ROI for keeping their biggest titles locked to PS5 either in the short or long term and even Sony has been trickling out their exclusive games on PC for the last few years with some games like Ghost of Tsushima seeing a HUGE boost in sales and popularity.

The modern gaming landscape is less about platform exclusivity and more about just choosing the platform you like the best and playing all of your games on it. This paradigm shift also has the added benefit of cross-play, which has been an absolute boon for any 2 or more player online game, including fighting games.

I'm glad the era of exclusivity is more or less at an end. I mean, if MS really wanted to, they could relaunch the Xbox with their army of huge publishers like Zenimax and Activision, and keep every single game exclusive to their platform, but they realize that in 2025 that would mean a very quick death to their gaming brand.
I hope you're right, but I don't think it's the same. Releasing a few of your select old games eventually on PC, like Sony is doing, is totally different than what MS is doing. Xbox is literally a platform that exists on PC now, and most of the library is playable on PC using your same account. And now things have gotten so bad they're rumored to release the next Forza and the next Gears of War simultaneously on PlayStation. They've been trying to make Xbox a platform playable on the Switch too. They've erased the exclusivity that could have compelled people to come back and buy a new Xbox. Sony still retains that exclusivity (at least timed exclusivity) for most of its key titles.
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Deluxe editions are for suckers anyway. If you have xbox, you can still by a standard physical or digital copy. And you know that whatever "exclusive" game-related content is in the deluxe edition will be made available via some digital download eventually anyway. They won't leave that extra money on the table. So all you're missing out on with the deluxe release is a bunch of goob shit like a tin and art book. You'll look at it once, and then it'll take up space and collect dust.
Anyone that ever bought a Neo Geo is automatically a life long member of the Suckers club.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
MS should release an update to allow for Windows to be installed on the Xbox.
I know I'd get more use from my series X that way and I'm willing to bet so would a lot of other folks.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Uh jp version lol

Whats up kernow, some fans go after the collectibles/additional items that are exclusive to the editions sold on these japanese sites. Just spreading the love for those interested. Still waiting on the US amazon links to go live.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
I know the yen is very weak, but you can't tell me that's not $200. For what?
Sup Neo Alec, the standard special edition for ps5 is 7920 yen ($50 USD) in the bottom link. The top link is for the amazon japan exclusive version ($127) that will include a limited exclusive pin set in addition to the items in the standard special edition. Probably not worth the import for most, but it’s up for those that want the limited extra items.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Whats up kernow, some fans go after the collectibles/additional items that are exclusive to the editions sold on these japanese sites. Just spreading the love for those interested. Still waiting on the US amazon links to go live.
Listen, and understand!

Goobnow is out there.

He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And he absolutely will not stop... ever!

Until you are mad!