Every once in a while I remember to check craigslist for RGB monitors and I always find very few and they're always overpriced. I recently happened to find an ad for an immaculate Panasonic BT-H1390Y for $100 Canadian, by searching for "broadcast monitor".
It took a while for the guy to respond, but in the end I got it yesterday and he included the manual, a Sony color calibration manual and a print out calibration guide.
I ordered an RGB-to-BNC cable and today I picked up RCA adapters to use component in the meantime.
It is the perfect size for the game/art/computer room in my new place, after downsizing from having three rooms of my own in my last place. I play console games on a 27" crt I bought new a few years ago, but I will now be playing all Neo Geo and arcade games on this monitor. I planned out every square foot of my room, but had exactly enough space left on my desk for this monitor and the 13" screen size looks perfect while sitting in my desk chair.
I had to adjust a few things to get it to work with my Analogue cmvs, but even without any calibration, it already looks amazing.
Here are some more screen shots:
I'm now feeling much better about getting rid off all but one of my arcade cabinets before the move. I can still play 2-button jamma games in my Final Fight cab, but it will be lots of fun using a supergun and this monitor for the rest.