c-c-c-combo breaker - President Trump!


There are four lights
20 Year Member
The difference between me and ShitLWK is that I am fully self aware. I'm trolling him with intense hostility because I am intentionally mirroring the open flagrant hostility of Trump's base and trump himself.
so meta


20 Year Member
you guys should go boxing. one on one. man to man. best man has the best president. loser has to shut the fuck up and no matter what happens in the fight, once its over, all Donald Trump threads get closed and thrown away in the trash forever


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Because after seeing Trump mock a disabled person, publicly entertain the the idea of a Muslim registration program, appoint white supremacists, select an anti-LGBT, anti-womens' rights VP, you thought out loud, "hell yeah, yee haw, this man thinks like me!"

You're a retarded hick with shit grammar, and I am embarrassed that you like Berserk.


I think you will.

I was listening to NPR comment on Trump appointments and they seem to think by the time it's all said and over W's cabinet will seem like a bunch of sane rational normal people.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Mr. Trump has repeatedly made statements that run counter to the ideals enshrined in our Constitution, statements endorsing racial profiling, sexually assaulting women, a religion-based immigration policy and even torture. He openly mocked the disabled.

Those who voted for him either tacitly or explicitly endorsed those statements. Whatever positive attributes they may otherwise possess, and whatever other motives they may have had, Trump voters heard these hateful, bigoted statements and voted for him anyway.

Where do we go from here?

Learn to activity listen to each other, work toward common ground, and solve problems...

Learn to cope with the polarizing shit-storm we find ourselves in...


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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member

I think you will.

I was listening to NPR comment on Trump appointments and they seem to think by the time it's all said and over W's cabinet will seem like a bunch of sane rational normal people.

You have to understand that to the trumpinistas, Eric Holder is the most corrupt, worst AG in history. Not John Mitchell or Alberto Gonzales or Robert Bork (acting).

So compared to Eric Holder, Jeff sessions is a great guy.


Mr. Trump has repeatedly made statements that run counter to the ideals enshrined in our Constitution, statements endorsing racial profiling, sexually assaulting women, a religion-based immigration policy and even torture. He openly mocked the disabled.

Those who voted for him either tacitly or explicitly endorsed those statements. Whatever positive attributes they may otherwise possess, and whatever other motives they may have had, Trump voters heard these hateful, bigoted statements and voted for him anyway.

Where do we go from here?

Learn to activity listen to each other, work toward common ground, and solve problems...

Learn to cope with the polarizing shit-storm we find ourselves in...



But but but... Hillary Clinton is the biggest crook ever!!! Bengazi hurr Durr durr and the email server derp dee derr!! Obamacare omg durrdurr.

Everything trump has ever done, said, or suggested pales in comparison to these truly monolithic affronts to decency, democracy, and civilization itself!

Recognize my persecuted white male outrage and accept that making mooslims wear ID badges is a good thing because I member what it was like to feel safe. Do you member?


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Trump is still complaining about Hamilton and SNL several days later.
Guess he feels they should be safe spaces?

The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!

The theater was not a safe and special place for Lincoln, that's for sure.


Trump is still complaining about Hamilton and SNL several days later.
Guess he feels they should be safe spaces?

The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!

The theater was not a safe and special place for Lincoln, that's for sure.

I know. It's so classic. I lost it when he called Hamilton "totally overrated".

Where the fuck is LWK to repackage and spin Dear Leader's message for us? Surely trump isn't a safe space whiner, right? I mean how could he be? He's the big strong man that makes me feel safe... like a child's blankey.

What do I know. I'm just a librul bully :(


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Dude votes Hillary Clinton. Calls me 'sheep'.

Not all who voted for Clinton can be placed into the Sheep category. He is either a sheep or a wolf. Do you honestly think that everyone who voted for Clinton is a sheep? What percentage of those votes do you think came from the wolves?


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
What LWK doesn't realize is nobody is a Hillary supporter, almost nobody went out and enthusiastically voted for her.
Trump is just that bad. I would've voted for Johnson or Stein as a protest vote if I thought there was absolutely zero chance Trump would win. I wonder how many people saw those pollsters 80-90% Hillary and said screw it.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
You have to understand that to the trumpinistas, Eric Holder is the most corrupt, worst AG in history. Not John Mitchell or Alberto Gonzales or Robert Bork (acting).

So compared to Eric Holder, Jeff sessions is a great guy.

I don't like the Fast n Furious plan, but otherwise I don't see Holder as a bad AG. Ashcroft and Gonzalez were hunting down stoners and dying old people to make their lives miserable. At least Holder tried to focus on real crime.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
When it comes to Civil Rights, I think that Holder is the best AG in recent history.
When it comes to protecting the interests of the american worker/consumer, he failed.

But hey, at least he didn't fire subordinates for not ringing up politicians on trumped up charges and then lie about it.
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
When it comes to Civil Rights, I think that Holder is the best AG in recent history.
When it comes to protecting the interests of the american worker/consumer, he failed.

But hey, at least he didn't fire subordinates for not ringing up politicians on trumped up charges and then lie about it.

If you ever want to meet him, I know where he likes to hang out.