Anyone still playing Warhammer 40K these days? (tabletop game)


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
Monday, the Bambu Labs X1-Carbon was dropped off at my door.

I've been a terrain printing beast all week.

Previously I've been using a Prusa MK3S+ and have it pretty well setup to give excellent prints. The Carbon... well It's fast, but has issues.

I've had to do a lot of little test prints to figure stuff out. Also, some of the printer features don't work correctly right now and are being worked on. The software is still being improved upon as well, and that's good as it needs work. Really, its just the usual early adopter shit to deal with that has become the norm.

I think, for the money.. it's going to be worth it once all the bugs get worked out and the software is improved upon.

The new P1P that just did pre orders on Friday... I would have rather ordered that than the Carbon as I really only print PLA and don't need a lot of the extra shit the Carbon can do for the price.

Overall I really like the printer. My Zone Mortalis build is going to get printed a lot faster now with this and the Prusa running.


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
So I cranked out another FDM print. Learning stuff about the x1 carbon and their slicer. Playing with the different filaments I have and such.

This is basically stock settings, and made of about 30ish parts. Lots of different configurations you can make from the kit.

I didn't do a very good job putting it together as I was mostly just printing bits in different brand filaments for testing. I assembled it before painting, not a good idea. Should be built in sub assemblies. As it was just something to play around with I painted it with craft paints just to get some color on it. So far I'm impressed with the printer.




Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
I got into it a few years ago. Started with Orkz, but only had a small army before switching to Necrons.


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
been doing some printing this week.

Old school D&D fans may know that this is supposed to be.



Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
So the new Horus Heresy, 30K smaller scale stuff coming out has me hyped. I liked Epic back in the day, so I've been following this and am looking forward to something from GW for a change. With it being in scale with their other small scale games that is kind of nice.

On the other hand.. Epic is still alive and well with an active online community and a lot of support from 3D printing. I've printed a buttload of little epic type guys myself. And I think most people into that sort of thing may not be interested in buying into the new game, same reason as when AT came out as it was at a different scale than the stuff we already have from back in the day.

I don't know. Just this thread has been dead a while and I wanted to bump it.

Also, on the not 40K end of things. The Old World, seems interesting, but in a way I'm already disappointed by it, as the won't be including half the armies, and the main one I have stuff for. There will be PDFs released of army stuff so you can use your legacy armies that aren't in the main narrative. Whoop de doo...

Really, all their Old World hype has just got me back interested in WFB. I've been digging out stuff for that. Got all the 3rd edition books, and most of the books for 4th, 5th, and 6th, when I dropped out of the game. I think I'm just going to go the Oldhammer route and start putting some paint on stuff for an undead army.

Anyone looking forward to either of those games?


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
I dont get excited for anything that is larger than Skirmish. I'll get some pics up of my latest model. Pretty happy with how it turned out.


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
That is pretty amazing. So many little bits on that guy to paint.


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
So, Last week I started on some minis for Warhammer Fantasy.

I've got 40 finished so far, with 20 more ready to finish tomorrow when I do the basing. The goal is minimum 100 figures for the unit, but 150 - 200 would be really nice.

Right now I'm working on Ghouls for an undead army. Because I'm doing so many figures for the army, I can't really paint them to a high standard. I'm doing them in batches of 20 right now and trying to get my average painting time (not counting drying time) down to about 5 min a figure for a fairly basic table top paint job.

Doing the bases and movement trays takes a good bit longer. I don't count that in the painting time. Also, almost all these old metal figures are used, so I don't bother stripping them and am just priming over the existing paint jobs.

Everything but the two unit champions are old out of print Citadel minis. I've a massive stockpile of old Citadel figures.





Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
Still on this project. I've 60 figures for the unit finished and another 20 almost done.

The thing is, these movement tray setups I am using are getting expensive fast and I didn't take that into account when I started using them.

So the rough costs are
trays $9.00. each
The bases range from .12 to .15 each
The magnets .15 each
The magnetic receptive inserts .12 each

On the low end that is almost $17.00 per tray of based miniatures.

So with just these 4 units I'm at almost $70.00 that I could have spent on more miniatures I don't need.

When I got to thinking about it I decided to change my plan up as I still need more of these.

That's when I decided to make my own! It's a work in progress but here is a quick image.

grid pic test.png

Now, I know this is pretty basic. The one thing that is going to be the big improvement is that I'll be doing multi filament printing.
The green squares on the orange slab are just a little smaller than the grid that sits on top. I've got it set up to switch over to a magnetic receptive filament for those. There area bout 1mm think. The filament is made with iron powder in it so that you can use magnets on it.

The second half of this is that I'm doing up some bases with places for little magnets. I have one design so far but am thinking about making some changes. I would like to do two more so that I can have slotted bases. I think I can just reposition the magnets and make that work. But I may have to use 2 magnets per base with metal minis as they are pretty small.

How small. Well.. 5mm x 1mm Neodymium magnets. They were left over from another project and were 500 magnets for about $10.00 so .02 each.

Even with the cost of the special filament these new trays, bases, an magnets should be around $3.00 . I'm waiting on the new filament to arrive but my test prints in plain filament have been pretty promising.

Anyhow, I thought some of you may find this interesting. Next week, if all goes well, I'll put up some pictures of the finished product.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Space Marine 2 looks decent as well. I did enjoy the first game.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
Finished this guy's base earlier. All resin printed parts. Obviously heavily based on the Blighthauler and slightly modified. Base is mostly aquarium gravel, fake grass and skulls from citadel and twigs from one my plants. Might go back fix some of the spots that didn't work out.
PM me if you want the the .stl files for it.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
love it. reminds me a lot of Cryx warjack from Warmachine. Need to find me some sticks for the base.

I'm still holding off on a resin printer. I can't paint the stuff I have, so i dont need to be printing more stuff!


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
That turned out really cool. I'm still on the learning curve on resin printing.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
yeah I switched to FDM, fuck that resin shit, will probably give you cancer anyway. had nothing but trouble with it.
just have to deal with the layer lines being so visible I guess.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
bunch of minis I did recently, the questoris is a great model.
arms, torso and the missle pod on the questoris are magnetized
on the amigers the arms are magnetized