I picked up Gaslands back when it came out. Never played it though. The cars you've got are turning out cool. So are you hitting up the toy aisles or just taking them away from your kids? If I had cars with guns and rams on them back when I was a kid, it would have been awesome.
Also, been working on my 3D printing and feel like I'm finally getting my printer and resin settings right as I've had a few really good prints in a row now. Been printing out some cyberpunk style minis and a bunch of Battlefleet Gothic type ships.
So, being stupid, I stabbed myself in the hand with the scraper trying to remove a print from the build plate. I printed a 90mm base directly to the plate and it was stuck super good. Gashed open my hand and smashed it pretty good about a week ago. Still is messed up but much better. That prompted me to get one of those flexible magnetic build plates. Installed it and after getting the z height back calibrated, it works great. Prints come off way easy now. I can just flex the plate and then they peal or scrape easily off.