Anyone seen snkusa?


Apr 1, 2005
Hello everyone!!

Just thought i'd pop in to see if anyone can enlighten me on a difficult situation. I recently won item #5177384403 from 'snkusa' on eBay yet the guy 'Shawn' won't answer my e-mails or telephone calls? It seems well strange tbh and obviously i am not going to send that kind of money to him until i get a response. Now he started UPI proceedings either 1 or 2 days after i had won the item and this resulted in an NPB against me as i was already suspended at the time (its not what you think i had 8 positive 0 negative before this week but i had a lot of OS transaction with a lot of impatient sellers). Anyway ive since resolved the recent NPBs except - you guessed it - snkusa!! Where do i go from here? How do i find him on these auctions or could someone try and get a response from him? The item's been relisted FYI and i'm obviously gutted as i really want it!!

You are all welcome to e-mail me on

Thanks guys

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Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
If you were sent an invoice, that's all the contact you need.

It's hard to believe a gripe from someone who is suspended on ebay.


Apr 1, 2005
Invoices can be auto-generated can't they? I just wanted to have a reply from one of the many e-mails i sent him (they did get pretty abusive through frustration).

I need to wait on the transfer of funds to my Paypal account but that's the only other thing really - i'm a very genuine buyer who has just bid on too many items at once in the last 2 weeks while i have been too busy to make my payments as required by the sellers.

That's about all the information i can think of - hope it goes some of the way to making my story seema little more believable (i can see why you had that impression from reading my first post i suppose).

My worry is the funds won't be available when the relisting finishes (which is around the 6th April i believe)..


Apr 1, 2005
The thing is if he would just get in touch to confirm that all can be resolved provided he receives payment before the relisting finishes then i would know my deadline and would have a few days to get an alternative payment method (like a friend's credit card or something).

Does anyone know what will happen if i send the payment too him after the auction relisting finishes (ie: if the item is no longer available). Can i trus him to return the money to my Paypal account? Even with his excellent feedback i am still wary of dealing with him.


NAM-75 Vet
20 Year Member
Jun 3, 2002

If you dont have the money you should not bid..
I hate it when people win my auctions then say they are waiting for funds/paypal/payday whatever...


Tesse's Maintainence Man
Dec 27, 2003
thegreathopper said:
If you dont have the money you should not bid..
I hate it when people win my auctions then say they are waiting for funds/paypal/payday whatever...

Yeah get this all the time "sorry I got paypal problems" is a common 1 :mad:


Apr 1, 2005
I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't excuse him totally from this escapade either. If he had just spoken with me im sure something could have been arranged - im very good like that. I would gladly send him a screengrab of my account balance to show him the funds are available. In this country expecting someone to do business without communicating with them is a big no-no sorry guys have to disagree with you when you say this is all my fault.
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Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
int3ns3 said:
I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't excuse him totally from this escapade either. If he had just spoken with me im sure something could have been arranged - im very good like that. I would gladly send him a screengrab of my account balance to show him the funds are available. In this coutry expecting someone to do business without communicating with them is a big no-no sorry guys have to disagree with yuo when yuo say this is all my fault.

It's like an online store.. your invoice is generated.. just pay. What the hell do you need to know post auction other than to say "I can't pay.. can you wait?"


Sieger's Squire
Feb 17, 2005
at first i was like, ok, the dude just wants SnkUSA to respond so he knows he's legit, i feel ya, dem neo geo's are expensive and I wanna know everything about the person before i send a good grip of my money, so i feel ya..until...

you said you just wanted to talk to him about an extenstion :shame:

look, either you got the money or ya dont. I understand you wanted to put snkusa in check but endz to back that check up? get tha fuck out, that's straight up messy. women do that. You gotta come mo legit then that, mayne. Come correct next time.

ah fuck it, ain't my problem anyways, but i will say this you are mos. def. not on point.


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
realgameplay said:
Yeah get this all the time "sorry I got paypal problems" is a common 1 :mad:

But not always just an excuse. I've been waiting nearly 2 weeks for my paypal card verification but they haven't debited my accound yet.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Probably better that you didn't pay him, you wouldn't have gotten your game for a couple months.


NAM-75 Vet
20 Year Member
Jun 3, 2002

lithy said:
Probably better that you didn't pay him, you wouldn't have gotten your game for a couple months.

I think you are right ...
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Reese. ,
Dec 8, 2001
int3ns3 said:
I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't excuse him totally from this escapade either. If he had just spoken with me im sure something could have been arranged - im very good like that. I would gladly send him a screengrab of my account balance to show him the funds are available. In this coutry expecting someone to do business without communicating with them is a big no-no sorry guys have to disagree with yuo when yuo say this is all my fault.
You're a fucking idiot.


Apr 1, 2005
OK guys there is a lot of animosity - ill attempt to defuse the situation!.

It seems that a lot of people are of the opinion that if you bid you shuold have the money to pay correct? Well i DO have the money to pay its in my bank account and it takes 10 working days MAX to get to my Paypal account. That's the only extension i require and if you look at his auction listing there is NO request for immediate payment or specified timescale like 'Payment required within 3 days' or woteva (i deal with people EVERY day on eBay and the norm is allowing 7 days for payment - in fact before this new UPI process prompting buyers to claim back their listing fees prematurely IMHO 7 days waiting was a rule and no UPI process could be invoked before this period had elapsed!!! I only won the auction a few days ago ffs we're not talking a week or 2 here?? He has clearly taken advantage of being able to relist it due to my suspension (which is his perogative i suppose as it would force me to pay before the relisting finishes) but i find it very hard to swalllow that you all feel i am the one in the wrong here. Its not as if he is offering an alternative secure instant payment method like his bank account details is it? I am suspended as in the last 2 weeks i have won 27 items and guess what 3 of those have been attempts at defrauding me (2 of these accoutns have now been closed thanks to me reporting this to eBay) - i am one of the good guys in a very unscrupulous trading environment and believe me i know what im talking about.

I am here to hopefully have some help so im not gonna start flaiming people. Lets just say that calling me names isn't exactly trying to help me is it? Supefamifreak hit the nail on the head really IM GENUINE WHAT HARM CAN BE DONE BY RETURNING MY PHONECALLS OR EMAILING ME he has nothing to lose. Its not as if i won it at a cheap price either so nothing can really be gained from the relisting?

I dunno - i understand the anger against the dickheads on eBay but if you are calling me one of those dickheads then your wrong very wrong.. Its like when you win an item and then ask for a description afterwards - they point you to the listing politely as an answer - you then ask what kind of condition the item is in and they go off on one saying you should have done this before bidding. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ASKING FOR AN ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OR REQUESTING MORE INFORMATION POST-AUCTION? I've dealt with some excellent sellers on eBay - one guy arranged to meet me to save postage and even agreed for us to exchange ID photocopies at the library should there be a problem later on (as the number on eBay can easily be disconnected so he would then be a little more traceable then emails get ignored every day on eBay). The real good sellers have no problem in sending you a picture if they are able (but perhaps didn't want to pay eBay fees showing it in the auction) i've come across a few of those and have never regretted the purchase. eBay bids may be legally binding but lets not forget that eBay is essentially a second-hand or near-new trading place buyers are entitled to ask questions.

So much for the defusing..


Apr 1, 2005
That contact link, indeed the whole store, is currently down for maintenance. Lets hope that Shawn is in them middle of fixing/upgrading the site and not too busy on Warcraft!

I've been scouting around all night on the board/site - even the web itself. Theoretically of course i should have done this before i made a bid; but even in hindsight he seems so genuine in terms of his auction description/pic and even his payment method(s) - which all seem valid - that even now i find it hard to find cause for concern. This is my first experience of such a ruthless trader in terms of demanding payment without even speaking to the seller and on top of this the ones who seem to have the most problems are those that use something other than Paypal for a payment method (which is valid as he requires a confirmed address to ship to cover himself through Paypal + of course he doesn't want to do business with a terrorist or anything), or those who live outside the US.

Now i'm a realist and this 'evidence' is most certainly circumstantial but in 25 years of being on this earth i have, quite sincerely, NEVER met someone who has such a business following that treats his customers (indeed his bread & butter) so badly - though his sale of the Rolex on eBay most certainly implies he is rich and happy not to give this excellent community his full commitment anymore. Just ask yourselves this - considering all the businesses online into the equation of worldwide industry - have any of you EVER encountered someone that refuses to communicate whatsoever with his customers, that takes months to follow up legitimate payments with delivery, that happily sits back and watches the money come in with minimal effort and no sense of common decency? I did once - and the goofy mofo is busy litter-picking the snotty-nosed sweaty-crotched rubbish at my local youth club (bless!)

I'm being as objective as i can here and it certainly seems that Shawn is a man of his word. As a late payer i can also understand being a 'late seller' but the difference is of course that if someone sells on eBay and doesn't receive payment then they only lose their listing fee on the item - & they get a free relisting - which is why my NPB from him is justified. Whereas, reversing the roles, Shawn is playing the system to his advantage and receiving payments in excess of $200-400 usually, then taking on occasions 3-6 months (or more) to settle the dispute by sending the item. One things for god damn sure - if i'd known this before bidding there wouldn't be a chance in hell of me dealing with him. Its beyond belief tbh that he is still able trade with the reputation he has brought upon himself in recent months. What puzzles me of course is that he hasn't always been this unreliable and admittedly he seems to look after the majority of his customers yet he still has these 'lapses of concentration' for his business (intentional or otherwise) that are ultimately most certainly going to be his downfall.

The situation seems to be that i'm just unfortunate that my account was suspended just after making a bid on his auction as he was able to then file the NPB against me 2 days (or earlier) after the auction ended which has caused me my current difficulty. I jus really want to know if anyone has any advice on where i go from here? When my payment is ready to be transferred in Paypal (i still want the item if it's available but i need to make an attempt at payment to remove the NPB with eBay) i am real wary that i won't be able to do anything about it should nothing arrive? FYI the Paypal a/c is verified but in the name of my girlfriend who has no credit card just a Visa Electron which she used to verify and confirm the account. The transfer is therefore being made via Direct Debit and so i will gain no additional insurance from my credit card company should Paypal not come good with a refund in line with their Buyer Protection Policy. My only hope i suppose would be if he didn't accept the payment - but then i could send the proof of payment from Paypal to eBay to remove my NPB.

This is starting to sound like i want my NPB removed but i assure you in all honesty that i really want this card. I've won it at a competitive price (provided Shawn marks it as a gift to avoid Customs Duty - something he is yet to confirm he can do) and being a CS Clan Gamer i am literally drooling over the 'ATI RADEON X800 Platinum Edition - Retail' that i have won from him. If only Shawn would get in touch with me someway - even if it was after the relisting finished with no bids - just to confirm that payment is acceptable on the item and that it is still available. Again this boils down to the communication issue here - something (going by the trend of his posts) that i would expect to be replied to in say.. ummm.. 2-3 months!!!

As we say in the world of AK's & M4A1's - pffffttt n00b!!

Thanks for cheering me up at least guys, perhaps i'm better off without eBay tbh anyway - there are much worse than Shawn trading on there every day and its cooked my head up big stylee..

Jason (int3ns3)


Apr 1, 2005
On the advice of VanillaThunder (and for sake of clarity for Shawn):

"I can't pay.. can you wait?"

I can't be any simpler than that Shawn - and Vanilla have to say your joke about the hotdog 'moment' is the funniest i've heard in a long time! Please can you tell it again for the benefit of those who missed it first time round?



Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
int3ns3 said:
I can't be any simpler than that Shawn - and Vanilla have to say your joke about the hotdog 'moment' is the funniest i've heard in a long time! Please can you tell it again for the benefit of those who missed it first time round?


What in the fuck are you talking about?


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
VanillaThunder said:
What in the fuck are you talking about?

Hahaha. C'mon Vanilla, tell the one about the hotdog again.

Anyway, this kid seems like a waste of time. He's been suspended from Ebay, he feels it's fine to bid on more items than he can afford, and he finds it okay to delay payment because the seller doesn't state a deadline. Fucking waste. I'd relist my item as well if this intrusive faggot won one of my auctions. He's calling Shawn on the phone? FUCKING CRACKHEAD.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
ResOGlas said:
Hahaha. C'mon Vanilla, tell the one about the hotdog again.

Anyway, this kid seems like a waste of time. He's been suspended from Ebay, he feels it's fine to bid on more items than he can afford, and he finds it okay to delay payment because the seller doesn't state a deadline. Fucking waste. I'd relist my item as well if this intrusive faggot won one of my auctions. He's calling Shawn on the phone? FUCKING CRACKHEAD.

Amen, brother.

Another ebay fucktard..


Apr 1, 2005
OK Mercenary - you asked for it!!! The Complete eBay Escapade:

FYI, before recent events, i had 2 NPBs from a long time ago (one is from 't.rothhh' some European guy regarding a Sony TFT who simply refused to communicate in English yet managed to use the language perfectly well in his listing or when he requested payment but never in reply to my questions post-sale about methods of payment [i had no Paypal account at that time and needed reassurance before paying him via another means]) and my first NPB was from 'shadowmajik' on about $25 of PC case badges who wasn't happy to wait on payment until i returned to university after xmas (i had no internet access back home) even though he had accepted my request just before going home to bid on multiple items to combine shipping. I accept that these 2 instances weren't the ideal way of trading through eBay but i had only been registered 2 months or so at the time and hadn't researched the risks of paying by International Wire Transfer, Western Union and suchlike (these sites seemed official enough), and as far as i was aware i needed a Credit/Debit card to use Paypal (which i don't have right now being a student), so to me i was able to be covered through Western Union and anticipated no problem using this method where a Wire Transfer wasn't available until i WRONGLY ADMITTEDLY researched it post-auction. Now i understand where you are coming from up until this point and yes i wasn't an ideal eBayer by any means because my actions were certainly immature (i had no idea about how the system worked in terms of his financial obligation to eBay for listing/selling and was just relieved to have won the auctions mentioned having spent weeks bidding unsuccessfully).

So this was in the past and, despite your thoughts thus far, i'd managed to build up a decent feedback rating as interestingly enough neither seller has left me negative feedback (at least showing my genuinity) and my other few transactions had been completed perfectly (because they were in the UK and they gave me bank details for direct transfer). I had learned from my mistakes (making sure i asked any important questions before bidding and paying close attention to the sellers payment request information before even watching an item) and also found out that Paypal was fine provided you had a bank account so registered there in preparation for buying/selliing through eBay securely (though i wasn't able to become a verified member because of my lack of Credit/Debit card). I then started to add items to my watchlist with a vengeance (i'm in the middle of a system build if you hadn't guessed already) and built up my feedback from +2 to +8 with no negatives finally starting to see the benefit of using eBay the correct way. More recently, to cover myself, my girlfriend also registered on Paypal with her Visa Electron (she has no eBay account and i needed confirmed status) and as the verification letter was on its way i assumed i would have no problem with bidding on virtually any auction from thereonin due to the request of the majority of sellers to ship to a verified member with a confirmed address.

Things were going well - too well i suppose - until the escapades of the last 2 weeks. Now i have plenty of funds available and started my 'wave' of bidding the weekend before last on a whole manner of things ranging from £2 to £30 (mainly smaller PC components, much-needed clothes for myself & girlfriend, and a few items to start a 'Tigger' theme for my 6 month old son' bedroom) as well as 4/5 more expensive items (such as an Epson Picturemate, Coolermaster Aquagate System and more recently the X800 Platinum Edition). It was at this stage that i realised the Paypal account of my girlfriend wasn't verified (only able to receive funds via Direct Debit) so i requested using Paypal the phonecall (& subsequent letter) to become verified alongside using eBay on a daily basis.

Regarding Shawn: I wasn't aware of anything surrounding his background and knew i was looking for that 'personal touch' which he satisfied (or so i thought) by adding a note to the listing picture stating his eBay ID & date, and i noticed the current bid was well within my budget so i had a bash at it and surprisingly won it (my max bid was even higher than the final value as i wasn't aware of the price-fall on these cards in the US at the time - these ATI branded cards aren't available in the UK so therefore have more appeal over here).

This was on the 28th March and my bids from the last 7-10 days needed actioning so i set about paying for those. I didn't treat Shawn as a priority as i'd only just won his item so concentrated on chasing the verification letter from Paypal (which they instructed takes 7-10 working days due to delays in the US Postal System) while stupidly not worrying that much about the UPI processes from 2 of my sellers (as i THOUGHT payment would be made anytime once Paypal was confirmed and i had already communicated with them explaining the delay in payment through the UPI console) when, you guessed it, my account became suspended. I spent 2 FULL DAYS e-mailing the 8-10 sellers still waiting (whether a UPI process had been started or not) to pay via an alternative means and suddenly i had got myself out of a pickle and everything was going well until i realised that Shawn had started his UPI process against me in view of relisting the item as i was no longer a 'registered user' which obviously he was quite entitled to do - and its this strike that i'm currently querying having cleared the vast majority of my outstanding items while explaining to Shawn (via e-mail to that even though MY paypal account (which i referred to as 'my account' to him for sake of clarity - it was actually my girlfriend's verified one) was awaiting the verification letter from Paypal it should be here any day now and that payment could be made immediately. Stupidly of course i wasn't aware of the further delay of 10 days to transfer funds to the account (who would attempt to transfer funds before being verified?). Anyway by now i had to concentrate on settling the last of my other transactions (all via non-Paypal payment methods) and as i had no reply from Shawn i assumed everything was in order (it had not been more than a couple of days since his listing ended). Now its important that you know this - I AM COMPLETELY UP TO DATE ON MY ACCOUNT BAR 2 TRANSACTIONS: these are a CounterStrike Neon Sign worth $9.99 from Hong Kong and the card from Shawn. I've since found out through investigation that the card had been relisted and having had no contact from Shawn i thought he wouldn't have been allowed to do this so i contacted eBay. They sent me the usual auto-generated rubbish of 'recommending i try to work through the disagreement with the seller' and it was up to me to find out via the MASSIVE help section that he could do this because at the time of relisting (2 days after the auction had ended) i had been suspended from eBay.

Now i appreciate your all probably thinking i've brought this upon myself but how many of you can honestly say you would expect an NPB 2 days after an auction had ended (in fact as far as i can gather under normal circumstance its against eBay policy anyway - i think that 7 days must elapse first) and tbh if Shawn had replied JUST ONCE saying that he would still sell provided i got the money to him before the relisting ended i would have been very happy to accept it. I spent a lot of time on him from the 28th March the day Shawn's original listing closed (simply through lack of contact - i began to doubt him as i have encountered other fraudulent attempts on eBay in similar circumstance) unnecessarily trying to contact him via phone, email, contact eBay, check him out in more details, my head spins even now just thinking about it. I admit i lost my rag with him when i realised he was blatantly ignoring me and had given me an NPB (though again i was probably shouting at fresh air as i really don't think he has had all my emails) wouldnt you? All this because i had had no personal contact from him just the invoice (which as i stated earlier is auto-genned through Selling Manager Pro anyway isn't it?) and believe me this resembles exactly how a fraudster works (i'm sure there are some on here who know what i mean there?). Obviously having checked him out i realise he's genuine now just disorganised (as i am admittedly its hard work doing a degree as it is running a business) and all i want is for him to say something to me and to at least confirm that the item will be available when my money clears next week or reassure me so that i know my payment through Paypal will be returned if not (which i must do to remove the NPB filed against me) please understand that!

Thats what's happened guys - that's my life on eBay right there! I have learned obviously that i should only do a couple of transactions at a time (especially because i now know the NPBs from before still count against me) and to not bid until the funds are at least on their way to my Paypal account beforehand. I've also learned not to trust anyone on eBay either as the following 2 transactions will vouch - they were trying to rip me off so i got one of 'em banned and one is being invesigated - simple.

I'm a nice guy who got out of his depth temporarily - surely you guys can see that?

Look forward to your replies.. barring one/two this board is very funny & very interesting (though there always is one/two w@#kers wherever you go eh!) and i sincerely mean it when i say on the whole you guys have cheered me up (you can probably see why now!) so a BIG THANK YOU for that! Peace!


Apr 1, 2005
Vanilla - Stop being in denial to enhance your popularity. I was pretty cool in school and used to make boys like you 'hanging with the big crowd and putting n00bs down' crawl back under your desk with a quick slap or one liner on a regular basis - and i'm not exactly big either which should emphasise what a rodent you really are. I have no doubt in my mind now that you didn't think of that joke (and as for your intellectual BS views on human evolvement via posts longer than my biggest turd to prove your intelligence they just make you look even more stupid than you probably are - in all honesty i reckon if you started saying what you really feel instead of trying to appear bling in front of everyone here you might actually start to make some real friends THINK ABOUT IT)

Soz about that - had to get that off my chest everyone... I don't care if i get slated either if i get 5 shitty responses and 1 helpful one i''ll be happy and perhaps i may even get a bit of fun outta this post who knows? (Unless Ice Baby manages to persuade the rest of youz people on here to boycott this thread?)

On a more serious note i really hope Shawn is able to see this thread>>??